View Full Version : World tournament?

07-08-2013, 12:25 AM
Gms, it would be interesting for you to make a tournament world, would subscribe to a site, or even here in the forum. Everyone joins in amun, and updates the characters there, but could not buy anything in amun.
The winner porderia win a big prize, and next to the name was a star, or a trophy.
Every year a tournament that would have to see who is the best of each class, the winner of the 2014 tournament for example, if he lost the tournament in 2015, would no longer have to estrelha or trophy next to the name of the character.
Could make also a tournament in each server, and see campiões each server to compete in world, but it would not work because the PIRANHA has gm.

Thank you for your attention.

Tradução em português:

Torneio mundial?

Gms, seria interessante vocês fazerem um torneio mundial, que iria se inscreve em algum site, ou até mesmo aqui no forum. Junta todos no amun, e atualiza os personagens lá, mas não poderia compra nada no amun.
O vencedor porderia ganhar um grande prêmio, e do lado do nome ficava uma estrela, ou um troféu.
A cada ano teria um torneio desse para ver quem é o melhor de cada classe, o vencedor do torneio de 2014 por exemplo, se perdesse o torneio de 2015, não teria mais a estrelha ou troféu do lado do nome do personagem.
Poderia fazer também, um torneio em cada servidor, e ver os campiões de cada servidor para disputar no mundial, mas isso não daria certo porque o PIRANHA não tem gm.

Obrigado pela atenção.

07-08-2013, 10:59 AM
definitely possible..

but i think. for Regnum to really produce reliable and respected world rankings,
they need to really eliminate every single bug preventing consistency in combat.
at the moment the pvp mechanic isn't quite polished enough. it is close but not quite there. i suspect they need to hit SC standard, at least in the pvp mechanic.

07-08-2013, 11:09 AM
escreva direito antes de botar no google translate, amiguinho

07-08-2013, 12:37 PM
Yeah, can't wait to fight another support knight, bring on the 20 hour defensive stance PvP!

07-08-2013, 01:03 PM
Yeah, can't wait to fight another support knight, bring on the 20 hour MS* PvP!

Fixed it for ya :p

OT: It would be actually a cool idea. Holding an event, change the usual routine, etc.

If you can include a marketing scheme, such as; Everything on the item mall is 30% off. Hellion is 50% off( How many people actually bought this? 2, 3?), maybe the insta-60 scroll is reduced for the week, etc.

Also, make some Ximerin/premium prizes and people will compete for sure :p