Originally Posted by trulyem
Just a thought...
Warmasters are not a tool. Warmasters should initiate fights. Become leaders, tank in wars and become an aid to a team.
After this update the role of a warmaster is to stay behind the lines and buff his allies, watch them die and run. The allies get speed, unstoppable madness, and free teleport while he stays behind.
Is this what NGD wants? Wussymasters?
It's an RvR game.. benefiting from your own area buffs is something NGD has changed recently (Onsl, OWTH, Shield Wall, etc) why should these spells be any different? You spent boosters to skill them? Other people did too. Plus, your whole point is nullified when there are more than one warmaster in a group, use their beacons -.- Umaril already said Warmasters are becoming very common, as 'normal players' are attaining this status.
Originally Posted by Umaril
A sort of low level warzone has been suggested many times over in many forms, I recall NGD said they were doing something to get lower levels involved in war at one point, seems to have never materialised into anything though :/
IMO exp from war should be boosted dramatically. Why? This way there will be less 'grindmasters'. Also, you get people going to war at lower levels
just to level up. I personally would buy a shit ton of boosters if they kept war exp the way it was originally on Amun.

Besides, you have to win to get exp in war :>