View Full Version : Item stats changed after logout, possible?!

06-15-2013, 06:57 PM
So, yesterday I dropped my first legendary item, daggerfang arrows lvl 58.

And I am 99% certain that they had these stats:
spell focus +5%
dextrity +4
lightning +8

In that order. I took screenshot too but for some reason stat window didnt catch on it damn.

And today I logged in and stats were:
+8 piercing
+4 lightning <---- ????
+4 dextrity
+5% spellfocus

In this order.

SO IS IT POSSIBLE that somehow I lost +4 from lightning damage, because I am 99% certain that they both were +8, and I remember that I were thinking about how much more damage I get from them (+8+8 and +4 dex) when I can use them :P

Bugnum?! or I am just losing my mind lol.

06-15-2013, 07:05 PM
I am just losing my mind.

'Nuff said.

06-16-2013, 06:37 AM
ive made mistakes like that before. often in game i will read stats of an item in the commerce window and say wow! and ask for a pricem, then realise afterwards it for a different class. items' stats are so detailed it hard for our mind to capture them all, and I often dream they are better than they really are...

that said, it is good to be vigilant about such errors. and if they persist, then i would begin taking ore screenshots. there is nothign to stop NGD changing stats afterwards (or some malicious person in NGD doing it), so it helps NGD if we ourselves monitor all such things.

this includes stuff like spell damage, durations, combat logs, enemy behaviour etc. it is a software program world, and its pretty much impossible for NGD to monitor everything (eg: the random number generator has been wacky lately).

also, if you suddenly detect SENTIENCE (like a monster suddenly turns to you and says "howdy partner" ) then you better call NASA or the FBI.

06-17-2013, 06:47 PM
Likely? No. Possible? Yes. Knew someone whose gloves that were regularly used went from being 'cs' to being 'as' between logins. Luckily, they had screenies & NGD eventually fixed the f-up.

06-19-2013, 01:29 PM
Likely? No. Possible? Yes. Knew someone whose gloves that were regularly used went from being 'cs' to being 'as' between logins. Luckily, they had screenies & NGD eventually fixed the f-up.

and with this im screenshotting my gear xD

06-22-2013, 03:38 PM
Maybe I try to send I ticket(:hat:) that propably does nothing, because my first screenshot failed somehow.

Well I am pretty sure that I had +4 more damage on those damn arrows, from now on I must take more than 1 shot from good items to be sure :dumbofme: