Shut down Realm Population Bonuses on Haven
It is time to disable low realm population bonuses on Haven. By my count the leading Realm in power as told by invasions/wishes is also the least populated; by NGD's count Alsius has the least number of active L60's. It is time to stop the population bonuses for awhile and let the realms settle out for several weeks to see how the population goes. Right now, by my observations in game, Alsius is the least populated Realm and is using skills to achieve victory over numbers.
Sure, there are off-times that Alsius does out number the other Realms but the numbers are less than what Alsius has online during primetime and during primetime either other realm outnumber Alsius significantly. I am not calling for Realm Bonus to be changed to the one realm that is outnumbered (Alsius) but instead it just be removed for awhile.