View Full Version : war status

01-27-2013, 03:34 PM
Is possible to know when a realm have (try) to invade another ?
How to know how many invade are done by realm last month ?
I see nothing to war status (http://www.regnumonlinegame.com/ranking/?l=1&ref=rgn)
And i do not remember the last time where i was attacking a realm door whereas i am an active player…

01-27-2013, 05:10 PM
Im sure all this will be improved in the coming update. NGD have said they will try to show who is getting invaded and when.

Its best to wait until that time, then start asking questions.


01-27-2013, 06:28 PM
Until then, you can watch haven warstatus here (http://realmsonline.gamesamba.com/rankings.html).. Although its bugged as well sometimes.