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Old 04-09-2010, 08:42 PM   #11
Join Date: Jul 2009
Posts: 233
BigManOnCampus is on a distinguished road

Originally Posted by Greyman_tle View Post
Clans improvised a banking system, as there was none availiable - even thou it has been repeatedly asked for.
And now you've got one for individuals. How is this any different from storing items on the character itself? I fail to understand your logic here. You say a banking system was repeatedly asked for. NGD provided it. Yet somehow now that you've got what you want, it's exactly what you didn't want.

Originally Posted by Greyman_tle View Post
The most likely outcome will be an increase of bank characters, as that appears to be the only way around the new system.
This also makes zero sense to me. Most items stored in clan banks aren't stored there to make the clan better, they're stored there because they're items that "oh that might be good for someone, but it isn't better than what I have and I don't want it in my inventory." This is evidenced by the fact that clans regularly sell off stuff in their banks to lighten the load and get around the vanishing bug. If those items were truly valuable to the clan, they wouldn't be selling them.

So the situation now is that every character has it's own stash, a place to put items that aren't great but aren't entirely worthless. This is a net win for the clans because they do not have to worry about these items.

This is also a net win for NGD, because the stash database can be stored separate from the game server, lightening CPU load for more combat calculations.

Originally Posted by Greyman_tle View Post
Assuming this would increase trade is all fine well and good, if we had a trading system.
This is kind a ridiculous complaint. You can trade with players. Is there a market for players? No, but I can't imagine NGD ignoring that forever.

Originally Posted by Greyman_tle View Post
What a clan wants to do with the items they find...is up to the clan.

slight worry - if it was done to lessen DB load...the system is flawed. It runs along the same lines as...WHY? does the forum go offline when the game servers are being updated...I can only infer that its on the same server...and if its on the same server how much else is?...all the worlds?

Players will find a work around for this that suits the players....this probably wont suit NGD.....hopefully NGD will listen to the players at some point.
Clans *CAN STILL STORE ITEMS USING BANK CHARACTERS*, just use the stashes and not the inventory. It's not difficult. With xim you can expand the stashes to up to 50 items, that's a maximum of 350 items per account. If you ever had more than 350 items in a clan account before, then shame on you for not sharing with your realm mates.

The forum probably goes down during game maintenance because if they didn't take it down, the port-80 traffic to the server would likely crash it under the load of players suddenly posting.

NGD does listen to it's players. I'm quite certain they may ignore your post, however, as it's kind of a poorly-thought-out whine.

Last edited by BigManOnCampus; 04-09-2010 at 09:02 PM.
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