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Old 06-23-2008, 12:27 PM   #21
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Originally Posted by Gravat
I really don't see how you guys see such a big difference with these small +% attack speed bonuses. I've been testing from base to a full +20% passive bonus and then all the way to a +95% bonus with a fast bow, and +70% with a slow bow.

As your attack speed is not even as it increases the advantage is very hit and miss. I'll be testing again once I can get a +25% passive bonus.
I know I don't get the big deal either. I have legs with +4% speed, lvl 4 TFB, same as everyone else, I see no biggie.

I would love more mana or hp anyway.
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Old 06-23-2008, 12:28 PM   #22
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Medal of courage doesn't fully work. Only the health bonus works. Not sure it's really worse to wear it compared to the Royal Amulet.
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Old 06-23-2008, 12:35 PM   #23
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Alsuis has Rings with +80HP, I would love those, what do I have? 2 rings with +2 dex mah.... maybe we would have something if Kron's ring worked, then our archers would be better than the Syrtis Hordes.

We have 2 big choices for Amulets, one with +100 mana (NO WAY) And +70 health (NO FRIGGIN WAY :O)

+160 Hp to my base supply? Damn, along with an Amulet, I really do hope Ignis gets more stuff. Though the other realms just have alot of junk.

In my past expericence, NGD has been picking on Ignis since day 1. OFC I am not being serious but really I am.

Where is our moderator? Surak is in Syrtis... Megrim Alsuis, now Ponter in Alsuis aswell? Ignis had about around 70 quests total before they added the runestone ones. Syrtis and Alsuis had them waaaaay before us.

Always picking on the Reds.... we won't stand for it damn it
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Old 06-23-2008, 12:53 PM   #24
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Originally Posted by gph
Medal of courage doesn't fully work. Only the health bonus works. Not sure it's really worse to wear it compared to the Royal Amulet.
If you want we can test it, I'm a blunt user and I'm curious about it

Anyway, we have no choices in amulets and rings... I'm stuck with the jidenah's eyes amulet cause I did the quest for amulet of emanation before they added it. Same for ring with evasion...
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Old 06-23-2008, 01:02 PM   #25
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Originally Posted by Gravat
I really don't see how you guys see such a big difference with these small +% attack speed bonuses. I've been testing from base to a full +20% passive bonus and then all the way to a +95% bonus with a fast bow, and +70% with a slow bow.

As your attack speed is not even as it increases the advantage is very hit and miss. I'll be testing again once I can get a +25% passive bonus.
It sounds to me like this is an archer problem!
Zebedee got some weird results from speed increase when we were on test server. I heard DM say you can only increase speed so much before it fail, and some insults as always.
Now you describe similar issues for archers?

Archers have twice the speed from warriors already and more advanced shoot animation than mages, maybe this cause some glitch in weapond speed if it gets too much boosted. I really don't know! :/

Not tested it thoroughly, but out of experience
Im completely convinced weapond speed is the most powerful bonus a warrior can have!
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Old 06-23-2008, 03:19 PM   #26
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Who ever said that a hp/mana rings are better then lightning...is a noob...it is the best ring there is you can hit 1k every 6sec with a medium weapon(thanks yoshi^^) and a lvl4 weapon buff...pffft 2 hp rings are less then half of my hit...
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Old 06-23-2008, 08:30 PM   #27
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Medal of courage + two hp rings = + 310hp.. this is achievable in syrtis now... Imagine that for a support conjurer, for example.. or a hunter... or pretty much any damned class. :/ 310hp is a big difference IMO especially for two people the same subclass and lvl to meet in wz...

Hypnotizing Amulet + 2 blacksmith rings.. is much better than mana amulet or +70hp amulet IMO..

I guess this is an opinion thing, who would rather have what.. right?
But we do get less choice... 13 items to choose from, whereas syrtis get 18, alsius 20! Heck if we got an extra amulet and two more rings then maybe it'd be ok ^^
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Old 06-23-2008, 10:11 PM   #28
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ok i rant against this situation for a while now, mainly internal.

The amulet situation is clearly out of balance and the rings also create controversy as we see in this thread (the others gras is always greener).

But what i really ask myself (and im asking you now):
Why are there different items in each realm? Why?

I dont see the point.
Of course you can explain it from a RPG point of view and say "Its because the gods of NGD decided" but from a logical, OOC point it doesnt make any sense.

Or did i just miss the point?
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Old 06-23-2008, 10:16 PM   #29
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NightTwix agrees with me = WOOT!
But seriously it can cause imbalance in the game with different/better items in each realm...
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Old 06-24-2008, 12:11 AM   #30
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Originally Posted by NightTwix
ok i rant against this situation for a while now, mainly internal.

The amulet situation is clearly out of balance and the rings also create controversy as we see in this thread (the others gras is always greener).

But what i really ask myself (and im asking you now):
Why are there different items in each realm? Why?

I dont see the point.
Of course you can explain it from a RPG point of view and say "Its because the gods of NGD decided" but from a logical, OOC point it doesnt make any sense.

Or did i just miss the point?

Unfortunatly my lock isn't 50, but with a full SM setup, it's 35% (2 rings + 25% arcane accel) + 6% atk speed from my med speed twin viper staff = 41% speed bonus, not so far from the elven one afaik.

Well, with a worn viper staff i have, i hit on 450 on mage, 300 on buffed hunters... so basically, with the atk speed increased, i need less than 8s to kill any mage/archer, hopefully there is evade/resist, hopefully they will do something

But my Goat 40 who have no atk speed modifier (except the +25% from SM indeed) owns a lvl 45 hunter in 11s with a zarkit... yeah 11 seconds, sound crazy but targets of people set up like Axe know what i'm talking about...

But yes the ring of lightning sucks
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