View Full Version : New update (round 2)

05-29-2013, 08:11 PM
Since the previous discussion thread was removed for whataver reason, I am opening this one.

--Leave your thoughts on this update here :)

Edit : Also, feel free to post pictures of any remodeled weapon(s) :D

05-29-2013, 08:12 PM
Since the previous discussion thread was removed for whataver reason, I am opening this one.

--Leave your thoughts on this update here :)

(Btw frosk if you don't want multiple threads about the same update, don't lock the main thread. Thanks.)

I didn't delete that one :D

Anyway, I'd prefer a fresh start as this one since now the update is actually available and people can debate over something they can test by themselves.

The previous discussion was based on a changelog wrongly posted before the servers were available to the public.


05-29-2013, 08:13 PM
I didn't delete that one :D

Anyway, I'd prefer a fresh start as this one since now the update is actually available and people can debate over something they can test by themselves.

The previous discussion was based on a changelog wrongly posted before the servers were available to the public.

Ah, sorry for the misunderstanding :p

05-29-2013, 08:21 PM
Well, I am going to talk about one thing, which is the logging method.

I am impressed with this step. People will probably request for the system to detect the same device, thus they won't have to enter the code everytime.

It will be a pain in the ass at the beginning or when one will be having loads of connection failures or crashes.

With this step, what comes to mind is the server shut down/restart should be announced at least 30mins before on the forums, people will try and log in countless times, then complaining about the system, then posting a rant thread.

This however is a great step for security which might work really well.

I can't comment on the others because I haven't seen them yet(servers down, right?) and I don't think anyone did so far.

Oh, a +1 for the Warmaster and Champion armour being stash able I guess.

05-29-2013, 08:23 PM
Meh... I'm getting C012 error code. :/

05-29-2013, 08:24 PM
So... this "security" addition... xD

As in old pc's logged in it seems old pc's you created the account with. Which means, if you bought a new pc for what ever reason it's not considered an old log in which means if you don't have your email you quit which means you move on which means ngd loses old players which means we find better game which means... damn talk about run on sentences...

Guess some people gotta wait for the old-email solution? :harhar:

05-29-2013, 08:25 PM
Add Global Chat in Central Island and Hall of Fame area. This will allows plays to discuss different things about the current state of CoR.

05-29-2013, 08:32 PM
Well, I am going to talk about one thing, which is the logging method.

I am impressed with this step. People will probably request for the system to detect the same device, thus they won't have to enter the code everytime.

It will be a pain in the ass at the beginning or when one will be having loads of connection failures or crashes.

With this step, what comes to mind is the server shut down/restart should be announced at least 30mins before on the forums, people will try and log in countless times, then complaining about the system, then posting a rant thread.

This however is a great step for security which might work really well.

I can't comment on the others because I haven't seen them yet(servers down, right?) and I don't think anyone did so far.

Oh, a +1 for the Warmaster and Champion armour being stash able I guess.

Hi there,

Once you authenticate a device, there's no need to validate it again, so it'll only show up the very first time you log-in with it.

So... this "security" addition... xD

As in old pc's logged in it seems old pc's you created the account with. Which means, if you bought a new pc for what ever reason it's not considered an old log in which means if you don't have your email you quit which means you move on which means ngd loses old players which means we find better game which means... damn talk about run on sentences...

Guess some people gotta wait for the old-email solution? :harhar:

No. There's no "old pc" term in here, so the pc you created your account with is not taken into account.
The system will consider it as main pc the first one you use to log-in after the new feature was released.

It is in fact a security addition, as is used by a lot of companies and games to prevent unauthorized accesses to accounts.

Meh... I'm getting C012 error code. :/

We're currently working on this issue as there are people playing, and other users stating they get the same error as you.

Thanks for reporting it anyway :)


05-29-2013, 08:37 PM
Add Global Chat in Central Island and Hall of Fame area. This will allows plays to discuss different things about the current state of CoR.

This will also reduce war, so no thank you.

05-29-2013, 08:37 PM
It's nice of you to assume that Frosk, but I know someone who can't get on the account and has been using the same laptop prior to this. It seems to be just random.

They have an old email as well they can't remember, so it's useless.

05-29-2013, 08:48 PM
It's nice of you to assume that Frosk, but I know someone who can't get on the account and has been using the same laptop prior to this. It seems to be just random.

They have an old email as well they can't remember, so it's useless.

If he has an e-mail he can't remember, then I guess you should redirect him to the guide. (http://www.championsofregnum.com/forum/showthread.php?t=98603)

The guide indicates that in those cases, the user has to contact us by opening up a ticket at www.championsofregnum.com/support to request an e-mail change.


05-29-2013, 09:03 PM
If he has an e-mail he can't remember, then I guess you should redirect him to the guide. (http://www.championsofregnum.com/forum/showthread.php?t=98603)

The guide indicates that in those cases, the user has to contact us by opening up a ticket at www.championsofregnum.com/support to request an e-mail change.


After you ask them for personal information?

I mean, I'm in the same case where I can't access my email. I don't feel the need to give a gaming company a picture of my I.D or some nonsense just to prove to you I'm the owner of the account. I've made payments on this account, wouldn't my card information be enough to ask for such a change?

I mean, kudos for trying to solve the email issues, but it's not the best way not everyone wants to give you guys their information let alone people usually don't even put their legal name when creating accounts.

05-29-2013, 09:49 PM
FYI: Reset Powers costs 10 gold * level. So reskilling for a level 60 player costs 600 gold. The 60 second delay has been removed.

05-29-2013, 10:00 PM
Fixed Positioning? No? okay.....

05-29-2013, 10:18 PM
I'm still having trouble trying to get into the game, I've reported this many times but still no answer from anyone... Frosk last replied to me in a PM on 05-16-2013 I haven't been able to play in over 3 months now (I've tried many things that people have told me and still no use)

I was planning on buying a new computer but right now money is an issue due to reasons. Right now I play League of Legends to kill of time (it's not as fun as the pvp's and rvr's in CoR) and for some reason my desktop is able to run a game like that but not CoR... I guess I'm done for now.

+ I'v posted this in Tech supp but seems my post got ignored by another post about emails... xD

05-30-2013, 02:09 AM
Computer authenticator is stupid. Forced me to authorize a single computer I'm playing on. wtf ?

Also, how does one get into hall of fame ... ? Can't find the teleport.

05-30-2013, 02:56 AM
Regarding falling off save altars. I have not yet spawned on top of an altar after death, this is good. However, after using a defensive portal, I have managed to land on top of an altar, resulting in fall damage. Would be nice if this could be fixed as well.

Recoil: Take boats on the edge of the lake to central island. In the center of the island, there's a big pillar. Double click on the side of the pillar. That should teleport you to the hall of fame.

05-30-2013, 03:38 AM
Central island should have a chat channel accessible to all realms.

05-30-2013, 07:00 AM
Central island should have a chat channel accessible to all realms.

that was suggested earlier, but if that happens at least a few players will stick to that island forever :p
it could wear down a bit.. but i really like that to be speciall xmas event so that every1
will use it at that time and its actually fun xD

05-30-2013, 07:16 AM
Would be even more fun to be able to fight there and have chat:viking::swordfight:

05-30-2013, 10:32 AM
IMHO NGD's Computer authenticator is a good step to improve security, and also to prevent prohibitet sharing or transfer of accounts. I cannot see any better ways for NGD to do it.

I had not any issues on my 3 different accounts (NGD, gamigo, and gamesamba account). It didn't force me to authorize.

But on the other hand on my NGD account I have a email I don't have access to anymore. And I can't ask the email provider about the password, because the provider is not a public email provider. So I guess I have to send a ticket somewhen, when I change my computer.

05-30-2013, 01:52 PM
Mmmh my question is how do we get the champion armor? No one plays tdm or ctf in server haven...

05-30-2013, 01:56 PM
Mmmh my question is how do we get the champion armor? No one plays tdm or ctf in server haven...

That is a problem for you and your server-mates, not NGD. Make a topic in The Inn and get a bunch of well-known players for each realm to set up days/hours for BZ/CTF specific fights or something. Why does the community need to have everything spoon-fed to them. American education sucks, but my critical thinking skills seem to be far above my foreign counterparts on this forum. The issue can be solved completely through the server community. NGD doesn't need to get involved.

05-30-2013, 02:16 PM
That is a problem for you and your server-mates, not NGD. Make a topic in The Inn and get a bunch of well-known players for each realm to set up days/hours for BZ/CTF specific fights or something. Why does the community need to have everything spoon-fed to them. American education sucks, but my critical thinking skills seem to be far above my foreign counterparts on this forum. The issue can be solved completely through the server community. NGD doesn't need to get involved.

lol? ok srry :( And yes they can solve this. To make a new player limit not 8 players for each realm but 4players.

05-31-2013, 11:42 AM
That is a problem for you and your server-mates, not NGD. Make a topic in The Inn and get a bunch of well-known players for each realm to set up days/hours for BZ/CTF specific fights or something. Why does the community need to have everything spoon-fed to them. American education sucks, but my critical thinking skills seem to be far above my foreign counterparts on this forum. The issue can be solved completely through the server community. NGD doesn't need to get involved.

Lol on you!

Why don't we just make a topic in The Inn and organise a picknick instead? That has more meaning than what you wrote! Sure i will organise my day around a game! Hahahhaah!