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View Poll Results: Do you hate hunters?
I hate them. 58 40.28%
I think normal about them. 52 36.11%
I love them. 34 23.61%
Voters: 144. You may not vote on this poll

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Old 03-01-2008, 09:31 PM   #1
Ertial's Avatar
Join Date: May 2007
Location: Friesland, the Netherlands
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Default Why does everyone hates hunters?

In a lot of discussion about hunter I find people screaming that hunters are overpowered and should be nerved. I'm curious why so many people hate hunters so much? Is it because of what we're meant to do, sneaking from behind(the so called cheap tactics), or our extreme fire power(...)?
Although we certainly can be a strong class, we have to be played right and can be extremely vulnerable. We don't have much evasion more than warlocks and the evasion spells aren't limitless nor extremely great. Even with Acrobatic, Spell Elude and the evasion passive at level 2 I don't evade much more.
A lot of people demand nerves of the hunter, but we've never gotten anything back, except for the great new camouflage. Niclam promised us traps long about a year ago, but we still don't have them. I don't ask for making us overpowered, I just ask for some understanding about how hard it is to play a hunter good and get to know why we're so hated.
So please tell me, why are we overpowered? Why are we strong and can always get away(Who told you we've got infinitive mana?)?
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