View Full Version : Do you think NGD has some metric to measure warzone activity?

06-16-2013, 06:28 AM
Thinking like a scientist, i suspect the only way NGD can know if TDM/CTF or changes like warmasters is having a desired effect is to have some form of an objective mathematical measure for the effect.

So, say we all want a higher rate of warzone activity right? We can define wz activity as "fights at bridges, forts, open field and invasions". If so, do you think NGD has an objective statistical measure for this somewhere?

Such a measure would be of the observational form. So NGD's GMs have to monitor the whole battlefield and log in a spreadsheet
1) occurrence of every conflict
2) duration
3) estimated number of participants
4) location
of course it wont be like totally scientific because there would be subjectivity in what is a single conflict, but this is the only way i think we have ogf getting a performance measure.

do you think NGD has this yet?

i suspect its really needed f we are to gauge the effect of TDM/CTF. because if TDM/CTF results in an overall reduction in wz/arena fighting as a percentage of game time, then those arenas should be somehow changed somehow. Also you need a starting objective benchmark of some sort.