Originally Posted by Lebeau
A Haven/Valhalla server-merge would be quite nice & is imho sadly overdue, yes. But well, let's be totally honest, it is entirely wtf it is, & while there is fun to still be had here, this game is very likely quite nearly on it's last hurruh it seems, so please give NGD's few game-Devs the very necessary & requisite time it takes to fully decide how this will all play out over the remaining long-term that still remains....

YOU MISPELLED "its"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Finally, I, the mighty know-it-all & -can-do-better, have succeeded in my ever-oh-so-lasting conquest to find a grammatical error in one of Lebeau's posts which tend to be a rather, oh why i'n't-it, precise concatenation of hyphens/special characters/commas'n'dots'n'such. Not all is lost, gents' & folks....