View Full Version : Team Death match

12-21-2012, 07:50 PM
TDM, why 3 realms, why not 2 teams made up of 3 realms, reason, tonight some of us decided not to just run straight into a fight head on, we died, but when spawning we died instantly to a group of iggie barbs, repeatedly, no doubt this will happen with all realms camping spawn area, so, question is this, is this going to be the norm, and if so, what is the point?

12-21-2012, 08:02 PM
TDM, why 3 realms, why not 2 teams made up of 3 realms, reason, tonight some of us decided not to just run straight into a fight head on, we died, but when spawning we died instantly to a group of iggie barbs, repeatedly, no doubt this will happen with all realms camping spawn area, so, question is this, is this going to be the norm, and if so, what is the point?

Spawned. Killed by 2 barbs. Spawned. Killed by 2 barbs. Spawned. Killed by 2 barbs.

I suggest to rename the instances to "farmville deathmatch" and "farmville the flag"

Och, rp-whores must be in seventh heaven now.

12-21-2012, 08:05 PM
Maybe NGD should add some Guards near the spawn area, or make a little safe zone.

12-21-2012, 08:15 PM
just make it impossible to get into spawn area, simple, but i dont expect much from ngd :(

12-21-2012, 08:20 PM

I think it's needed to report players who only joined TDM to spend frags without fighting. That really sucks for the whole team when someone like that takes the place of someone who would have fight for his team.
Only a few screens of a very bad kill/death-ratio shouldnt be a reason for any bans (at TDM) but it think kill-ratio makes sense for this kind of abuse.

I like this new kind of competition and it would be nice to keep it fair.

12-21-2012, 10:27 PM
i like the way it was so far, we all maybe should get used to it first...
but ye, spawn spot camping definetly NO! IMO the battles should have other options intead of teams of 8. more or less could be better sometimes.

12-21-2012, 11:01 PM
The idea is good, and until the camping ruined it, it was fun, no need to ban people, just the need to add guards, and maybe some other options to the 8v8v8, maybe clan fights, inter realm and cross realm, also remove the rp factor, only coins for better gears

12-21-2012, 11:17 PM
Class restriction, I keep saying this! 2 Players of every subclass to prevent there being too many Barbarians or Marksmen, if any of these two classes are with 4 or more at a TDM you're doomed to fail if you got some Hunters and some Knights.

12-22-2012, 12:53 AM
Team Death mach sux...

Me vs the world .

http://img689.imageshack.us/img689/2398/16656312648342184074818.jpg (http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/689/16656312648342184074818.jpg/)

12-22-2012, 03:19 AM
^^ 1-2 barb hits = 1 point..
5-7 spells for a warju and no real chance for a heal conj.
hope they'll have a look to it too (soon..).

12-22-2012, 10:28 AM
Maybe NGD should add some Guards near the spawn area, or make a little safe zone.

This please.

What about to add more than One resurrection spot, can be for all players or for each realm.

12-22-2012, 11:00 AM
I never even got in :(

*NOTICE* you must be atleast this skilled to get in

Damn :(

12-22-2012, 04:29 PM

I think it's needed to report players who only joined TDM to spend frags without fighting. That really sucks for the whole team when someone like that takes the place of someone who would have fight for his team.
Only a few screens of a very bad kill/death-ratio shouldnt be a reason for any bans (at TDM) but it think kill-ratio makes sense for this kind of abuse.

I like this new kind of competition and it would be nice to keep it fair.

Bad idea.

If 3 members of some-one's team are afk, the other 5 will get farmed at the respawn spot. If the farmers are clever they will kill the 5 that are playing more often than the 3 not playing ones, for those 5 endanger their farming, this will cause more deaths for the ones that do fight. Even if they manage to get some kills, there are still classes that don't get final hits, like conjurers (and I find it very hard on knight as well). So the idea of using K/D-ratios to check whether some-one has been fighting will not help. Especially because any conjurer that is fighting (or not) won't have any kills and, if he's not lucky, (a lot of) deaths.

Maybe there could be some sort of a poll for the players of a team to vote whether a player must be kicked or not, this window would pop up after 2-3 minutes of inactivity from that particular player. Because banning people that are afk in an instance will not solve the problem, kicking them out on the spot and letting new people in will. To ban some-one should be a last resort measure when his behavior is unacceptable, not something that is overused for every minor thing like going to the toilet and finding out you're out of toiletpaper.

12-28-2012, 01:59 AM
So simply put an afk-kicker into deathmatch too to "protect" players being reported like i posted it. Polls by users would make too much trouble..and bigger clans could use it to kick other players for clanmates to join...(mages etc still earn rps in a match. Would be good to see them too at the table btw).

What is really needed to be changed at DEATHMATCH imo:
- Status how many players of each realm are really waiting for a match (!)
- Protection of the spawnarea
- fix of the mechanism for equal teams (not: 5 vs 8 vs 6...etc)...perhaps leaving a team should mean losing championpoints or some other kind of malus to avoid it like necro in the next match(es).
And i would prefer 6 vs 6 vs 6 too. 2 players of every class (not subclass)
2 archers 2 mages 2 warriors.
Not that much populated servers would be able to do matches faster then atm and it would be a simple "rule" to keep smth like "classbalance" there.

I really believe it would be much more fun to try it like that.

PS: Atm it's horrible but i do really believe it could be a very interesting perspective for RO in future...(steam, league..).

12-28-2012, 06:29 AM
The infamous spawn camping...

First person shooter games fix this by adding telefragging. When you spawn, everyone in your immediately location is destroyed.

12-28-2012, 11:12 AM
Bad idea.

If 3 members of some-one's team are afk, the other 5 will get farmed at the respawn spot. If the farmers are clever they will kill the 5 that are playing more often than the 3 not playing ones, for those 5 endanger their farming, this will cause more deaths for the ones that do fight. Even if they manage to get some kills, there are still classes that don't get final hits, like conjurers (and I find it very hard on knight as well). So the idea of using K/D-ratios to check whether some-one has been fighting will not help. Especially because any conjurer that is fighting (or not) won't have any kills and, if he's not lucky, (a lot of) deaths.

Maybe there could be some sort of a poll for the players of a team to vote whether a player must be kicked or not, this window would pop up after 2-3 minutes of inactivity from that particular player. Because banning people that are afk in an instance will not solve the problem, kicking them out on the spot and letting new people in will. To ban some-one should be a last resort measure when his behavior is unacceptable, not something that is overused for every minor thing like going to the toilet and finding out you're out of toiletpaper.

Perhaps a ban from joining instances if too many reports have been filed against you for AFK? It won't solve the problem immediately but could help players think twice about joining a match and going AFK whenever. It adds an incentive for players not to just join an instance even if they know they may have to leave mid-fight.

Search up Leaver Buster on google.