View Full Version : GM Power needs to be restored

06-20-2013, 06:42 PM
It used to be GMs could respawn NPC's, things like the wall climbing, ceiling spawning Yeti's, elusive Pendent Holders, Merchants in the WZ, etc. This power needs restored.

06-20-2013, 06:52 PM
I´m guessing they were taken away for a reason.

I prefer ceiling yetis over losing all my items to some possible douche GM.

06-20-2013, 06:57 PM
Are we talking about game counsellors, or game masters? As far as I know, GM's do have such powers, only they do not use them because of the game design.

Some mobs and NPC's are designed to stay dead for a certain durations. That's not a bug.

I know, that certain mobs become bugged sometimes, but then it would be simpler to fix the bug in the first place. With some friend cooperation, the mobs can be lured down, I believe.

Anyway. I didn't vote, since the option "no, I like the bugs" is just irrelevant to the topic of GM powers.

Lately, most of the pools created by users are just stupid...

06-20-2013, 07:42 PM
Are we talking about game counsellors, or game masters? As far as I know, GM's do have such powers, only they do not use them because of the game design.

I said GM. And they used to have such powers, but no longer do. Respawning NPC's has nothing to do with the recent hacking problems.

The problem is most notable with Alsius WZ Merchants. All other merchants spawn within a couple of minutes of being killed but often Goat merchants take a few hours. If GM's (not GC's) had the power to respawn these merchants it would solve the issue for the most part. As it is GM's get spammed with messages to do something that is no longer in their toolbox to do.

One of the reasons I used to push for the restoration of the GM team was to counter such bugs so that NGD did not lose customers because of said bugs, and the buggy spawning/respawning (or lack there of) is the most annoying bug of them all.

06-20-2013, 07:56 PM
I´m guessing they were taken away for a reason.

I prefer ceiling yetis over losing all my items to some possible douche GM.


I know that GM's often spawn mobs for events on Nemon, dunno about NPC's.

06-20-2013, 08:18 PM
I said GM. And they used to have such powers, but no longer do. Respawning NPC's has nothing to do with the recent hacking problems.

The problem is most notable with Alsius WZ Merchants. All other merchants spawn within a couple of minutes of being killed but often Goat merchants take a few hours. If GM's (not GC's) had the power to respawn these merchants it would solve the issue for the most part. As it is GM's get spammed with messages to do something that is no longer in their toolbox to do.

Why not just adjust the respawn times of those NPC's?

06-21-2013, 05:32 AM
Why not just adjust the respawn times of those NPC's?
Buwahahaha, actually ASKIN' for a codefix from Never Get Done, are ye mad? ... or just being facetiously sarcastic? xD

Krungle is correct, GM2's & maybe even GM1 Gruff himself can't do very much anymo'. Luckily & thankfully, Guard Captains aren't so easily glitched now like b4 due to their at-door position. That used to be a royal pita, & required GM intervention. Certain mobs still wander off cliffs too & require re-spawning to be targetable.

06-21-2013, 09:50 AM
It used to be GMs could respawn NPC's, things like the wall climbing, ceiling spawning Yeti's, elusive Pendent Holders, Merchants in the WZ, etc. This power needs restored.



06-21-2013, 06:17 PM



OT: What Ricksa said.
Also, that "No, I like bugs" is biased.

06-22-2013, 06:01 AM
Also, that "No, I like bugs" is biased.

Which option isn't? But I go even farther, which Poll isn't? :P

OT: As far as heard NGD is working on GM's powers too at the moment, probably they will be enchanted, according to a GM's comment in-game.
Hope NGD won't disable the "Premium transfers on the same account" stuff, I asked Gruffy and then he told me the thing I mentioned above ^^

Hopefully GMs will get back soon what they need to keep things together :D.

06-22-2013, 07:05 PM
Buwahahaha, actually ASKIN' for a codefix from Never Get Done, are ye mad? ... or just being facetiously sarcastic? xD

With GM's being able to keep the game going to in a way that satisfies NGD's customers this game can continue to grow while the coders concentrate on things the GM's can not fix like GUI updates and certain spell and balance issues. It is all about making the best use out of limited resources.

GM's are a great resource, but currently that resource is being wasted by limitations put upon their toolbox that has nothing to do with the hacking incident. I am not saying restore all their powers, but restore those that counter problems that turn new players away from the game and upset old players, too. This is the entire reason I pushed so hard to get GM's restored and what did NGD do but give us GC's that could play hide-n-go-seek for 50% exp scrolls and repair hammers, items the GM's themselves do not even have the powers to hand to us but must go through NGD first (ok, I can see this reasoning, just saying though).

Buy not make the most of their current limited resources, NGD is pushing away new customers and further limiting their future resources and the growth of this game.