View Full Version : Master Scroll

02-27-2013, 11:59 PM
So I have this scroll that brings you to level 30 yet I just played the game. Im only lv 5 now. Will this skipp all quests between lv5 and lv30 when I use this scroll? Because i am afraid that i will miss alot of the game when i am instantly lvling up

02-28-2013, 12:07 AM
So I have this scroll that brings you to level 30 yet I just played the game. Im only lv 5 now. Will this skipp all quests between lv5 and lv30 when I use this scroll? Because i am afraid that i will miss alot of the game when i am instantly lvling up

You will not miss that quests at all since there is no fun in it at all - no real story, no excitement.. Just talking to random NPC's, delivering stuff or killing some random mobs.

However, I don't know what's with the jewlery you get in this quests. Some of it is worth to have it.

02-28-2013, 12:09 AM
So I have this scroll that brings you to level 30 yet I just played the game. Im only lv 5 now. Will this skipp all quests between lv5 and lv30 when I use this scroll? Because i am afraid that i will miss alot of the game when i am instantly lvling up

It shouldn't skip them, you can go back and do all the quests you've missed if you want to(I would). :D

02-28-2013, 12:09 AM
They will still be there if you want to do them but most will give little xp for a lvl 30.

02-28-2013, 12:10 AM
But the gold and items are nice. ^^

02-28-2013, 12:22 AM
thank you all..

I dont wanna open a new thread so heres another question
Since i upgraded to lv30 all of my skills have vanished. Is there a way you can open up a skill menu of any kind?

02-28-2013, 12:24 AM
As others mentioned, you can still do the quests, but it's not really worth it. I suggest you only do quests for jewelery. Here (http://regnum.wikia.com/wiki/Quests) you can find quests for each realm, jewelery worth getting is Deadly sight ring, ring of ligtning, royal amulet, medal of courage, if you are a mage than some of those HP rings, mana amulet. After lvl40 there are more or less no quests anyway (only realm tasks) and rest is exp from grind and war. Depending on your class, it might be ok to join RvR somewhere between levels 45-50.

02-28-2013, 12:25 AM
Ask ingame and someone might walk you through this. You can re-do your skills any time you want using the /reset_powers command and going to a trainer to set up your skills the way you want them, you'll need to pick a subclass in your capital first though.

02-28-2013, 12:30 AM
thank you all..

I dont wanna open a new thread so heres another question
Since i upgraded to lv30 all of my skills have vanished. Is there a way you can open up a skill menu of any kind?

Depending on your class, you need to speak to one of the sublass trainers in main city of you particular realm (Altaruk, Montsognir or Fisgael) and choose one of the two subclasses. Then you can click 'Train' at you class trainer to get the skills. In case you need to reset them, type '/reset_powerrs' into chat window. Here (http://regnum.wikia.com/wiki/Classes) is some info about the classes and skill descriptions. You can either ask someone to help you with the skill setup, or you can find one yourself (which is probably better) by trying them out.

02-28-2013, 07:54 AM
seems like every1 already gave awesome advice ^^

I dont think the quests are that bad.. they're only worth reading once that true
but there are funny dialogs.. you just gotta apreciate em ;)

02-28-2013, 08:10 AM
I dont think the quests are that bad.. they're only worth reading once that true
but there are funny dialogs.. you just gotta apreciate em ;)

People actually read those things?