View Full Version : Grinding
04-05-2013, 02:31 PM
Grinding in Regnum was always a pain in the a**, because half of the Alsius realm (and I bet it is the same in the other realms) and wide parts of the warzone are filled with creatures that nobody needs (about level 20 - 35).
When you are level 50 or above there are only a few places in the warzone for grinding. Mostly I run around there looking for mobs (because they were killed by other players) or I get killed by groups of five or more enemys at minute intervals.
Now there a many new players from Steam (that’s good), but it will intensify the problem.
It’s a game, I want to have fun, but just searching for mobs is boring and getting killed again and again and again without a chance to defend when you are trying to grind is not only annoying, it is frustrating. No fun at all.
What do you think, how long will the new players spend time at Regnum under such circumstances (regardless the other Regnum issues, like disbalance between classes and levels, the cra**y new invasion system, and so on)?
So please, please, please (with sugar on top), my dear developers: put some level 50 - 60 mobs inside the realms and in the other parts of the warzone and reduce their respawn intervals. This must be easy to solve, not much development effort, and I bet you would make a lot of people happy.
04-05-2013, 02:35 PM
The only reason they haven't put mobs in the inner realm for 50-60s is because players need to experience the warzone and what happens in there.
Some would agree, some don't.
That is the only reason I know of.
Lower spawn times - perfectly agree and needed. Some places are really crowded and impossible to grind, because mobs spawn too slow.
Put 50+ mobs in inner realm - hell no! Before when max level was 50 there was people not showing their nose out till max level. They was unaware of everything, incapable of teamwork... For bad or good i think 50+ is way better to grind in war zone.
I grind my last char in war zone from 35+. Most of the time it is at Syrtis and Alsius grind sports. It is not so bad actually.
Even more there is realm chat and you can ask for help in there. Chance someone to come is relatively good.
04-05-2013, 02:47 PM
... put some level 50 - 60 mobs inside the realms and in the other parts of the warzone and reduce their respawn intervals. This must be easy to solve, not much development effort, and I bet you would make a lot of people happy.
I agree with making more spots for 50+ grind, with reducing respawn interval (only on non-agro mobs tho, or it will be too frustrating when they spawn on you), but I don't like the idea of 50+ grinding placec in inner realm. This is war game and every class can do just fine after reaching lvl50. I agree you might die more often than lvl60 because of weaker armor, or do less damage (non-mage classes), but that only helps you get better in your class by learning skillz, etc. Players shouldn't spend their whole time grinding until 60, but war during that, hunt, help defeat gankers, etc.
04-05-2013, 03:05 PM
Thanks for your replies.
Yesterday I have tried to grind my warlock (level 47) and went to the Alsius inner beach first. But no way, eight other players already there, no mobs.
No problem, I needed golems, so I went to the crater mountain. Same here: no mobs (or only a few).
No problem, my conjurer (level 57) needs some grinding too.
Aggersborg surroundings: no mobs.
Again, no problem: I moved to Imperia beach and yes! - mobs! But sadly three players from Syrtis too and they killed me after a minute.
Result: I have wasted 30 minutes, I gave up and logged off.
Is this the experience I need? I don’t think so.
04-05-2013, 03:16 PM
Thanks for your replies.
Yesterday I have tried to grind my warlock (level 47) and went to the Alsius inner beach first. But no way, eight other players already there, no mobs.
No problem, I needed golems, so I went to the crater mountain. Same here: no mobs (or only a few).
No problem, my conjurer (level 57) needs some grinding too.
Aggersborg surroundings: no mobs.
Again, no problem: I moved to Imperia beach and yes! - mobs! But sadly three players from Syrtis too and they killed me after a minute.
Result: I have wasted 30 minutes, I gave up and logged off.
Is this the experience I need? I don’t think so.
There were times where it was very irritating to grind. Believe me.
When I grinded my marks, before tasks, I grinded from 53-60 in Imperia Beach/ Alga Falls.
As I'm a Syrtian Alga falls was easier to grind.
At Imperia was a little harder because it's the enemy territory. However by waving and sending kisses, I easily made friends and even got one to grind with me.
As a conjurer you can always skill for full support and buffs. AS a warlock you can try the Enchantments tree and carry debuffs but it would be less effective.
Being in party sometimes helps :p
Carrying areas helps I think.
04-05-2013, 03:21 PM
So please, please, please (with sugar on top), my dear developers: put some level 50 - 60 mobs inside the realms
Dear developers, don't even think about it.
When english server started at 2008 there was high spawn places on which was no problem for 10 people and more to grind without problems. It was alot fun, we leveled fast and we got even more fun, because enemy realms came to try to kill us and grind.
Then they was disabled or made less spawn aggressive. Maybe with the increased amount of players they need to be enabled again.
+1000 what Dupa_z_Zasady says. :rolleyes2:
I grinded till like 35 in inner realm in Ignis. Then i gone around gate. Around 42 - 47 i was at South Bay. Then till 50 i was Eferias Beach. Then Lower Swamp and between PB - PN. Now i grind at Imperia Beach.
There is gankers - for example 2 hunters from Alsius realm "stay classy" clan killed me like 15 times - camo, confuse. I managed to kill one of them one time. After 3+ years i do not see what fun is to gank someone who wants to grind and level. But usually this kind of people are not alot. Most of them just move and/or leave you to grind.
Every realm have it's gankers. Call your realmmates and have fun killing them.
04-05-2013, 05:26 PM
When english server started at 2008 there was high spawn places on which was no problem for 10 people and more to grind without problems. It was alot fun, we leveled fast
Then I think NGD has realized that they won't sell any booster if that goes on, so they have reduced the mobs / their re-spawn time, sadly...
However, I didn't buy any booster for the very reason the OP has already mentioned, no mobs to kill ---> waste of xim-bought-booster.
When there is a server boost on it's the same, everyone's grinding, again no mobs.....
I agree with everyone that mobs need to re-spawn faster, or there must be more of them.
As for the lvl50-60 mobs at the inner side of the realm, it'd be a bad idea imo too, as Ieti said, people wouldn't go to WZ untill they'd reached the max lv.
Players need to explore it, fight in it earlier than that, much more earlier :D
04-05-2013, 08:56 PM
Grinding in Regnum was always a pain in the a**, because half of the Alsius realm (and I bet it is the same in the other realms) and wide parts of the warzone are filled with creatures that nobody needs (about level 20 - 35).
When you are level 50 or above there are only a few places in the warzone for grinding. Mostly I run around there looking for mobs (because they were killed by other players) or I get killed by groups of five or more enemys at minute intervals.
Now there a many new players from Steam (that’s good), but it will intensify the problem.
Coltaine dear,
Grinding in the warzone is just part of daily Regnum life.
People are going to gank you, William Shakespeare for instance and his "read This will I gank you buddies" comes to mind, even though thats just a title. ;)
How best you deal with that, is what molds you into a good player.
Chin up dear. :0
04-06-2013, 07:54 AM
you don.t like it? scroll your chars to 60 with XIM...
just would say again:
the game free to play.
some one need to pay. No money - no game.
threads like this always make me smile :)))
i really like what i can play this game without money :))
but you really need mount :) but its not problem i think
04-06-2013, 08:00 AM
Grinding in the warzone is just part of daily Regnum life.
The mess began with the warmaster update and the level cap.
Before that it was no problem to grind inside the realm and nobody complained about it. Don't know why NGD changed it.
And as Kimahri_Ronso already said: I will not buy a booster anymore, because it is waste of money.
And it is neither fun nor growth of experience when you get killed five times in a row by the same ganker group, while your realm mates are hanging around at the save and do nothing.
04-06-2013, 08:11 AM
while your realm mates are hanging around at the save and do nothing.
There's the key. the high levels have a responsibility to keep their home realm ganker free. If your realm doesn't, try chastising them and if they still won't, then come to a realm (Goats) that does protect the WZ fairly well.
Thanks for your replies.
Yesterday I have tried to grind my warlock (level 47) and went to the Alsius inner beach first. But no way, eight other players already there, no mobs.
No problem, I needed golems, so I went to the crater mountain. Same here: no mobs (or only a few).
No problem, my conjurer (level 57) needs some grinding too.
Aggersborg surroundings: no mobs.
Again, no problem: I moved to Imperia beach and yes! - mobs! But sadly three players from Syrtis too and they killed me after a minute.
Result: I have wasted 30 minutes, I gave up and logged off.
Is this the experience I need? I don’t think so.
I think he is a goat. There goes your we protect our WZ. :D
In fact i grinded whole week at Imperia beach and i'm Ignis. For whole week i saw hunters there 1-3 times. I grinded with goats if they was nice or fought them if they attacked me. But goat hunters there - saw very very rare. It is true it is very distant and hidden with a cliff, so scans do not go.
04-06-2013, 08:31 AM
There's the key. the high levels have a responsibility to keep their home realm ganker free. If your realm doesn't, try chastising them and if they still won't, then come to a realm (Goats) that does protect the WZ fairly well.
you do know that high lvl goats are busy fighting empty forts during boosters? :angel1:
Still.. Ive seen other realms high lvls go into parties of 5 and gank grinders
Its just what you prefer xD
Anyway.. more mobs YES plz
Not in inner, but really (goat) oc is already a pain to grind because of constant gankers
and imp beach is overused xD
04-06-2013, 08:37 AM
Let's not talk about Imp beach please xD
It seems to be the only place where all three realms can grind in peace. I want to keep it that way :D
04-06-2013, 09:18 AM
Let's not talk about Imp beach please xD
It seems to be the only place where all three realms can grind in peace. I want to keep it that way :D
Yep pretty much +1 :D
People are going to gank you, William Shakespeare for instance and his "read This will I gank you buddies" comes to mind, even though thats just a title. ;)
Then again, he does loves goats :clapclap:
(I even heard he's trying to mate with one :sifflote: )
04-06-2013, 10:51 AM
(i even heard he's trying to mate with one :sifflote: )
04-06-2013, 12:13 PM
well, at least in syrtis before wm expansion.. U grind till lvl 48-49 inner realm, and level cap was lvl 50, of course less mobs to grind inner realm, so players normally went WZ. but few mobs lvl 52-58 inner realm would be good, at least to burn necro when you login during invasions, and has necro.
In syrtis you see inner realm an in wz, many spots with useless mobs, I never see someone grinding these places, like in ignis (yes I play ignis on RA), in ignis u cant find mobs inner realm if I remember between lvl 36-41, and have places with useless mobs to grind too.
About respawn time is terrible, more than 3 players in same place is total waste of time, waste of boosters, waste of money. And ppl grind to lvl up, grind is not fun.
Idk what ngd think, but I believe most of players, dont have much free time to waste only in game, new invasion system is not good for that reason also.. to invade 1 time, with total success, you waste about 3 hours.. yeah.. relic from 3 forts (1h30min) just to unlock relics, walk fort->castle 3 times, and castle enemy gate.. yeah so much time wasted, old invasion system.. planed invasion, was about 2h30m to invade 2 realms and open portal.. and who can play now 3h without rest a little bit?
04-06-2013, 12:52 PM
I think the problem is that the warzone is just one massive waste of space. You could put all of the forts together in one big circle only 100m apart and the only difference would be that NGD would no longer sell horses to cover the long distances between them. There are absolutely no other objectives in the warzones except maybe the bridges and occasionally a market. This makes the few high lvl grind areas into objectives of their own simply out of boredom.
Take all those dumb level 20-40 mobs out of warzone so that everywhere is a high lvl grind spot, get enemy Hunters literally roaming the entire realm like in the old days instead of all focused in one area, the fights between ganker & grinder will become alot more dynamic (not always 5 Vs 1, etc like it is now), grinding itself will become alot more manageable, and more XP scrolls will sell as currently almost no one buys them anymore as there's no mobs to kill. Most current premium item sales seem to be mounts, boxes and clothing, and i think that it has been this way since some time now.
Warzone is for level 40+ players, everything else is just useless cruft that should be removed. Return the danger of going anywhere alone.
04-06-2013, 01:38 PM
This thing could be used as a balancing tool too imo, NGD probably can check which realm has less players, which the least and which is that "rules" the game at a certain moment.
So, once a realm is underpopulated, certain mobs (if not all of them, lvl1-50 inner side of the realm only) should have increased re-spawn time or there should be more of them.
This way the underpopulated realm could level up to the wz faster, while the "ruler realm" wouldn't get such help ^^
I'm sure all scrolls would sell better as well, good for players and NGD too :D.
04-06-2013, 06:25 PM
Warzone is for level 40+ players, everything else is just useless cruft that should be removed. Return the danger of going anywhere alone.
I don't agree with that. The fun in warzone starts already at levels much lower than lvl 40. For me as knight it started at lvl 27 or so. Now a week afterwards I'm level 31 and have 269 rp.
But I agree that mobs up to level 29 or so could be removed from warzone.
04-06-2013, 08:31 PM
Return the danger of going anywhere alone.
the best. 10 chars
Again, no problem: I moved to Imperia beach and yes! - mobs! But sadly three players from Syrtis too and they killed me after a minute.
Result: I have wasted 30 minutes, I gave up and logged off.
Is this the experience I need? I don’t think so.
Once i died over 10 times tryng to get on Imperia beach to grind . xD
And worst is when you are around lvl 50 ,because you need to grind around orc camp ,and there you will find 10 mobs and over 20 alsius that are bored and chain kills your mobs because of drop boosts. and ofcorse 3245723947 syrtis and ignis that wil kill you at infinite XD
Whatever i agree with you that need a better respawn time and more mobs ,i wasted hours in some days tryng to find a good spot to grind,this issue apeard first time when rise of lvl to 60 ,all people grinding ,was a nightmare to grind ,no more mobs,but i think because of cash reasons ,ngd will never improve this thinks.
I think the problem is that the warzone is just one massive waste of space. You could put all of the forts together in one big circle only 100m apart and the only difference would be that NGD would no longer sell horses to cover the long distances between them. There are absolutely no other objectives in the warzones except maybe the bridges and occasionally a market. This makes the few high lvl grind areas into objectives of their own simply out of boredom.
Take all those dumb level 20-40 mobs out of warzone so that everywhere is a high lvl grind spot, get enemy Hunters literally roaming the entire realm like in the old days instead of all focused in one area, the fights between ganker & grinder will become alot more dynamic (not always 5 Vs 1, etc like it is now), grinding itself will become alot more manageable, and more XP scrolls will sell as currently almost no one buys them anymore as there's no mobs to kill. Most current premium item sales seem to be mounts, boxes and clothing, and i think that it has been this way since some time now.
Warzone is for level 40+ players, everything else is just useless cruft that should be removed. Return the danger of going anywhere alone.
A massive +1 to this.
Every mob in the war zone should be 40+ . While they are at it, fix the quests that were setup in the level 50 cap days.
I agree wholeheartedly that the real estate in this game is massively wasted. between choke points and structures, it is a massive wasteland simply to create distance. There is absolutely no compelling content there either for RvR or PvE. In many cases the PvP is also broken in that there are huge areas where balance (in the form of cover etc) is non existent. Don't even get me started on the ocean. You have a massive amount of useless ocean in the persistent world yet Alsius is claustrophobic and choked . Why?
Instead of trying to sell mounts, why not build compelling content like premium grind areas or open grind areas with premium type NPCs around that give premium quest objectives. The fact that you give out so many boosters (gratis) alludes to the fact that the PvE content is BS and way too long for the absurd lack of content on the way up to 60.
The curve is not bad, it is the glaring lack of content that is bad.
Why not make mini structures all over the place for casual capture or skirmishes instead of forcing players to play the stilted invasions mechanics. The game is already organised into zones. Why not put some kind of structure per zone ? Control of the structure is the booster for that zone which changes colour on the map overlay. The owner realm and its residents are the only ones to have the boost which could be like 10% , 15% boost. If it is out of your territory, the boost increases.
Again, instead of selling horses, make and offer premium stash access which has a short timer (maybe 10 seconds) so you can deposit stuff while in remote location.
Do a premium "call merchant". ( takes 10 seconds) This allows you to sell items while you are in remote location. The beauty of this is that you can keep selling them instead of a one off sale of a mount which in any case you still have the frustration of riding through the wasteland to get to a market. ( the profit potential rises).
The servers could be full if the options were diverse. Offer group quests, clan quests, premium variants of these. You think they won't sell ? My goodness, you could even sell (it is so simplistic) a souvenir pack of all the stuff that got grandfathered out of the game like masks. That stuff will sell.
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