View Full Version : Force Armour & Self defence

04-16-2013, 07:41 PM
Long Story short, I'm seeing a lot of conjus lately with Force Armour.
Honestly I never found it that useful and anyway, I want your thoughts on this spell.
I'm finding it a little difficult lately,(although I've met some jewelled archers :'() surviving at all.(Might be because of my absence as well :p)
Truth be told I'm not expecting a lot of positive reviews on this spell, but who knows? I might be surprised.
So to continue with this is, how do you increase your defence against anything apart from Steel Skin and Energy Barrier 5?

Let this topic be for all Conjurers interested, curious about these spells and others. Might help somebody else apart from me.

04-16-2013, 07:50 PM
I never tested force armour.

I haven't used energy barrier for months now and only use karma mirror + self heals 4/5. To be honest, nothing will help against archers with boss jewelry except a tree.

04-16-2013, 07:57 PM
The way armor points work, force armor is increasingly effective when used with better armor. If your conjurer is geared with level 60 gear, all very good against piercing, I would guess force armor can be quite helpful against archers. Personally I prefer to gear my conjurer for health and mana instead, and find that humping a tree, rock, or fort costs less power points than force armor.

04-16-2013, 07:58 PM
Duration 60, CD 70
Protection +30%

Well, for a mage, I wouldn't guess that boosting armour points would give a huge boost of defence. Perhaps, that if a conju has decent resists against a certain dmg type, the 30% protection bonus could help, but still, I'd rather go for Karma mirror, that returns the 30%...

However, I have to admit, that I didn't test this spell, so I might be wrong. From my point of view, it isn't worth it though. Conjurer has better defence spells to invest PP into.

For general defense, I use mind blank, energy barrier, steel skin (when required), and the self-healing spells.
Karma mirror is useful, only on high level though, since less than 30% is not much useful though.
The differences in CD/duration of mind blank and karma mirror make them situation based - sometimes they don't help much and you find out you just "wasted them", other times they save you from sure death..

04-16-2013, 08:00 PM
As said by Pnarpa, trees. And running. Be always on the back, and when you go forward, remember to buff. I've never used Force Armour but I'm seeing a lot of conjs lately using it, still I manage to keep myself alive by having my eyes wide open. That I think is the best possible way of defense for us.

When you get targeted, run back; when a barb is coming, cast Sanctuary or run for your life, etc... Oh, and Mind Blank is possibly your best defense.

To sum up, Karma Mirror + Steel Skin for damage resistance; Mind Blank for resistance to powers. And ALWAYS stay alert.

04-16-2013, 08:01 PM
force armor can be great if you got a lot of armor points already
My selfdefence is already lacking tho..

only self defence I got is barrier + steelskin (Mindblank and sanc)
if a barb reaches me Im dead anyway and marks with boss-stuff..
well yes a tree or another target xD

best way I know off to stay alive is to have self heal(s) and cover nearby
and by mindpushing the crap out of warriors ^^

04-16-2013, 08:04 PM
I never found it very useful, maybe because i focus more on bonuses than resists and levels of gear.

Main factor i do not use it is this spell have a very bright and distinct animation - it is like a big sign telling "shoot me i'm conju".

But most of all conju is teamplay class and there must be second one to have DI and support. Kill enemy conju first and keep ally conju alive. :D

04-17-2013, 10:20 AM
I see. Well recently have acquired a 7 const tunic, which is elite, so I guess it's the same as lvl60 excluding WM stuff and the new items, my Tunic is the highest. My bracelet right now is temporarily a Great Healer Bracelet, though normally I'd use a lvl45 bracelet as it has mana. I guess it isn't very viable considering I have half, if not more, of my gear lvl 50.

As for more 'self-defence', Anyone maxes WM Tree for health. Perhaps a better question is, what lvl do you normally carry the WM Tree?

Do you prefer getting more mental and perhaps Static Field instead?

04-17-2013, 10:32 AM
I wish i can be WM now at conju - i suppose it will take me time. As of it i will take HP and CS bonuses for sure.

Of mental i usually get ivy and push. Domain and TM are good too. Static is a good aura but it is spear range. Well applied at fort doors it is nice. Evendim Fury is perfect too, but it is hard to get it in support setup without sacrificing war master passives.

04-17-2013, 12:02 PM
My conjurer isn't high enough to perform in the warzone but I've noticed that my hunters damage usually sucks on conjurers using it, so it can't be that bad. I have no rings and amulets so that could be the explaination.

04-17-2013, 02:28 PM
As for more 'self-defence', Anyone maxes WM Tree for health. Perhaps a better question is, what lvl do you normally carry the WM Tree?

Do you prefer getting more mental and perhaps Static Field instead?

I got WMtree at lv 19, +700 hp really can save ur ass
and I dont want to mess with my setup to get more mentals :p

static field might be fun to use in the current zergs, coz you can get closer to enemies
w/o getting insta dead reward :p

If I would play in the zergs.. I might even mess up my setup to check it out.. but.. yeah..

04-17-2013, 02:36 PM
I tried force armor and i didn't notice any major change on damage... The damage from marks keeps being 600+, the damage from barbs keeps being 800+ ... But like it was said it is based on your armor and resists... and even tho i have good resists, i dont have all my gear lvl 60, so it is not so effective as to someone who has it lvl 60 with good resists...

Another inconviniente on that spell is the shinny image it gives to a conjurer... If conjurers are already first targets, if they dont try to be unnoticed by less shinny stuff around them, it will even be easier to target and instant dead.. because... Self heals on conju aren't enough to keep you alive, even with energy barrier, steel skin and mind blank... I usually use karma mirror when i have other skills on cd and i am being attacked.. it usually works fine and helps you to stay alive for a bit longer... Sanctuary is always my last spell ;D

04-17-2013, 03:44 PM
Force armor is actually pretty good with a decent set. The way the armor system works you can reduce low hits to almost nothing. This makes the Conjuror very resistant to Hunters and only decently geared Marks and Knights. But it won't do much against those marks that do 700-ish normals and 900-ish crits, that's true.

Karma mirror isn't as good as it appears. It only returns 30% of the final damage that the Conjuror receives, after armor and other buffs have reduced it. Reducing a hit of only 100 by 30% is pretty insignificant. Unlike Strategic position and Deflecting barrier, which reduce the incoming damage immediately.

One is great for archers and the other is great for Barbs.

04-17-2013, 04:17 PM
Force Armour is quite nice. I never used it in the past, but tried it for a while a few weeks back. Before they changed to that new map I would definitely have skilled it for TDM.
I would also include FA in a hunt/open field-setup, if I weren't too lazy to reskill for that...

The thing is, it's most effective against all those that are not barbs or boss-geared archers. Karma Mirror is better against those, though your best defenses will always be trees and range, as others said.
But though ones gut feeling may say otherwise, most archers are not bossgeared, so it's still quite beneficial to be able to tank them better.

Since I am too cheap to get both KM and FA at lvl5, I dropped FA. Unlike KM, FA is noticeable even on lvl1, but I found I were too busy casting other stuff to fit yet another self defense buff in there.
(And I like to get into the thick of warriors too much, so I need KM.)

After struggling severely with survival myself after coming back as a lvl50's non-WM conj, I focused on gear with good armour,resists and HP.
"Good" resists for me are mainly focused on slash/pierce, since again, most players do not deal a majority of elemental damage.
Since many care more about mana and CS, I got most cheap off the Auction House. Even without Force Armour I now have more AP than many barbs, and all G/VG vs slash and pierce.
And when I reskill, the first tree I max is the WM tree, +700 HP is impossible to say no to...

04-17-2013, 05:29 PM
Thanks for all the feedback guys. And feel free to mention any doubts here.

Lately, I've been playing WM 15, for the reason to get Time Master. Can be a life saviour sometimes, or stall the zerg at door.

Thing is, you cannot have both WM tree maxed and Mental 17 without sacrificing the other trees which, you all know, are all needed.

My resists aren't that of a grand deal, since I'm carrying Vesper Hat, All physical resists are Normal, which well, at least it's better than Bad I guess. I was using WM Tunic till now that I acquired a 7+ Const tunic with good vs pierce and normal vs slash and blunt I think.
As for the gloves, they're lvl50 to begin with and physical resists are Good, Bad, Bad, which is a sucker for resists but it contains 130 mana :rolleyes2:

So, if I had to use more AP and better armour resists, Force Armour will become more useful. Thing is, is it worth it to strip the bonuses?

There is mana pool but then there is always that powerpoint problem :tsk_tsk:

And when I reskill, the first tree I max is the WM tree, +700 HP is impossible to say no to...

Lucky you, you can reach 5k hp :rolleyes2:

Since it seems I'm being very picky, I'll stop here :razz:

04-17-2013, 05:57 PM
Lately, I've been playing WM 15, for the reason to get Time Master. Can be a life saviour sometimes, or stall the zerg at door.

Thing is, you cannot have both WM tree maxed and Mental 17 without sacrificing the other trees which, you all know, are all needed.

My resists aren't that of a grand deal, since I'm carrying Vesper Hat, All physical resists are Normal, which well, at least it's better than Bad I guess. I was using WM Tunic till now that I acquired a 7+ Const tunic with good vs pierce and normal vs slash and blunt I think.
As for the gloves, they're lvl50 to begin with and physical resists are Good, Bad, Bad, which is a sucker for resists but it contains 130 mana :rolleyes2:

So, if I had to use more AP and better armour resists, Force Armour will become more useful. Thing is, is it worth it to strip the bonuses?

There is mana pool but then there is always that powerpoint problem :tsk_tsk:

Ive seen some great conjus time time master perfectly, but Ive always wonderd what they would do when theyd get WM :p
Time Master is amazing when a smart person has it in his/her setup
personally I leave it to the non-WM conjus and the locks, I would prolly waste the spell anyway :o

As for your armor.. keep on looking! It takes a while to get the stuff you need (and a lot of luck)
Guessing from how you are on the forum.. it shouldnt be that hard :)
I finally got all my gear at awesome lvl thanks to my generous friends <3

and yeah dont waste points on manapool if you can get those bonusses on your gear
because we already gotta sortout what spells to take..
(I would wait taking force armour if you consider it untill you get a tad higher lvl gear
also.. grats on the 7const tunic :D )

04-17-2013, 06:04 PM
If you're concerned about survival, dragon hat on a lvl60 mage is not helping.
Compared to a Great Healer with VG resist and 5-7% armour bonus, you'll take up to 50 more damage per hit wearing the vesper hat!

Gloves are not that important for armour, but I'd try to swap out those as well. At least get some nonspecial Great Healer stuff w/good resists for tanking, put them on the quickbar and swap whenever you need to put yourself in a dangerous position. I did that, and ended up just using the manaless armour 95% of the time. Playing conjurer with ~2k mana is really not that bad.

04-17-2013, 07:19 PM
As for your armor.. keep on looking! It takes a while to get the stuff you need (and a lot of luck)
Guessing from how you are on the forum.. it shouldnt be that hard :)
I finally got all my gear at awesome lvl thanks to my generous friends <3

(I would wait taking force armour if you consider it untill you get a tad higher lvl gear
also.. grats on the 7const tunic :D )

Too bad generosity doesn't exist anymore in Syrtis. As always, ieti is right.
Oh and thanks :o

If you're concerned about survival, dragon hat on a lvl60 mage is not helping.
Compared to a Great Healer with VG resist and 5-7% armour bonus, you'll take up to 50 more damage per hit wearing the vesper hat!

Gloves are not that important for armour, but I'd try to swap out those as well. At least get some nonspecial Great Healer stuff w/good resists for tanking, put them on the quickbar and swap whenever you need to put yourself in a dangerous position. I did that, and ended up just using the manaless armour 95% of the time. Playing conjurer with ~2k mana is really not that bad.

I, honestly won't remove that hat as it is the best item I have got in this game....I think.
However I wouldn't think twice to remove and get a tunic with no special bonuses except for resists. And Gloves too I guess. My mana pool is always around 2.4k and 2.6k. I think I can get it under 2k but honestly, I may find it hard to play. Nonetheless I don't have passive mana, just gear and rings. I guess removing 130 mana for better part won't hurt.

Well I lent out the mana bracelet I had which was lvl45...I have a Great Healer bracelet with pretty resists. Almost had my hands on a great healer mana a bracelet with good resists :rale:

Again, I appreciate the feedback and feel free to post any doubts yourselves.

04-17-2013, 08:10 PM
I personally prefer Force Armor over Karma mirror, cuz its long duration. I have tried both spells, i basicly surivived longer with force armor, with limited duration of karma mirror, this spell could well be on cd when u need it, a lot of times when u're low on mana, u can cast force armor 5 way before barrier 5, cuz of it's lower mana cost. I've played a lot tdm on my conj, when i buff force armor 5, i usually get 450-500ish, without it scales over 550 to over 600damage.
Like a lot ppl mentioned with Kama Mirrior 5 at 30% return damage is insignicant, all u need is a good set up, some good gears with good piecing and slashing resists and hp bonus, i use 2 constituion rings, somedays with MB, if i'm lucky enuff, i feel like a healing tenax:), i dont invest a lot points on self-rege, I have self-heal at 4 or self rege at 2 that's enuff for me

04-18-2013, 12:46 PM
The way armor points work, force armor is increasingly effective when used with better armor. If your conjurer is geared with level 60 gear, all very good against piercing, I would guess force armor can be quite helpful against archers. Personally I prefer to gear my conjurer for health and mana instead, and find that humping a tree, rock, or fort costs less power points than force armor.

But the more damage you get in, the less force armor serves.
Some players do 100ers on me, I can reduce them to 50 with force armor - but do I really need to? (rhetoric question :clapclap:)
Force armor gives you about ~~~~10% damage resistance against 400-700 dmg.
Definately not worth the skill points, I'd say.

edit. also read kitsunie's post. Noticed it too late - he more or less tells the same like me.

by the way, the reflected damage from karma mirror does definately not kill anybody, it's no danger for any enemy, that's true.
But 30% resistance against all kinds of damage is pretty nice.
Reducing a hit of only 100 by 30% is pretty insignificant
but if there are 10 archers making 100er norms on you (or just one barbarian doing a 1000 norm), you will only receive 700 damage instead of 1000.
Absolutely nice spell, if you ask me. Way better than material wall (apart from the duration), and everyone would skill material wall as a defensive buff if it were possible.

04-18-2013, 01:58 PM
For me Karma Mirror is pretty good spell.

It is nice to stop dot's and if you add regen self you are pretty good.

It is pretty nasty to put when marks pew pew's you and if he uses recharged well it ticks twice on him.

If used properly and you have enough HP a low health barb can suicide in it - i have seen it several times.

As a plus it have less shiny animation compared to Force Armor.

Lastly it is not bound to gear and resists.

But again no matter how buffed and geared you are if there is no teamplay you are dead meat.

04-18-2013, 03:09 PM
Reducing hits by 30 or 50 may not sound like much, but as a high level conj you shouldn't be in danger anyway if it's just one player targetting you.
It's those cases where 3-4-5-6 or more gang up on you (which should be the usual case in a group fight, once you put your nose out in the open), where you start getting into trouble. And then even -30 on each hit means a great deal less incoming DPS.

And I used to feel the same way as Tamui about my dragon armour, it was not easy to stop using something I worked so hard for back then to get. But play around with Kitsuni's armour calculator abit and you'll have to face some tough truths. :ohill:
Compared to that Great Healer hat, with VG resist vs slash/pierce and armour bonus. If I used the Alasthor hat instead, I would need Force Armour(5) to get back the same damage reduction for those types.
It would be more economical then to use that manaless hat, and put 2 powerpoints in Mana Pool instead of 5 into FA. Better still just get used to playing without those 175 mana, which is less than most lvl5 spells cost anyway.

04-18-2013, 04:11 PM
Reducing hits by 30 or 50 may not sound like much, but as a high level conj you shouldn't be in danger anyway if it's just one player targetting you.
It's those cases where 3-4-5-6 or more gang up on you (which should be the usual case in a group fight, once you put your nose out in the open), where you start getting into trouble. And then even -30 on each hit means a great deal less incoming DPS.

And I used to feel the same way as Tamui about my dragon armour, it was not easy to stop using something I worked so hard for back then to get. But play around with Kitsuni's armour calculator abit and you'll have to face some tough truths. :ohill:
Compared to that Great Healer hat, with VG resist vs slash/pierce and armour bonus. If I used the Alasthor hat instead, I would need Force Armour(5) to get back the same damage reduction for those types.
It would be more economical then to use that manaless hat, and put 2 powerpoints in Mana Pool instead of 5 into FA. Better still just get used to playing without those 175 mana, which is less than most lvl5 spells cost anyway.

In that case, I guess WM armour would become more in handy, yes?

04-18-2013, 04:41 PM
In that case, I guess WM armour would become more in handy, yes?
Conjuror and Warlock WM armor is actually pretty good if you can deal with the lack of stats.

Many do wear them.

04-18-2013, 05:10 PM
If one spent some $ on slash armour enhancements to make up for the Bad resistance vs. Slash, WM armour would be very good for a conjurer. Probably slightly better than my current armour, especially against slash warriors.
Without enhancement gems, I think Great Healer G/VG vs slash & pierce is generally better. (As long as you hide their appearance... *sigh*)

(Since I am cheap, I do prefer my current gear which cost $0, ~100 mags and 4-5 mill gold total, including HP staff.)

04-18-2013, 06:23 PM
If one spent some $ on slash armour enhancements to make up for the Bad resistance vs. Slash, WM armour would be very good for a conjurer. Probably slightly better than my current armour, especially against slash warriors.
Without enhancement gems, I think Great Healer G/VG vs slash & pierce is generally better. (As long as you hide their appearance... *sigh*)

(Since I am cheap, I do prefer my current gear which cost $0, ~100 mags and 4-5 mill gold total, including HP staff.)
Honestly I rarely worry about slash resist on mage armor because their defense is so low to barbs to begin with (Knights tend to be spear/hammer unless knarb). In almost any case where a barb is attacking you involves the use of Karma mirror and/or Steelskin on Conju and complete avoidance on Warlock, rather than just bare armor. Sure, it helps, but in wars I find archers to be a far bigger problem, especially the ones that hit for 700+ damage per hit.

Ideally a Great Healer set is better; this is true for all classes. Assuming one can get a full set with decent resists and bonus. But WM gear still provides excellent base armor. the bonus on the gear is added to your final AP value (part-independant) and mages have the highest AP-to-reduction ratio of all classes. That alone can make up for bad resists as an equivalent Great Healer or Elite Conjuror set would require identical resists and at least +10 on all parts to compare.

When the resists vary between two parts the overall effect is greatly reduced as each part is only a portion of the equation.

04-18-2013, 09:52 PM
Well, I guess Force Armour is worth a shot after all.
I'm still thinking about my setup (Sounds additced :( )
I guess I have to choose between Force Armour and +700hp (Together)
Or Force Armour and Time Master (Together)
Or just plain old usual :lol:

Edit: So I've been messing around with Kitsuni armour calculator. Tried Karma Mirror and Force armour and then both. Karma Mirror always has an edge on Force Armour. Both of them together raised the reduction by ,an estimate, around 20% from no buffs with a Reference Damage of 500. I think I may fare well against OP geard Marksmen/Hunter.

Enitharmon, if my eyes served me well, having WM Tunic, Gloves, Great Healer Bracelet and Vesper Hat vs the same set except WM Hat, didn't prove a lot of difference, except for Piercing damage of course.

This question is more directly to Kitsuni rather than anyone else.When I go advance and increase the reference damage, the reduction decreases. How come?

04-19-2013, 09:19 AM
Honestly I rarely worry about slash resist on mage armor because their defense is so low to barbs to begin with (Knights tend to be spear/hammer unless knarb). In almost any case where a barb is attacking you involves the use of Karma mirror and/or Steelskin on Conju and complete avoidance on Warlock, rather than just bare armor. Sure, it helps, but in wars I find archers to be a far bigger problem, especially the ones that hit for 700+ damage per hit.

As for the Bad slash resist on conj WM armour, I would be concerned about archers actually.
With slash arrows and DS rings, they can have almost as high slash base damage as pierce. Even if only a minority wear dual DS rings, I think it is safe to assume that slash is the 2nd most common damage type from archers?

Regarding barbarians, a WM conj already have enough HP that Kick3/4 from one is not automatically a death sentence, unless they're overgeared/buffed. So slash resistance % would be quite helpful in those situations where you need to be at melee range, in my opinion

04-21-2013, 10:48 AM
So I've put Force Armour to the test. My equips were:
Vesper Hat
Master Conjurer Gloves
Elite Conjurer Tunic; +7 Const = circa 120hp, Resists: Very Good, Good, Very Bad, Normal, Very Bad, Good.
Great Healer Bracelet; 230+4: Very Bad, Good, Good, Normal, Very Bad, Very Good; 2%+ Physical Resist

307 AP -> 392 AP buffed
Got HP to 4.5k

Ok, maybe I didn't have the best of gear and resists.
I kept Vesper Hat, because I needed more mana for my style. Even with that, I felt uncomfortable.

So, it wasn't that bad, but not what I had in mind either.
Karma Mirror + Force Armour + Regen Self 4; I could keep a little from suffering from hullio fast high hits.

Now I reskilled for my old setup. More Warju. However I've got Static Field(2), I'll see how I feel it, if it's enough to keep at least knights away.
Having that 300 extra mana, I felt very very comfortable.(3k mana rocked as well :razz: I might build a setup around that....hmm)

04-21-2013, 11:52 AM
I've got Static Field(2), I'll see how I feel it, if it's enough to keep at least knights away.
They can probably Balestra you before the static field will apply its effect on them, because it has this bad delay as every aura (1s ticks?).

04-21-2013, 01:18 PM
Auras apply with 1s delay or more. But i find it amusing to see how they crawl in Static(3) + Push(3). You have to be in melee and prepare to be buffed good once they learn you cast that shite. :rolleyes2:

04-22-2013, 12:40 AM
I Use it a lo, A LOT, the CD and duration ar nearly the same.
If you got a pretty decent set, the damage from hunters, marks (not with boss jew), warlocks dots, and most knoghts gets noticeable reduction, of course, not too much, but it gets.
As proteccion only works with low-medium damages, because its a flat damage reduction, it wont work with high damages, such as barbarians, in that case, % damage reduction are the best choice (Steeel Skin).

Later I'll upload some screens testing damage with, and without Force Armour !

04-22-2013, 05:51 AM
If a support ju skills Friendly Shielding for an ally, then y not skill (identical effect) Force Armor for self. Hmmm? ... & as for it's blatant animation? ... easy ... just skill Bless & use it on every ally u can. At range, it's impossible for enemies to tell the difference, & even close up, it takes longer to single u out. Besides, additional to hit & spell focus are way cool, right? :jacky_chun:

04-22-2013, 07:27 AM
I Use it a lo, A LOT, the CD and duration ar nearly the same.
If you got a pretty decent set, the damage from hunters, marks (not with boss jew), warlocks dots, and most knoghts gets noticeable reduction, of course, not too much, but it gets.
As proteccion only works with low-medium damages, because its a flat damage reduction, it wont work with high damages, such as barbarians, in that case, % damage reduction are the best choice (Steeel Skin).

Later I'll upload some screens testing damage with, and without Force Armour !

It is true. Force Armour is great for the duration and CD AND mana. On low Mana, can be of help. I only wish I'd seen more effect. Maybe I'll try it again. And thanks if you upload.



04-22-2013, 09:59 AM
If a support ju skills Friendly Shielding for an ally, then y not skill (identical effect) Force Armor for self. Hmmm? ... & as for it's blatant animation? ... easy ... just skill Bless & use it on every ally u can. At range, it's impossible for enemies to tell the difference, & even close up, it takes longer to single u out. Besides, additional to hit & spell focus are way cool, right? :jacky_chun:

ehm sure..
question! where would you get the powerpoints from?

(and friendly shielding is just great for its name :p its more for huntsupport/smallscale fights tho)

04-22-2013, 08:33 PM

Here, against a marks without Ra, just to show damage reduction.

From 230~, to ~180, about 50 damage reduction, and almost 100 damage reduction when combined with Karma mirror,

04-23-2013, 10:17 PM
I almost never used it, because in my opinion there's better spells to spend the points on, but here's my opinion about it :

Pros :
- Actually works as intended and doesn't rely on luck :D (So rare thing in Regnum to be noticed)
- First spell in Sorcery tree, cheap to get
- Low mana cost

Cons :
- Long casting time
- Dur != CD
- Makes you shine like a lightbulb = more targeted/MS'd
- One more buff to cycle, as if barrier, devotion, karma and mind blank weren't enough.
- Need high armor points for it to have a decent effect
- And yet still isn't tremendously effective, especially versus high damage dealers (partially thanks to the fixed damage reduction armor)

So I think it's nice in PvPish scenarios, but in RvR you'll still die in a split second no matter you use this spell or not if you don't pay attention.

04-23-2013, 10:27 PM
I almost never used it, because in my opinion there's better spells to spend the points on, but here's my opinion about it :

Pros :
- Actually works as intended and doesn't rely on luck :D (So rare thing in Regnum to be noticed)
- First spell in Sorcery tree, cheap to get
- Low mana cost

Cons :
- Long casting time
- Dur != CD
- Makes you shine like a lightbulb = more targeted/MS'd
- One more buff to cycle, as if barrier, devotion, karma and mind blank weren't enough.
- Need high armor points for it to have a decent effect
- And yet still isn't tremendously effective, especially versus high damage dealers (partially thanks to the fixed damage reduction armor)

So I think it's nice in PvPish scenarios, but in RvR you'll still die in a split second no matter you use this spell or not if you don't pay attention.

I think that's a pro !