View Full Version : Need Advice

03-07-2013, 07:12 PM
Hello everyone,

I'm a new player to RO and purchased the $19.99 Character Starter pack thing off Steam so that I could start at level 30. The problem I'm having is, now that I'm level 30, I can't seem to find any good spots to farm mobs. Most of the stuff is either far too easy and doesn't give loot, or too difficult (shadow stalkers, orc captains, and purples). I can't seem to find any normal difficulty mobs that give decent loot, the most efficient thing I've found are some of the easier cyclops creatures, but their loot is garbage.

Anyone have any suggestions?

03-07-2013, 07:37 PM
Grind around herbred fort

03-07-2013, 07:41 PM
Hello everyone,

I'm a new player to RO and purchased the $19.99 Character Starter pack thing off Steam so that I could start at level 30. The problem I'm having is, now that I'm level 30, I can't seem to find any good spots to farm mobs. Most of the stuff is either far too easy and doesn't give loot, or too difficult (shadow stalkers, orc captains, and purples). I can't seem to find any normal difficulty mobs that give decent loot, the most efficient thing I've found are some of the easier cyclops creatures, but their loot is garbage.

Anyone have any suggestions?

Welcome Arkkaon! Check this: http://tools.claninquisition.org/#/grinding

That's a bit outdated tool but for lvls 1-50 will still do its purpose. Input your lvl and it will tell you what and where to kill ( you should also set the location to your realm ). Then you can add the result to the map, which shows you where that area is located if you don't remember or don't know the area's names.


03-07-2013, 07:42 PM
Hey there, first off WELCOME TO COR second off about ur problem,
This is a tool created a while back that can be quite helpful for many things including finding a place to grind for most any lvl; also early on, try to stick with inner zone bec hunters in RO typically aren't merciful. HappyGrinding:)

Edit: lol seems like someone posted the tool right before me haha; you win this round MasterkickXD

03-07-2013, 10:27 PM
Thanks so much for the help guys!

How are the drop rates determined in RO? Do certain mobs drop items more frequently than others?

I'm just wondering because when I first started with my elf warlock, I just did the normal quests while leveling from 1-12. It seemed like I was finding a lot of items and whatnot from the mobs. Now, when fighting these savage cyclops and wasps etc at a higher level, it seems like I never get any drops other than the normal gems/ingrediants/loot stuff.

03-07-2013, 10:44 PM
on first lvls (1-20) drop rate is very high but it seems to decrease after those lvls, becoming more diffcult to get items. Still drop rate is random and u will see one day u drop everything and next day u wont drop a single thing.. And i dont think it depends on the kind of mob..

03-08-2013, 09:59 AM
There are (were) many speculations about drops/dropchange from different mobs, since some give loog, others don't, some give gold, others don't etc. etc.

From my personal experience, the drops are completely random, and drop chance of different mobs is same as well.
It's true, that drop chance decreases with increased level.
Also, the level of the drop is determined by the level of the mob.

03-08-2013, 11:00 AM
Thanks so much for the help guys!

How are the drop rates determined in RO? Do certain mobs drop items more frequently than others?

As far as I know drop rate depends on the lifetime of the mob, so if you kill mobs in zones where no other players do so or in the morning you have higher chances to obtain something. However the loot chances are very small, to get something usefull it normally takes several days - don't expect dropping a set within 3 hours ;)
And yes, at low level it is easier to drop.. until level 20/25 it should be possible to drop and interchange what you need.. from there on you will have to buy stuff from NPC merchants or other players.