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Gideon_Slack 02-12-2010 04:24 AM

Spell Elude: Still Useful?
I just came back from some time off from the game, and it looks like the Archer evasion skill Spell Elude has been changed. Before I recall it was a percentage chance to elude. Now it seems to be a bonus to the basic spell resistance.

Is this skill still worth putting points into?

_dracus_ 02-12-2010 06:19 AM


Originally Posted by Gideon_Slack (Post 944000)
I just came back from some time off from the game, and it looks like the Archer evasion skill Spell Elude has been changed. Before I recall it was a percentage chance to elude. Now it seems to be a bonus to the basic spell resistance.

Is this skill still worth putting points into?

It never ever was, really put your points somewhere else, but 4 power points and 200 mana isn't worth the small effect it has.

Kittypretty 02-12-2010 06:36 AM

it was worth it to me :)

but yeah not now..i wouldnt bother for the high cost and limited boost (do we even KNOW our spell resistance layer base? why not say it gives us a better % at getting laid..that stat doesnt show for all we know its fluff now)

Myxir 02-12-2010 10:09 AM

Compare the bonus with the one from Son of the wind which is/was almost 99% of the spells.
Then you'll see... broken by design :D

-Drv- 02-12-2010 10:58 AM


Originally Posted by _dracus_ (Post 944035)
It never ever was, really put your points somewhere else, but 4 power points and 200 mana isn't worth the small effect it has.

200 mana is at level 1, if i remember well.
at level 5 it costs 300 mana.

makarios68 02-12-2010 01:11 PM

Before the big nerf the skill was very effective - too effective really, as IMO it made archers overpowered.

Then came the BIG nerf and now this skill is pretty much useless.

What i want to know is why a 'middle way' approach wasn't attempted? The skill went from overpowered to useless in one swing of the nerf-axe.

The same is true of onslaught and a few other skills.

Instead of toning such skills down gradually until balance is reached, they were snipped at the root and killed.

Zas_ 02-12-2010 07:18 PM

Useless, as too many other spells.

Nerfing for balance is nice, but making spells useless is not the way, it reduces variety of setups and make class uninteresting to play.

I would like NGD to work a bit on all those broken spells nobody use.

Comp 02-13-2010 12:30 AM

Spell Elude, dodge....useless.

There are many things that don't actually work - I'm sure (or hope) NGD knows this....

Gideon_Slack 02-13-2010 08:11 AM


Originally Posted by Solarus (Post 944597)
Spell Elude, dodge....useless.

There are many things that don't actually work - I'm sure (or hope) NGD knows this....

Yes, it would be interesting to know just what logging/analysis tools NGD does have. Can they run a report that shows all the points people put into their skills by spell and category? That would be fascinating to see.

Gawyn_Trakkand 02-14-2010 08:45 PM

From what I have heard this skill used to be somewhat useful, now I cant see why i would sacrifice more important skills for something this useless, anything that involves evade or HC is broken go for lvl 5 evasive instead it reduces dmg and has no affect what-so-ever on HC.

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