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Old 11-17-2009, 12:12 PM   #11
Join Date: Jun 2009
Location: florence, italy
Posts: 150
MalaTempora is on a distinguished road

Originally Posted by Pizdzius View Post
apart from the rest of your interesting post which I am not quite healthy enough to give you some not stupid answer, this part made me wonder a bit.
hi Pizdius, (btw thanks a lot for the 1000 laught you make me reading your
very wonderful comics )

There are games like Single Player ones (let's say, Fallout3) and MMO ones (like Darkfall) where this solid player thing is essential, mostly because combat is real-time - you attack and block with your own decisions and the result of battle depends on your skill. In games like that collision detection is quite important for every hit.
i was an old time player that stopped mmorpg in DaoC times, cause work
and reallife drain all free /spare times so forgive me, i don't have seen
Darkfall and Fallout3 (i've played the Fallout1 indeed... like all the Ultima
series from 1 to 7 and others..)

In games that use mostly autoattack and just buttoned skills like Regnum, World of Warcraft and other similar ones, this isn't needed. It would be a "luxury", since it's not essential in the game's design. And that luxury could really drain down performance, and increase the lag - believe me, not "a bit".
It's a not a huge corporation which can supply us with great quality servers like Darkfall does.

Also that "luxury" can be exploited like it was in Age of Conan I think (remember kicking players from bridges?) or Oblivion (yes the best way to kill all the Imperial guards is to push them off the edge...)
have to look at darkfall example, (and oblivion yes..i remember this cool single
player game ) and probably i'll pay more xymer in the hope that NGD
will buy better servers??
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