View Full Version : Warju Q

05-01-2013, 06:03 AM
Other than Silence, energy barrier, and self-heal what are the top 5 spells an RvR Warju should have?

05-01-2013, 07:42 AM
Finally, a thread which isn't pointless!

In my experience, RvR is pretty much boring with my setup. Summons die easily, your damage is meaningless as a knight or conjurer aura kind of disables you entirely. I try to stay away from fort wars(at invasions too except for noble) as I don't find them enjoyable as a warjurer.

Apart from that, having CCs are always helpful;

Pricking Ivy: Your only immobilisation spell. 25r and can pack a nice punch on 4/5.

Beetle Swarm: Cannot Attack. What more can I say? A decent DoT around 4/5. Though it's still a little weak. Especially against warriors.

Will Domain: Knock down is like having dizzy, immobilisation and cannot attack in the same time.

Time Master: Freeze everyone in a 10m. Can be a life saviour. As it is 10m area, you need to be careful at your surroundings. This spell might be difficult to get depending on your setup. Even though it isn't a must have, it's a sueful spell to have.

Apart from those CCs:

Mind Push always good to keep warriors from reaching you or to keep your opponent from running away.

Last and not least, Dispel. It's self explanatory imo, It's good to dispel certain buffs or a powerful DoT. At 3 it's decent but still a little weak. 4 is recommended.

The list could go on, but imo, those are the primary spells of a must have.

Then it depends whether you go SM + Summons, Mental + Summons or Sm +

05-01-2013, 07:46 AM
Finally, a thread which isn't pointless!

Warjus are pointless though.

05-01-2013, 07:49 AM
Last and not least, Dispel. It's self explanatory imo, It's good to dispel certain buffs or a powerful DoT. At 3 it's decent but still a little weak. 4 is recommended.

5 or gtfo pls

05-01-2013, 07:56 AM
Warjus are pointless though.

Well that depends.
In fort wars, yes I agree. Even though I try fortwars when I bore the heck out of myself.
However, in hunting, with friends or alone, It's like having a Warlock with you. A high lvl can have a little support as well.
Always in support is boring sometimes.

5 or gtfo pls

You don't want to see few of my previous setups then :D

05-01-2013, 08:58 AM
the feeling is like dispel 4 is the same of dispel 1

05-01-2013, 09:23 AM
warju is the most OP 'class' to play, mind you thats ONLY in 1v1

when hunting its great to have a warju with you that can dispel/DI you..
but where a lock can take on multiple enemies.. warju can only use mind push
and time master

A warju will not be able to deal a lot of damage tho.. summons die
and sm.. well I just dont like sm, as it requires you to stand still (long) to do damage
so if you actually want credit as a warju, get mind push at a high lvl
and just spam it :p (also works as suppju ^^)

as for fortwars.. (I hate fortwars with warju.. no areas :p)
best way to annoy the heck out of everyone is go completely anti-mana
evendims fury, mana burn and energy borrow, get those 5's out ;)
for the others look at tamui :)
Im also a fan of sultars devouring mass, but its high cd, high mana cost and 1 target
so not really good for forts

Warju in forts main job is to annoy people.. the problem is you might very well end up
annoying your realmmates too

EDIT: about dispel.. 3 works suprisingly well (i had expected it to be far worse) still fails a lot tho
lv 4 is do-able.. but it WILL fail you when you need it to work MOST, so if you can get lv 5 or prepare to rage :)

05-01-2013, 09:33 AM
The reason why many players choose to call warjurers the most OP class in the game (and I do agree with them for the most part) is their immerse defence. Mind blank prevents warlock's cc chain as a charm, karma mirror and steel skin, combined with self-heal, give you great defence against ranged, and the mental tree gives you protection against meele.
Damage is a bit of an issue, I guess, but with decent staff, summon and high-lvl mentals, it should be decent.

05-01-2013, 09:40 AM
The reason why many players choose to call warjurers the most OP class in the game (and I do agree with them for the most part) is their immerse defence. Mind blank prevents warlock's cc chain as a charm, karma mirror and steel skin, combined with self-heal, give you great defence against ranged, and the mental tree gives you protection against meele.
Damage is a bit of an issue, I guess, but with decent staff, summon and high-lvl mentals, it should be decent.

I know, warju can turn into a tank with 30/25/20 range ;)
The problem is (I tried some warju setups) you cant have high lvl mentals, summons, (sm) and high defence
also mana is an even bigger problem for warju, as defensive buffs or good attack (summons)
are very expensive and add up quicly..

as you'd need lv 19/17 mental, 19 summons/sm, 19 sorcery, 15/19 enchantments
19 mana control and heals.. 11/15 (all depending on lvl ofc :p)
{its also increadible how much pp-sinks you can get :p}

oh and its not possible to get lv 19WM tree while going warju.. unless you sacrifice
defence/health/damage which are already not on max ;)
you can take lv 15 w/o doing major damage tho

05-01-2013, 10:08 AM
I know, warju can turn into a tank with 30/25/20 range ;)
The problem is (I tried some warju setups) you cant have high lvl mentals, summons, (sm) and high defence
also mana is an even bigger problem for warju, as defensive buffs or good attack (summons)
are very expensive and add up quicly..

as you'd need lv 19/17 mental, 19 summons/sm, 19 sorcery, 15/19 enchantments
19 mana control and heals.. 11/15 (all depending on lvl ofc :p)
{its also increadible how much pp-sinks you can get :p}

oh and its not possible to get lv 19WM tree while going warju.. unless you sacrifice
defence/health/damage which are already not on max ;)
you can take lv 15 w/o doing major damage tho

I just tried to construct a quick setup of wm warju, and this (http://www.cwassall.co.uk/regnum/trainer/?version=1.10&subclass=Conjurer&level=60&setup=9-19-0-2-0-5-3-4-3-0-4-5|10-19-5-5-0-0-5-5-5-5-0-0|11-1-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0|12-15-0-0-0-0-0-0-4-0-0-0|13-11-0-3-1-0-3-3-0-0-0-0|14-15-0-0-4-0-0-0-4-0-0-0|15-19-0-0-0-5-5-0-0-0-0-5|27-19-0-5-0-5-0-5-0-5-0-5|) is what I came up with. I decided to drop staff mastery, because it takes too long to buff up, and that's the last thing a conj needs. I'm not sure, how the two summons on lv. 4 would work though. With this setup, mana shouldn't be much of a problem. Wm tree is actually pretty sweet- 700hp is a decent amount.
Few remaining points I stuck into DI and res., but life saviour might be an option too. Ofc, you will get crucified by allies for not being much of a support though. :P

05-01-2013, 10:42 AM
this (http://www.cwassall.co.uk/regnum/trainer/?version=1.10&subclass=Conjurer&level=60&setup=9-19-0-2-0-5-3-4-3-0-4-5|10-19-5-5-0-0-5-5-5-5-0-0|11-1-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0|12-15-0-0-0-0-0-0-4-0-0-0|13-11-0-3-1-0-3-3-0-0-0-0|14-15-0-0-4-0-0-0-4-0-0-0|15-19-0-0-0-5-5-0-0-0-0-5|27-19-0-5-0-5-0-5-0-5-0-5|)

That's not bad, but a little weak imo.

I mean, from where will you have your main damage?

That setup is vast, yes however you are weak in attack and in support. Your only strong point is your defense.

I think I would make a few changes to this. (http://trainer.claninquisition.org/trainer.html?s=ge9uJdKzLuLaDFabaaaaaqaaazaodattaqa zazauafFaf)
Of course, if you're desperate for WM 19.

05-01-2013, 11:49 AM
You might be right, I don't have an opportunity to test these setups.. I don't know what dmg arcane missile does, and pricking ivy could be one way of increasing dmg, but the later has rather long cool-down to be used as a direct offensive spell.
Sultar's, mana burn and summons I would consider the main offence, and the mana drains I would use to keep the enemy relatively helpless.
The passive health is worth to invest into imho, especially since mages have quite a few discipline points. Passive cs is good as well :)

05-01-2013, 06:16 PM
It has been a while since I played warju, but one thing I know has not changed... warju wins fights by outlasting their enemy, not by outdamaging them. This is why they are OP in 1v1, but suck in fort fights.
Mana burn is the number 1 dmg spell for warjus. I would suggest skilling ivy and beetle at 5 because you need this extra time, and the little extra dmg you get matters. Put your lich/zarkit on 5 too. They actually do decent dmg if you are lvl 60. Arcane missile is a piddly little spell with not much dmg but it is better than a staff hit. I've always found it useful when there is nothing else to cast.

*** Put 1 point in Insightful. It causes devotion and mind blank to overlap so you have 3 sec after they would normally end to recast.

I can find no good way to make a decent warju build with that 700 hp we all want, but I wouldn't sacrifice the cs, so here it is:


Or, even better, hybrid the class and play with some friends. At least with this, you are useful outside of PvP. :-)

05-01-2013, 07:12 PM
http://trainer.claninquisition.org/trainer.html?s=ge9scewazuLgKFabaaaaauaaaFauLLfFaba aaaauafzcm
My hybrid setup. I can kill warriors and most archers(that dont have boss jewelry and/or spam conf 5) in pvp, and I can instantly support my allies without needing to reset. Believe it or not I get more kills in a hybrid setup rather than a full warju build, dont ask why because I am confused by this logic too :p

05-01-2013, 08:33 PM
Kharbon has two pets, someone else only one, and Grimm you have no pets. I am cornfusiated.

Doesn't Time Master make it so you can't attack anybody (it's a freeze)? How is that useful?

What is the real damage I can expect from Mana Burn? Does the damage increase with the target's mana pool size and if it does does the size of the current pool (in otherwards full mana vs. say 50% mana) matter?

How useful is Dispel Magic for it according to the description it doesn't do much against dots or other damage and if you are silenced, dizzied, frozen, etc. does it caste?

05-01-2013, 08:40 PM
Kharbon has two pets, someone else only one, and Grimm you have no pets. I am cornfusiated.

Doesn't Time Master make it so you can't attack anybody (it's a freeze)? How is that useful?

What is the real damage I can expect from Mana Burn? Does the damage increase with the target's mana pool size and if it does does the size of the current pool (in otherwards full mana vs. say 50% mana) matter?

How useful is Dispel Magic for it according to the description it doesn't do much against dots or other damage and if you are silenced, dizzied, frozen, etc. does it caste?

Most of you recommend Steel Skin, is that a Warju-only recommendation as there is a thread about it saying its use is limited.
My setup is a hybrid setup, not full damage. It is for when you want to support allies and at the same time be able to protect yourself when you are alone.

Time master is useful for getting out of tricky situations, or stopping an enemy from getting away.

Not sure about mana burn, but im pretty sure the larger your opponent's total mana (not current mana) the more damage it will inflict.

Dispel and steel skin should be on any build as a high level conjurer, both at 5.
And regarding summons : you only need a lich, but if you have extra points you can get a lich and zark. Hope I helped.

05-01-2013, 08:42 PM
IMO a conjurer with mind blank and mana burn = warju...

just try to pvp gondu while hes on his support setup...

05-01-2013, 08:45 PM
IMO a conjurer with mind blank and mana burn = warju...

just try to pvp gondu while hes on his support setup...

Lol when im bored I sit at the syrtis CS and pvp random people in a mostly support setup, I end up killing most warriors and some archers but it usually takes the full amount of time a banner gives. Conj is an OP class.

05-01-2013, 09:10 PM
Kharbon has two pets, someone else only one, and Grimm you have no pets. I am cornfusiated.

Doesn't Time Master make it so you can't attack anybody (it's a freeze)? How is that useful?

What is the real damage I can expect from Mana Burn? Does the damage increase with the target's mana pool size and if it does does the size of the current pool (in otherwards full mana vs. say 50% mana) matter?

How useful is Dispel Magic for it according to the description it doesn't do much against dots or other damage and if you are silenced, dizzied, frozen, etc. does it caste?

1)Just a matter of preferences some prefer summons, some don't. Although Grim, as he says, it's a support setup.
2)In some of your useless posts you said that you have had a hunter or marks. Have you used stun? Kind of the same principle. To break a chain, to buff yourself, to make your opponent unable to heal, dispel, retaliate DoTs.

3)It says in the description how much it gives damage. On 5 it gives around 35/50 damage. If the opponent has 0 mana, it will burn what it regenerates.

4)Very useful. And not only for yourself. No it won't cast if you are under darkness, dizzy, freeze, knocked or stunned. It's still very useful to oneself. However, you can dispel any kind of debuff your ally have except when he has darkness.

IMO a conjurer with mind blank and mana burn = warju...

Wow we have different meanings xD

05-02-2013, 04:46 AM
1) ok

2) On my Marks I dot first then freeze and freezing during RvR is a bad thing 90% of the time. On a 1v1 fight if someone is that close to me I am on my buttocks, I have no DoTs, freeze would just give time for the debuffs on my opponent to wear off. The only use I can see for it is running through an enemy wall gate. I still am confused on the use of Time Master.

3) Yes it says 35/50 in the description. 50 damage vs someone with 5k+ health doesn't even rate a hangnail or papercut.

4) So dispel magic is useful against movement speed debuffs on self and is mostly a support spell. Or am I missing something?

05-02-2013, 05:33 AM
1) ok

2) On my Marks I dot first then freeze and freezing during RvR is a bad thing 90% of the time. On a 1v1 fight if someone is that close to me I am on my buttocks, I have no DoTs, freeze would just give time for the debuffs on my opponent to wear off. The only use I can see for it is running through an enemy wall gate. I still am confused on the use of Time Master.

With mindblank you won't always be "on your buttocks" when people get near. Time master can help you get your distance from a melee, or help you control one opponent who is nearby while you're focusing your DPS on another. Freezes can also be used to buy time, while you wait for one of your other CC's to cool down.

3) Yes it says 35/50 in the description. 50 damage vs someone with 5k+ health doesn't even rate a hangnail or papercut.

it's not just 35/50, it's a DoT... it will do that once every second. The damage isn't that great really, except against high armored opponents (knights) because armor points don't reduce it. It's more useful because of the mana drain effect; an enemy without mana can't CC you, can't buff, can't use his most damaging attacks.

4) So dispel magic is useful against movement speed debuffs on self and is mostly a support spell. Or am I missing something?

You can dispel movement speed debuffs from yourself, but you can also dispel some CC effects like "cannot attack" and "immobilize," as well as DoT effects like lightning, ice blast, mana burn, serpent's bite, etc.

05-02-2013, 08:01 AM
krungle I think you're gonna need some pvp experience
and if not some warju pvp than defenitly support conju if you didnt see the use of dispel :p
Time master is an very handy spell, you usually have it on lv 4 so it will NOT always succeed
meaning you'll get a handfull of players out of the fight for 12 seconds which is VERY usefull

anyway, like I said, you need pvp experience, I really dont know what lvl ur conj is
but Im usually up for some arena fights :)

05-03-2013, 11:29 AM
Interesting theme :hat:
In my eyes you should use warjurer to hunt, in fort war he is'nt such successfully.(Yeah he can stun.. but he might not be able to kill enemies because of the protection and heals..)
1 vs 1 should not lead to any problems for a experienced warju...
also 2 vs 1...
If your good you are also able to win 3 vs 1 - or 4 vs 1... (low chance) this depends on the experience of YOU and your enemies..

Regards - Alsi :lighten:

P.s. i don't want to give skill recommendations - if you reach the experience to skill alone, you will be better..
P.P.s Interesting Warjurer Gameplay (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yWruk4XSuGY)

05-03-2013, 11:39 AM

Are you going to do more videos?! D:
I'm kind of a fan of your vids xD
I loooove your vids :D :wub2:

05-03-2013, 12:11 PM
Are you going to do more videos?! D:
I'm kind of a fan of your vids xD
I loooove your vids :D :wub2:

New video release should be this weekend :) It won't focus on warju.. it's more art... ^^

05-06-2013, 07:06 PM
Rising Cold, I am learning and that is why I am asking. I have played a L19 twink Necromancer in WoW and other than that never a caster in PvP or RvR before so I have a learning curve, that is why I am asking questions.

My Conj isn't even 50 yet. My last level I added Manaburn 3. It seems quite effective vs. Players but not so much so vs. mobs. Once I hit 50 I do plan on reskilling but until then I will just use what I have or skill until then. It is always fun to try out new things.

I will have to watch that video a few more times. Thanks for it.

What classes are warju's best against and which ones are they worst against? Assume skill of both players is a tad above average. I know the two classes I have been having the most problems with and as yet unskilled advice may change that, I guess I am wondering if it really will or not.

05-07-2013, 09:31 AM
Krungle, The only class I ever have any problems with is warlock. They're able to darkness you and keep you under silence while they spam you. Other than that the other classes aren't that difficult to kill once you learn what each class is capable of.
Winter <3 I would love to pvp sometime : ) I'll msg you in game

05-07-2013, 03:58 PM
What the point in asking questions about warju if one is not even 50 yet? Warju only gets into full beast mode on 50+ with ability to get full sorcery tree and needed mentals without sacrificing much of heals and mana control spells. And then again, grinding warju is pain in da ass, so stfu and go grind your warju Krungle and do not return here before getting 60 or quitting game.

05-08-2013, 12:26 AM
Note to self: Do not feed the Trolls. :dumbofme:

Anyway, I would like to thank everyone for their advice and I am already putting it into my build. I was at a point I had no idea were to go from where I was and now I know, thanks to all of your great advice. Hopefully someone else coming up in the future will read this thread and it will inspire them to go Warju rather than support.

In my next few levels I may return and ask more questions as I get more PvP experience under my belt but for now I have plenty to roll with, Thanks again!

05-08-2013, 01:32 AM
Hopefully someone else coming up in the future will read this thread and it will inspire them to go Warju rather than support.

Uh... hooray?