Originally Posted by Punti_X
Syrtis owned Alsius at Trele because of low level Alsius players and lack of support conjurers. We had many low level players there. As you could see on friday, Syrtis had 4 support conjurers active all the time, Syrtis army was full buffed all the time and Alsius had big lack of tactics and ideas (i never see Alsius players even blessed).
So, please, upgrade your abilities and skills and try to work as team, and stop complaining of your low numbers. I never see Ignis complain about outnumbered.
Or, you can return to Syrtis and help us finally take all gems and open portal.
In Alsius we have 4-6 pure Support conj Total, the rest are warju or part time support. Most of the time we are goddamn lucky to have even 1 conju at a fort war.
Sytis 'owned ' alsius at trelle because you zerg empty forts, get about 20 archers together and pick off the 4-8 players we have before we can even get close (our group usually consists of my lock, about 5 warriors and a hunter, real great for fighting archer zerg yes?). All the fantastic buffs and the most skill in the game cannot beat that. Come play for alsius and know what the situation is like before you come and say things like that.
Edit: Damnit Tauc you beat me to it :P