View Full Version : NGD Hacked Accounts.

03-30-2013, 03:49 AM
Today my account of 6 chars:
Victus, Viki, Vikernes, Vikente, Ricksa, Ricksa Arcus are all inaccessible, all my chars seem bare on selection screen but i cannot enter them to verify because they are all set for deletion and the "recover character" button does not work because apparently there are characters with the same name so all i get is "name is in use".

I assume the hacker created new chars with the same name somehow which now blocks me from recovering my originals.

I have never shared my account with anyone.

As of this post my chars will be deleted in 14 days 20 hours.

03-30-2013, 03:55 AM
You need to send a ticket to Support (http://www.championsofregnum.com/support/), not post in here.

03-30-2013, 04:01 AM
Iīve sent a ticket, Iīve posted in fb group for any possible suggestions, Im gonna post this shit wherever possible that will call attention,
I donīt play 3-4 years of collecting crap just to lose everything and worry about where I post or not.

Besides, the lack of attention to this is ridiculous. Peoples accounts are getting hacked with no fault of their own but NGDs lack of security.

03-30-2013, 04:46 AM
Rick, please take a deep breath. I am sure that NGD will get your pretty pixels back for you. Most of their techs were gone all week looking at bikini-clad dancing girls but the have returned. The GMs are working overtime to sort through this mess.

But, before you blame anyone you should make sure you are pointing your finger in the right direction. By everything I have heard the breach was made through the Game Semba interface plus everyone I have asked directly also uses a Linux OS.

I do feel for everyone that got hacked and this does effect the entire community for we are now missing a big chunk of our upper levels and we do miss you.

03-30-2013, 04:49 AM
Rick, please take a deep breath. I am sure that NGD will get your pretty pixels back for you. Most of their techs were gone all week looking at bikini-clad dancing girls but the have returned. The GMs are working overtime to sort through this mess.

But, before you blame anyone you should make sure you are pointing your finger in the right direction. By everything I have heard the breach was made through the Game Semba interface plus everyone I have asked directly also uses a Linux OS.

I do feel for everyone that got hacked and this does effect the entire community for we are now missing a big chunk of our upper levels and we do miss you.

Why does he need to take a deep breath? Nothing he said is over the top nor does it seem rushed in any way.

It was supposedly breached through the GS interface, but recently there have been several reports from NGD account players that gear is being deleted/stolen or this, and the OS has nothing to do with it. I am running Winblows.

03-30-2013, 05:58 AM
Can confirm that there are reports of this happening to NGD accounts as well, so it's no longer just a gamesamba issue..... if it ever was.

Hope you get your characters back, vik and hopefully not in the duration it took Hamster of Sorrow to get support.

03-30-2013, 06:19 AM
i think he renamed all your characters by deleting one at a time, after deleting one you can rename one of the other ones as the one deleted, and so on

03-30-2013, 12:48 PM
they are all set for deletion and the "recover character" button does not work because apparently there are characters with the same name so all i get is "name is in use".
the hacker cant have used your names (at least not by creating new chars). reason being: names are blocked from usage until 30 days after deletion afaik for everyone but the account the names were previously used on.

it is different with name change scrolls though...

03-30-2013, 01:41 PM
Hi RicksaR,

did you change your password?
I'm not asking to laugh on you if you didn't.
Im asking because i'm not sure what's better atm.

If you changed it a few days ago there could be a script that logs new passwords..so i'm not sure i should change my passwords now or not.

*perhaps some other users who had problems with their accounts now could answer this question too.

03-30-2013, 01:59 PM
Hi RicksaR,

did you change your password?
I'm not asking to laugh on you if you didn't.
Im asking because i'm not sure what's better atm.

If you changed it a few days ago there could be a script that logs new passwords..so i'm not sure i should change my passwords now or not.

*perhaps some other users who had problems with their accounts now could answer this question too.

I did, only way you are safe is by staying online 24/7 XD and even then i am doubtful.

My clanmate took a screen of a convo he had with the person who hacked my account http://i.imgur.com/kGwG9z1.jpg

He kicked everyone in the clan as well.

03-30-2013, 02:09 PM
Thanks for your answer.
Hope you'll get all your characters back soon !

@NGD: We really need some more informations.
(Please check RicksaR's answer too - sorry, RicksaR. Hope you can understand).
Hi RicksaR,

did you change your password?
I'm not asking to laugh on you if you didn't.
Im asking because i'm not sure what's better atm.

If you changed it a few days ago there could be a script that logs new passwords..so i'm not sure i should change my passwords now or not.

*perhaps some other users who had problems with their accounts now could answer this question too.

I did, only way you are safe is by staying online 24/7 XD and even then i am doubtful.

My clanmate took a screen of a convo he had with the person who hacked my account http://i.imgur.com/kGwG9z1.jpg

He kicked everyone in the clan as well.

03-30-2013, 03:56 PM
All of my gear was dumped in auction house. There are lvl 20-30 players with my epic lvl 60 weapons, armour, great gems, vesper armour, eve bow, hammer etc all bought for dirt cheap in auction house.

03-30-2013, 05:05 PM
It's gonna be a lot of work for poor NGD to clean up this friggin' mess, it's darned unfortunate for every-one involved. I really hope that NGD finds a way to fix this as soon as possible, because no-one will want to part with your gear because they obtained it in a "fair" way, from their perspective anyway.

It's definitely going to take a long time for every-one to be able to return to their daily routines.

03-30-2013, 05:13 PM
It's gonna be a lot of work for poor NGD to clean up this friggin' mess, it's darned unfortunate for every-one involved. I really hope that NGD finds a way to fix this as soon as possible, because no-one will want to part with your gear because they obtained it in a "fair" way, from their perspective anyway.

It's definitely going to take a long time for every-one to be able to return to their daily routines.

Problem is, it seems it's not over yet.

03-30-2013, 07:23 PM
I'm not at all a tech guru (tho I do use & prefer Linux), but I've noticed an online peculiarity. After login, but prior to loading the NGD webpage that should come up immediately after login to NGD's account/support site, something is happening to prevent the load. Once, I got a message warning it seemed a 3rd party was derailing me to another page & it gave me the option, "Get out of here" so I did; the 2nd time hours later, it says something about too much online activity to load the page. I've never before today seen either page/response on any website. RicksaR, did you attempt before your losses to login to their support site or to change your NGD-account password? Could it be someone is 'stalking' the NGD website & 'hijacking' the login in some way in order to acquire account/password combinations? Could this explain why some NGD accounts now are seemingly also vulnerable? I know nothing about such matters, but just asking...

03-30-2013, 07:24 PM
I did, only way you are safe is by staying online 24/7 XD and even then i am doubtful.

My clanmate took a screen of a convo he had with the person who hacked my account http://i.imgur.com/kGwG9z1.jpg

He kicked everyone in the clan as well.

The way that person types is familiar. There was some huge drama on the fb group a few days ago, and two people were talking like that. I won't mention his/her name because I'm sure everyone knows who it is by now, they make no secret of it now that they're banned.

03-30-2013, 07:50 PM
The way that person types is familiar. There was some huge drama on the fb group a few days ago, and two people were talking like that. I won't mention his/her name because I'm sure everyone knows who it is by now, they make no secret of it now that they're banned.

that fb group was killing my brain cells so i left it, i have no idea who you mean can you pm me the name? ^.^

03-30-2013, 08:00 PM
that fb group was killing my brain cells

Fortunately it only takes a few to google and spam random memes :D

03-30-2013, 08:04 PM
Fortunately it only takes a few to google and spam random memes :D

likewise :play_ball:

03-30-2013, 09:47 PM
There is only one way to clean this up, recovering a backup from before this all happened :huh:

03-30-2013, 09:52 PM
There is only one way to clean this up, recovering a backup from before this all happened :huh:

yes but if you do nothing to stop it, itll just happen again.

The issue of how the person attained access needs to be addressed, and once thats fixed, then give everyone their stuff back.

03-30-2013, 10:07 PM
yes but if you do nothing to stop it, itll just happen again.

The issue of how the person attained access needs to be addressed, and once thats fixed, then give everyone their stuff back.

When they hacked Gamigo (this is the hoster of the german Regnum worlds) last year it happened through the forums which shared the database with the Regnum accounts. They promised to solve this vulnerability within the next week but the fact is that they never turned back to this integrated forum stuff - more than a year passed since then and appearently they still could not fix it - now the forums are independent without the possibility to enter using your game character name and password.

It's just a blind guess but could be still the same problem now at Haven and the brasilian server.

03-30-2013, 10:16 PM
Is there a known similar effect happening on Ra?

I havent heard nor were aware.

03-30-2013, 10:19 PM
Is there a known similar effect happening on Ra?

No, but this is not a proof that the RA accounts are safe, it is possible that the intrusor is just not interested in RA.

03-30-2013, 10:23 PM
Hmmmm, seems like level of impact would draw a predator.

There are more accounts on Ra, older players, and I have to believe a wider spread of gear.

I might be wrong though.

03-30-2013, 10:32 PM
Hmmmm, seems like level of impact would draw a predator.

There are more accounts on Ra, older players, and I have to believe a wider spread of gear.

I might be wrong though.

We don't know how it happened and we don't know why they hacked it nor what their goals are. However if the goal would be making the worst damage possible to NGD they would have posted all the access data like they did in the Gamigo Hacking instead of (randomly?) selecting some accounts and making mess there and insulting other players through the chat.
This here seems to be more personally and for making that it is not usefull to enter a game world where the attacker never played. Are these actions related to some realms or happening in all 3?

03-30-2013, 10:38 PM
Ive heard Alsius, Syrtis, and Ignis alike all complain about the problem.

I dont think its realm specific.

03-30-2013, 11:44 PM
...because no-one will want to part with your gear because they obtained it in a "fair" way, from their perspective anyway.
this is right. also, i guess much of the stuff that was bought by lvl 20 - 30's did already get traded a few times each. they wont be able to track this down.

There is only one way to clean this up, recovering a backup from before this all happened :huh:
they would have to recover it from weeks ago then. tons of data would be lost, and i think many players would stop playing then, most probably the ones who can restart completely, because the server was reset to a time their characters and accounts did not yet exist..

(when gamigo recovered a backup when they were hacked, it was enough to back up 1 or 2 days prior to the events. but even this already caused a major uproar...)

i think the "best" solution would be to just generate items that were "lost" and give them to the players who "lost" them. it is not an "elegant" solution though.
anyways, i doubt that any solution would be "elegant" right now.

03-31-2013, 12:15 AM
No wonder there has been a lot of big-egos-newbies-bastards lately.
IMO would do as Gamigo did. Bacck-ups. Especially in this case where his characters are in process of getting deleted.
As for the people who got the stolen gear the fair way, I'd give them some platinum boxes or ximerin.

03-31-2013, 12:49 AM
i think the "best" solution would be to just generate items that were "lost" and give them to the players who "lost" them. it is not an "elegant" solution though.
anyways, i doubt that any solution would be "elegant" right now.

I doubt if they can do this, there were severall tiems lost in RA server after some updates (bows, rings etc.) and NGD promised to give this stuff back when we send a support ticket saying what is lost. Well, I sent this ticket more than 6 month ago and guess what?
Nothing has been returned. Imho they just don't have the tools to check if you really posessed such items and I think they don't have tools to create and grant items to players neither.

Surak (one of the coders) said somewhere in the spanish forums when the brasilian players complaint about this hacking issue that they will start programming some tool to recover player characters after the easter break so it seems that at the moment they just can't do it. :o

I know that recovering a backup in an online game is kind of a no go but the question here is, are players that played this game for years and lost everything less important than some newcomers that would loose what they did last week in the game?

03-31-2013, 02:27 AM
are players that played this game for years and lost everything less important than some newcomers that would loose what they did last week in the game?

Money talks. Do you favor those who have already gotten most of what they will ever buy from the Item Mall or do you favor those whose 7-day mounts are just now expiring, those who have yet to enter the Hell Levels and will be purchasing EXP Scrolls? And what about those who have made purchases in the past couple of weeks? What happens to their mounts, their enhancements, their scrolls and potions and other stuff?

Standard dynamic database back-ups are daily held for 7-14 days depending on the company. Weekly backups are held for 3mo-1yr, again depending on the company, and monthly back-ups are held for several years. I am sure they are holding the daily backups since this entire thing began. The Devs are working though Easter. Be patient but keep talking to make sure they don't get lazy about repairing the damage.

03-31-2013, 07:52 AM
I doubt if they can do this, there were severall tiems lost in RA server after some updates (bows, rings etc.) and NGD promised to give this stuff back when we send a support ticket saying what is lost. Well, I sent this ticket more than 6 month ago and guess what?
Nothing has been returned. Imho they just don't have the tools to check if you really posessed such items and I think they don't have tools to create and grant items to players neither.

I don't know whether they can check items that have been dropped by mobs/bosses or not, but I'm pretty sure that they have the tools to check at least a certain player trading transactions, so they will see whether that player rightly demands let's say a boss ring back or not, what did he give for it to get it, did he even have a trade with it etc...
At least I heard they have backups of trading procedures of players, correct me if I'm wrong :D

In some way that item landed in his inventory (or not at all) so it can be tracked IMO, generating lost items sounds the best option to me as well indeed.
One thing is sure, damn much work with it, I'm certain of it :angel1:.

03-31-2013, 08:59 AM
Deleted this post because i still like this game.
But the way things like this are handled by NGD simply sucks !

03-31-2013, 10:09 AM
Lol loving this.

I pity the people who lost real money in this but I can assure you all one thing. You will not get your money and/or items back. It's NGD, if you really want something to happen, leave the game.

03-31-2013, 10:20 AM
I'm confused as to what people want NGD to do when members of their team are out of the country, it is holiday weekend, and they have to find and fix the vulnerabilities before they do any back ups or anything like that. You think this happens in 2 days?

03-31-2013, 11:16 AM
I'm confused as to what people want NGD to do when members of their team are out of the country, it is holiday weekend, and they have to find and fix the vulnerabilities before they do any back ups or anything like that. You think this happens in 2 days?

i agree with you!

03-31-2013, 11:52 AM
I don't.
Century of iPhones etc. but still no NGD-Posts here :facepalm3:
I speak about responsibility.

03-31-2013, 12:41 PM
I don't.
Century of iPhones etc. but still no NGD-Posts here :facepalm3:
I speak about responsibility.

When I made the first thread about a possible hacker, Surak logged in the game less than 10 minutes after the thread was up. Either that day, or the day after, he logged into the game and gave an official statement. They have also (reportedly) given statements on the RA/Piranha part of the forums. How have they not said anything? They have handled this a lot better than anything I have seen them handle in the past coughWARMASTERBEACONScough.

You people are ungrateful and ignorant. You expect NGD to patrol these forums 24/7, and you expect them to give an answer they have already given. You also seem to expect this to be fixed in a couple of days when nobody knows what the vulnerabilities are, how many there are, who all was affected, etc.

There are so many things they have to address before they can do anything. Just shut up and be patient for a couple of days.

03-31-2013, 02:15 PM
Would be great if you post screenshots, this seems to be rare to happen in this game.

03-31-2013, 02:23 PM
I have posted a screenshot. Maybe you people should look through the forum more instead of just one thread/board.

Bump with answer from GM


03-31-2013, 02:41 PM
Not that, the actual character interface where restore character is null. I think it would be for future reference and information for the developers too.

Seeing this, NGD seems to be quite nice nowadays. Usually they just ban you and the hacker's account.

03-31-2013, 02:53 PM
I have posted a screenshot. Maybe you people should look through the forum more instead of just one thread/board.

"You expect NGD to patrol these forums 24/7"

Can I apply this to myself? Oh the irony.

03-31-2013, 03:07 PM
When I made the first thread about a possible hacker, Surak logged in the game less than 10 minutes after the thread was up. Either that day, or the day after, he logged into the game and gave an official statement. They have also (reportedly) given statements on the RA/Piranha part of the forums. How have they not said anything? They have handled this a lot better than anything I have seen them handle in the past coughWARMASTERBEACONScough.

You people are ungrateful and ignorant. You expect NGD to patrol these forums 24/7, and you expect them to give an answer they have already given. You also seem to expect this to be fixed in a couple of days when nobody knows what the vulnerabilities are, how many there are, who all was affected, etc.

There are so many things they have to address before they can do anything. Just shut up and be patient for a couple of days.

In the first days surak wrote in this forum he had no new informations and they'll look into (http://www.championsofregnum.com/forum/showpost.php?p=1717203&postcount=9). - That's ok.
He wrote in the gamechat of RA/Piranha and Haven too.
A screen (http://i.imgur.com/c7hxOm8.jpg) was made and posted by an user (you) in this forum cause not everybody was in game when Surak wrote there.
You think every (new) user saw the screenshot in here?

All this is a few days ago now.
I'm still not sure, shall i change my passwords or is it possible there's a script atm logging new pws. (Gamesamba told us to change pws (http://championsofregnum.gamesamba.com/announcements/Mysterious-happenings-in-CoR.html). A user who changed his pw told us here (http://www.championsofregnum.com/forum/showpost.php?p=1718650&postcount=10) he was hacked....).
Is the server save atm?
Can i trust in GMs/SGMs of gamesamba atm?
Do they have any new informations?
Is a rollback coming?

Ignorant? who?..
I dont think you'll make me believe in Red-Alert-Holidays btw. That's not a one-man-24/7 thing..
And i'm sorry if i'm not that grateful while my personal datas gone be hacked the second time now after the gamigo-hack (http://www.polygon.com/gaming/2012/7/23/3178055/eight-million-passwords-leaked-in-gamigo-hack).

So i don't think it's too much to ask for more informations, while i see important posts like this (http://www.championsofregnum.com/forum/showthread.php?t=97406) instead.

03-31-2013, 07:37 PM
Peoples accounts are getting hacked with no fault of their own but NGDs lack of security.

unfortunatly NGD have a partner's like GameSamba and Gamigo.

it's not hard to undersand why we are dont see any GS GM's on Haven. Payment system from GS don't work.

the problem is not IN NGD ... the problems have PARTNERS. Maybe with people who work or worked/fired at these partners.

NGD need time.

NGD - good luck to you!

03-31-2013, 08:26 PM
Just to make clear I didnt expect NGD to jump on this during the weekend,
I know they are at GDC, easter holidays with family etc...

Iīm sure weīll get an answer during this working week.

That said, most of my gear has been circulated so many times now that i have lost track of sellers and buyers that could possibly help NGD in tracking my stuff...

edit: Got news that a char called Gail Hotsteel got hacked today lost all her items as well.

04-01-2013, 01:14 AM
i lost all my barb armor months and months ago...all items i paid for using xim.they didnt take my hunter/warlock items,just my barb stuff..that was wierd.

i didnt worry about it because i suck at this game and having good gear made no difference,besides i never got a reply from ngd about so many things i just gave up wasting my time.

ive still got un answered tickets from 2011 lolz

04-01-2013, 04:04 AM
Hey guys,

We are aware of the situation But with me and Ponter at GDC, Kailer moving and Eastern it's really hard for us to react on this.

Monday and tuesday are also holidays in Argentina so please be patient.


- Chilko

04-01-2013, 04:11 AM
Hey guys,

We are aware of the situation But with me and Ponter at GDC, Kailer moving and Eastern it's really hard for us to react on this.

Monday and tuesday are also holidays in Argentina so please be patient.


- Chilko

Hopefully people will shut up now.

04-01-2013, 08:54 AM
Hopefully people will shut up now.

Squeeky wheel gets the grease. Keep this near the top.

04-01-2013, 04:56 PM
The only thing you Need NGD Studios is not show your Server ip address this way how the hack get to NGD Studio you must Hide it

This is ridiculous, how are you supposed to establish a connection to the server for normal playing if the server IP is hidden? :facepalm3:
It is like saying "plug off the network cable and your server will be 100% safe" ;)

04-01-2013, 05:11 PM
This is ridiculous, how are you supposed to establish a connection to the server for normal playing if the server IP is hidden? :facepalm3:
It is like saying "plug off the network cable and your server will be 100% safe" ;)

The statement is rather hard to take from a serious point of view. From a security perspective though, the quickest possible solution to a network related problem/hack/vulnerability is to "unplug the cable"

Though I didnt take their post as serious.

04-04-2013, 06:38 PM
NGD seems to think their is no fault on their end.

They think I shared my info even after I stated as bright as the fucking sun that in 4 years ---->> I HAVE NEVER SHARED MY INFO <<----

I donīt know how to make it any clearer.

NGD have said i will not be getting my items back.

My chars have 0 gold, 0 items, all the quest items (rings etc) all gone so i cannot get them again or buy them for gold cause I have no gold.

They also claim the inner management of the data base function does not allow to recover items, so what happened to this? http://i.imgur.com/c7hxOm8.jpg

04-04-2013, 07:45 PM

And I just wanted to bump this and ask if something was done about the hacking incident, about people who lost their items, about people who more or less stopped playing until solved. Ask if it is safe now to offer items in commerce again (almost no one is selling stuff now because they are afraid to become a victim). After reading this, I won't ask.

04-04-2013, 07:57 PM

They didnīt mention anything about wether the problem was solved, on the contrary the ticket makes it sound as if iīm at fault.

"I inform you that we can not return the items because of how the inner management of the Data Base function. Further more, remember that the account security is entirely up to the user, as is mentioned in the Terms of Use."

"account security is entirely up to the user...." I did everything i can to secure my account, I have never shared my info, I stated this a million times, there is nothing more I can do on my end to secure my account even more.

Why did surak say this http://i.imgur.com/c7hxOm8.jpg , Im hoping Surak can shed some light if I am truely screwed over....

04-04-2013, 08:26 PM
for me ( just thinking about it) - if i loose all my items and my all chars will be deleted - it's not bad really! nothing sad.

it so simply - just stop playing this game :P what is all

04-04-2013, 08:32 PM
They didnīt mention anything about wether the problem was solved, on the contrary the ticket makes it sound as if iīm at fault.

"I inform you that we can not return the items because of how the inner management of the Data Base function. Further more, remember that the account security is entirely up to the user, as is mentioned in the Terms of Use."

"account security is entirely up to the user...." I did everything i can to secure my account, I have never shared my info, I stated this a million times, there is nothing more I can do on my end to secure my account even more.

Why did surak say this http://i.imgur.com/c7hxOm8.jpg , Im hoping Surak can shed some light if I am truely screwed over....


It does not sound much of promising. But I do hope they straighten it out regardless

04-05-2013, 12:05 AM
Hi guys,

still looking at what happened. we will restore the items. Hopefully next week.
We will issue a formal statement tomorrow.



04-05-2013, 12:11 AM
Hi guys,

still looking at what happened. we will restore the items. Hopefully next week.
We will issue a formal statement tomorrow.



Good to hear.

Quick question, unrelated to hacking, but I collected 15 ingots in November (soon after magn bow update), and I did not know about the new quest, as it was not stated anywhere, so I went to Tarbes Rockhand. He took 10 ingots when I talked to him, and I didn't even choose a bow at that time. I don't know why he wouldn't take the 10 ingots after the bow is create, but that is irrelevant. I sent in a ticket, and they told me the same thing as Ricksa; which I do not understand at all. My question is if I can get my 10 ingots back?

Tl;dr - Can I get my 10 ingots back?

Edit: pls respond
Edit 2: ticket ID GFL-712186

04-05-2013, 03:48 AM
Good to hear.

Quick question, unrelated to hacking, but I collected 15 ingots in November (soon after magn bow update), and I did not know about the new quest, as it was not stated anywhere, so I went to Tarbes Rockhand. He took 10 ingots when I talked to him, and I didn't even choose a bow at that time. I don't know why he wouldn't take the 10 ingots after the bow is create, but that is irrelevant. I sent in a ticket, and they told me the same thing as Ricksa; which I do not understand at all. My question is if I can get my 10 ingots back?

Tl;dr - Can I get my 10 ingots back?

Edit: pls respond
Edit 2: ticket ID GFL-712186

Yes ofc you can and your 2 thork rings + ammy . REGards


04-05-2013, 04:06 AM
Yes ofc you can and your 2 thork rings + ammy . REGards



I don't have 2 thork rings+ammy


04-05-2013, 10:12 AM
Good to hear.

Quick question, unrelated to hacking, but I collected 15 ingots in November (soon after magn bow update), and I did not know about the new quest, as it was not stated anywhere, so I went to Tarbes Rockhand. He took 10 ingots when I talked to him, and I didn't even choose a bow at that time. I don't know why he wouldn't take the 10 ingots after the bow is create, but that is irrelevant. I sent in a ticket, and they told me the same thing as Ricksa; which I do not understand at all. My question is if I can get my 10 ingots back?

Tl;dr - Can I get my 10 ingots back?

Edit: pls respond
Edit 2: ticket ID GFL-712186
Please don't post things like that in the wrong thread here.
You wrote a ticket - that's good and should be enough.
To say it with your own words:

There are so many things they have to address before ..... Just shut up and be patient for a couple of days.

04-05-2013, 11:11 AM
Good to hear.

Quick question, unrelated to hacking, but I collected 15 ingots in November (soon after magn bow update), and I did not know about the new quest, as it was not stated anywhere, so I went to Tarbes Rockhand. He took 10 ingots when I talked to him, and I didn't even choose a bow at that time. I don't know why he wouldn't take the 10 ingots after the bow is create, but that is irrelevant. I sent in a ticket, and they told me the same thing as Ricksa; which I do not understand at all. My question is if I can get my 10 ingots back?

Tl;dr - Can I get my 10 ingots back?

Edit: pls respond
Edit 2: ticket ID GFL-712186

Cool story bro.
Start collecting your virtual magic rocks again.

04-05-2013, 11:18 AM
Cool story bro.
Start collecting your virtual magic rocks again.

haha :p you acidentally did wrong quest it's not ngd's fault :D

04-05-2013, 12:56 PM
haha :p you acidentally did wrong quest it's not ngd's fault :D
I didn't do shit you filthy casual.
I haven't touched this pile of shit in years, I just come here to take joy in everyone else's misery. I get such a hard on from it.

04-05-2013, 07:13 PM
Hey guys,

In the link down below you'll find an official thread explaining the situation.

