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Old 12-26-2007, 07:30 AM   #1
Join Date: Jul 2007
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Default Syrtis - Suicide Squad Advice...

#1) When you find a group of enemy, cluster together really close, it gives you extra protection (safety in numbers)... AND it makes you invulnerable to Sultar's Terror and other area attacks.

#2) When returning from an ass-whooping near your save, run straight back to the enemy in a thin line, easy to wipe out maybe... lots of fun for Alsius and Ignis as they repeatedly send you back again and again and again and again perhaps!!... But the thin line of lemmings charging towards the meat-grinder is so long and perpetual that it scares them slightly, and they'll be mentally scarred, hopefully enough to never attack again.

#3) Do NOT under any circumstances try to approach the enemy from different angles, ALWAYS stick with the same angle and be as predictable as possible, if you need further assistance... try including technique #1 with this "always the same angle" approach. Eventually the enemy will slip into a trance from the repetitive waves of victims coming towards them and the sense of deja-vu (from killing the same people repeatedly) will overwealm them, eventually making them walk home, hypnotized so much they almost seem bored!.. victory!!

#4) If you see 4-5 ignis warlocks on the other side of PB, run across quickly and shout "vamos" or "gogogogo", they probably just want a friendly chat and if not... well, it's not like they're going to be cruel and hit you with Sultar Terror after Sultar Terror.. is it? (they're elves after all)

#5) When the enemy is holding one of our forts, run within shooting range and as soon as the enemy charges, no matter if their numbers are less than ours and our formation is good... no matter if we've got a save where we can replenish numbers quickly... just shout "ATRAS" and run away... especially do it to disturb your allies if you're level 25 and you just received a damaging hit that would barely tickle someone lvl 45+... why? because it's good to keep your allies on their toes.

#6) Attack knights first, in fact, try to attack ONLY knights, they're the only ones that count because they're the ones that advance first. Surely that's just logical?! Try to leave the mages until last, it's not like they do anything that's fundamental to our enemies survival... silly mages... and they'll be easy to kill once we've got the tricky knights eliminated.

Pseudo-rant over. Peace!!

PS. Don't get me wrong, I know.. I suck, I'm a pt/noob/idiot and I make many, many stupid mistakes... (before anyone feels the need to point that out!!) I'm just taking a dig at our realm's overall weaknesses (nobody specific) and hoping that maybe it'll make some people think about strategy (or our lack of it!) a little more, whilst maybe getting a slight smile out of those that think our strategy is as comedic as I do.

I'm guessing every realm suffers from this to some degree though... either that or Alsius and Ignis must be laughing their asses off at us!?!?

Last edited by Drah; 12-26-2007 at 08:04 AM.
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Old 12-26-2007, 07:43 AM   #2
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#7) Never use the central save. Actually, dón´t even try inner relam saves.

#8) Play solo. Why do you need friends anyway?

lol this has some potential :P
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Old 12-26-2007, 08:03 AM   #3
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I feel like translating this to the Spanish forum, but tomorrow. :P

EXCELLENT! You pointed out all the mistakes that Syrtis makes all the time, but you failed to mention one: never, but never listen to the experienced players. If they say something that sounds reasonable or logic, DON'T DO IT! Logic is for dumbasses... The same kind of dumbasses that made the human race to evolve.
I don't have a solution, but I admire the problem.
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Old 12-26-2007, 03:30 PM   #4
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Originally Posted by Xephandor
I feel like translating this to the Spanish forum, but tomorrow. :P

EXCELLENT! You pointed out all the mistakes that Syrtis makes all the time, but you failed to mention one: never, but never listen to the experienced players. If they say something that sounds reasonable or logic, DON'T DO IT! Logic is for dumbasses... The same kind of dumbasses that made the human race to evolve.
Yes, and further, be SURE to flame the experienced player who is "barking out orders", and spam up the chat windows with your rebelliousness.

Cause that always helps our cause.

GREAT list Drah! I knew you were my "Number One" for a reason!

Originally Posted by dyckman13
U made one mistake go for knightd first ? there the hardest things to kill and ur leaving the conjurs for last u think they wont heal them mages should always be ur main target like ur gonna leave locks for last they hit u with a terror ur basicly dead and you want to leave them for last? killing enemy support is always best
The term "went right over his head" springs to mind.
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Old 12-26-2007, 04:37 PM   #5
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10. When your party is advancing to the enemy's fort, remember these important strategies:
Hunter: Always use your speed to get WAY ahead of everyone else. It's good to be alone when you reach a large enemy force.
Barbarians: Use your Onslaught to keep up with the hunters, and don't bother helping the rest keep up.
Everyone but mages: Make sure you leave your mages way, way behind. I'm sure you won't need their support when you get to the fort, so just charge in without thought.

11. Archers, when hunting remember to get WAY ahead of your party, at least 30 or 40 meters ahead. When you start taking a pounding, remember to scream "Vida! Mana! Vida! Mana!" but make sure you stay out of range of your conjurers. I mean, you don't REALLY want them to heal you, because they might get 1 or 2 or your RP if you do manage to kill someone, and sharing isn't good.
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Old 12-26-2007, 04:55 PM   #6
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Oh im srry i get lost when it so dam late god dont have to turn me down like that
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Old 12-26-2007, 08:32 PM   #7
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Originally Posted by Xephandor
I feel like translating this to the Spanish forum, but tomorrow. :P

EXCELLENT! You pointed out all the mistakes that Syrtis makes all the time, but you failed to mention one: never, but never listen to the experienced players. If they say something that sounds reasonable or logic, DON'T DO IT! Logic is for dumbasses... The same kind of dumbasses that made the human race to evolve.

hahaha we noobs try to listen but we cannot always understand the language. good post though.
Columba, Noob Marksman
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Old 12-26-2007, 08:38 PM   #8
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Originally Posted by ljwolfe
hahaha we noobs try to listen but we cannot always understand the language. good post though.
Ask for an unofficial translator... Like me :P
I don't have a solution, but I admire the problem.
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Old 12-26-2007, 08:12 AM   #9
Join Date: Jul 2007
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#9a Hunters, bring the largest pet you can find - it's bound to be the most effective if it's big.. and you can bet conjurers will have no problem locating it when they need to heal it (or when they need to heal anyone for that matter!)

#9b Warjurers, bring your Zarkit Abysal, get him to cross his arms and pose for everyone, preferably standing as close as possible to your allied conjurers.. they could do with your demonic bodyguard's protection too and I'm sure that'll outweigh the annoyance of the slight obstacle he may be.

...^^ that's true too Xeph. I'm sure there's a few more I've missed but I've had my sarcastic outburst now, so I'll leave it for others to continue!!
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Old 12-26-2007, 08:43 AM   #10
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6b) Do NOT worry about enemy Conjurers, they are some sissy bitches that don't do any damage, and they rarely do something else... yeah, they are just there to annoy their allies, so let them live, wasting 1 arrow and 1 skill on them is just useless...

<Krishna> <Krieger><Avalancha de Disney >

Last edited by adrianpf; 12-26-2007 at 08:54 AM.
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