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Old 03-17-2018, 06:48 AM   #31
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Sorry guys I don't what to blame anyone but

Reasons to hate RO:
  1. Rumor about merge made Haven even more empty to the point 5 players from Alsius keep doing invasions on empty realms at night multiple times (nothing wrong with invading) just this made already dieing server even MORE empty
  2. This triggered another chain of "leave the server which is like Amun now", its just not fun to be empty and invaded over and over
  3. The more players leave, the more players don't care to defend or play, this is also the consequence of invasions being to easy and can be done just with few players
  4. Some players bug Dean or Evendim so its not hitting back. People log just for bosses, and because how boss drops are calcualted its NOT random, current system can be abused so one player keeps dropping every time. This puts off even more people who don't care anymore about bosses and there is no fun left to play on this server. It was empty, bosses were the only thing, but who cares as it is agian the same player multi-logging and dropping with hunter other class. Drop system is abused.

Suggestions to fix the issue
  • Fix invasions, so they down-scale on less populated servers. Make invasions more difficult. In the past, we were defending realm door for hour. Fix espawn camps, they are bugged anyway and don't always work. Make realm door way stronger, so it needs at least 10 players to take down and regenerates otherwise. Stronger self-healing door was great fun, cause invasion took time and you really needed players to keep hitting and team work. This was fun to defend as well and required bigger organized teams involved. I can see being invaded by 2 (barb and conju) is not fun, but being invaded by 10 players requires some arrangement, talking with others and making it happen.
  • Make drops not dependent on type of spells, auras, just give chance to everyone in radius 10m of boss. Than roll random to pick who dropped. Show who dropped in the log, so abuses can be easily diagnosed in future, building players confidence that game is fair (now it's definitely not). Take it Alsius player first boss drop 2 weeks ago, but plays 10 years, another Alsius shit load of rings in stash and not using them. Makes this game pleasant right ? Seeing this might not be something that encourages people to keep playing.
  • Fix TDM-s, on less populated server it can happen that 3 knights join match, then everyone sits and its no fun but frustration. Do not allow the same class to join the same TDM. Also if someone disconnectes from TDM, give penalty 15min of not being able to join again, as picking the convinient team this way ruins the game for all players.

And fuck, hate me for saying this, but abusing game mechanics must stop for this game to be pleasant for others.
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Old 03-18-2018, 12:00 PM   #32
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For me this is all funny.... How many times did we ask for a merge... And now after so many players did leave the game NGD doing (maybe) a merg....
I only hope it isnt to late.
Why didnt they lissen at the first place? thats the only thing i am asking myself..
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Old 03-18-2018, 09:58 PM   #33
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I am reading this here and start crying. People want bound items to account. A question from myself How do i trade stuff with people when all is bound to account and I will be overburned af after 2 days. Well before you start writing think about what you write. Well its a good point from Adrian to search all players and it is fair. But I think it won't be possible. Haven is losing every week more and more players. Even I dont log often anymore because its so boring. Well I think the focus Ngd should take is the Haven/Valhalla situation before more players leave and the payment and lvl stuff later. Save the last players or you will lose everyone. Think of my words. But on Haven is it just 1 realm who invades, wishes and killing bosses every day thats Alsius. Anyway I will wait and look what will really happen.
Rumiel Aurion (Haven & Valhalla)
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Old 03-19-2018, 12:52 AM   #34
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So I wouldn't mind if ye would shit or get off the pot on this merge, please... It's getting annoying that you can't get your hands on items you need *to play* anymore because some wannabe speculators are byuying them all up in the hope of making a buck after the merge.
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Old 03-19-2018, 06:17 PM   #35
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Originally Posted by Azirqphale View Post
So I wouldn't mind if ye would shit or get off the pot on this merge, please... It's getting annoying that you can't get your hands on items you need *to play* anymore because some wannabe speculators are buying them all up in the hope of making a buck after the merge.
A Haven/Valhalla server-merge would be quite nice & is imho sadly overdue, yes. But well, let's be totally honest, it is entirely wtf it is, & while there is fun to still be had here, this game is very likely quite nearly on it's last hurruh it seems, so please give NGD's few game-Devs the very necessary & requisite time it takes to fully decide how this will all play out over the remaining long-term that still remains....

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Old 03-19-2018, 09:21 PM   #36
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Originally Posted by Azirqphale View Post
So I wouldn't mind if ye would shit or get off the pot on this merge, please... It's getting annoying that you can't get your hands on items you need *to play* anymore because some wannabe speculators are byuying them all up in the hope of making a buck after the merge.

I think we all agree, that some players log just for bosses, know how to drop, and sit on these items, buying more of them just to sell them off for more $$$.
It is indeed not pleasant situation for others. You come for boss to help, but the same player drops over and over, and than asks for $100 for an item which you helped him to get.
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Old 03-19-2018, 10:39 PM   #37
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Originally Posted by Mashu View Post

I think we all agree, that some players log just for bosses, know how to drop, and sit on these items, buying more of them just to sell them off for more $$$.
It is indeed not pleasant situation for others. You come for boss to help, but the same player drops over and over, and than asks for $100 for an item which you helped him to get.
I made one joke in social media and 2 people go on it. I must be the most Important player in Regnum. WoW. So you guys are saying people sell stuff for money. Alright might be right but people insult me so now tell me a name to who i sold anything for money as far i know i just sell stuff for mags or other items. So @Mashu give me one name to who I sold something for money. You can't and why is on this picture worked? Where is the rest? Weird shit you guys take a screen from social media but work on it and show the half. So and mashu I am not allowed anymore to make jokes with Drago ? You guys are a joke. Saying bullshit over and over. You are spaming your text on every post because you are jealous of people who dropp or have Items. Anyways joking is not possible anymore. I noticed. People take all serious. Weird that none toke the screen as I wrote i delete.
Anyways Mashu we know your mind we know you love to be zerged by goats we know you are jealous to others and we know as you also know that you dont want a merge because you will get rekt from ra players.
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Old 03-20-2018, 08:00 AM   #38
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Originally Posted by Lebeau View Post
A Haven/Valhalla server-merge would be quite nice & is imho sadly overdue, yes. But well, let's be totally honest, it is entirely wtf it is, & while there is fun to still be had here, this game is very likely quite nearly on it's last hurruh it seems, so please give NGD's few game-Devs the very necessary & requisite time it takes to fully decide how this will all play out over the remaining long-term that still remains....

YOU MISPELLED "its"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Finally, I, the mighty know-it-all & -can-do-better, have succeeded in my ever-oh-so-lasting conquest to find a grammatical error in one of Lebeau's posts which tend to be a rather, oh why i'n't-it, precise concatenation of hyphens/special characters/commas'n'dots'n'such. Not all is lost, gents' & folks....
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Old 03-20-2018, 01:49 PM   #39
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Originally Posted by schachteana View Post
My bad, so sorry. It's no small miracle that I made it this long unerringly. English is just so f-ed up & really needs its proverbial ass kicked hard ... so many rules, & worse, exceptions to many of them. 's after a noun indicates the next noun belongs to or is a part of that 1st noun (except for "it's", ofc). For w/e reason, "its" is considered a personal pronoun like his, her's, or their's (OOPS).

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Old 03-20-2018, 10:30 PM   #40
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rogueish is an unknown quantity at this point

While there are some good ideas in this thread I still feel the best option NGD has is to merge haven to RA and relaunch Horus as a "classic server".

NGD really has nothing to lose and possibly much to gain. A classic server wouldn't be much of a risk for NGD as it could always be shut down as a failed experiment if it didn't catch on and would certainly have a more active player base than Haven currently has.

At least one other developer has relaunched their original game which has a larger player base than their current version and the biggest player in the market is currently in the process of relaunching their original version so the concept of Regnum classic is not so far fetched and might be a moneymaker.
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