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Old 01-23-2009, 11:58 PM   #21
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Originally Posted by Malik2
Each of us has to come to grips with subjects, with questions, that are beyond the material world and simple science: morality, spirituality, faith, meaning, and the like. Whether you agree with my view or not, I'm fine with it because you are doing something a lot of people don't do...think about it.

This attitude will allow you to go farther then the masses, indeed.

To think or not to think, that is the question!
But let there be a lesson in everything we do,
And let there be a time where we can reflect on that which we learn,
Because to think is better then to burn.

Hell_bound 2009

Edit: Just to let people know how cool things were in South American before 1973: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Project_Cybersyn

And people think the western world is so advanced, LOL!!
.'. In the name of God, impure souls of the living dead shall be banished into eternal damnation. Amen. - Alucard .'.

Last edited by Hell_bound; 01-24-2009 at 12:18 AM.
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Old 01-24-2009, 12:38 AM   #22
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Originally Posted by Hell_bound
Kailer I'm amazed that you allow this to go on, that you would allow one gamer to attack another, especially when the attacks are not warranted.

Kailer you claim that you are here to keep the forms clean of personal attacks, but you allow anyone free reign to attack me?

Kailer explain why you allow this, for did I not say that my actions would not be like the past and have I not proved that?

Even now my actions are nothing like what was in the past, yet you allow these people to go on without rebuke?

I'm calling you out Kailer because frankly your actions here show nothing but bias, and in the end you only bring harm...
People dont change. You will still be the shameful person you always were. And now you blame kailer for this? You brought this upon yourself, you deserve this and quite frankly YOU havnt proved to me one bit that you can stick to your word.

"This is my last post"
"No, this one is"
"KIDDING! This is my last one"
"I'm now leaving the forums"
"Upps, one last song lyric spam before i leave forever"
"...Maybe 10 more song lyrics wouldnt hurt"
"Okay, i swear this is my last post ever"
"Hey its the new years, so i'm back"

Yea, you got REAL good history on keeping your word. Now you trying to show us that you (and people in general) can change? The first thing you do is run to kailer, but you didnt warrent this, or TRY to do things the right way. You tried to be dominate, you were DEMANDING that kailer did something

Do you even PLAY the game these days? Or do you just come on the forum to harras players and NGD?

No, i dont talk to Kailer that much, but i know watching this forums has got to be a hard job and Kailer is only human too. So convince me that you've changed. Talk normally, dont give other people your shit and stick to your word for once.
Oh, and another thing: Always speaking like you know what hell is, as if you've been there... Quit it. You know nothing of hell.
Dark Venom Fang
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Old 01-24-2009, 01:09 AM   #23
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Originally Posted by Static_Fang
People dont change. You will still be the shameful person you always were. And now you blame kailer for this? You brought this upon yourself, you deserve this and quite frankly YOU havnt proved to me one bit that you can stick to your word.

"This is my last post"
"No, this one is"
"KIDDING! This is my last one"
"I'm now leaving the forums"
"Upps, one last song lyric spam before i leave forever"
"...Maybe 10 more song lyrics wouldnt hurt"
"Okay, i swear this is my last post ever"
"Hey its the new years, so i'm back"

Yea, you got REAL good history on keeping your word. Now you trying to show us that you (and people in general) can change? The first thing you do is run to kailer, but you didnt warrent this, or TRY to do things the right way. You tried to be dominate, you were DEMANDING that kailer did something

Do you even PLAY the game these days? Or do you just come on the forum to harras players and NGD?

No, i dont talk to Kailer that much, but i know watching this forums has got to be a hard job and Kailer is only human too. So convince me that you've changed. Talk normally, dont give other people your shit and stick to your word for once.
Oh, and another thing: Always speaking like you know what hell is, as if you've been there... Quit it. You know nothing of hell.

It amazes me that these attacks escape the watchful eye of Kailer.

Kailer must be on vacation or something... doubtful though...
.'. In the name of God, impure souls of the living dead shall be banished into eternal damnation. Amen. - Alucard .'.
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Old 01-24-2009, 09:46 AM   #24
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Originally Posted by Hell_bound
It amazes me that these attacks escape the watchful eye of Kailer.

Kailer must be on vacation or something... doubtful though...
"The first thing you do is run to kailer, but you didnt warrent this, or TRY to do things the right way. You tried to be dominate, you were DEMANDING that kailer did something :tsk: <...> No, i dont talk to Kailer that much, but i know watching this forums has got to be a hard job and Kailer is only human too. So convince me that you've changed. Talk normally, dont give other people your shit and stick to your word for once."

Once again, you prove that you havnt changed. Just because Kailer hasn't done something yet AMAZES you, because you are OH SO special and OH SO fucking important that you think Kailer and NGD should be guarding you from these "attacks". Let me explain something: This is retalliation, you brought it upon yourself and just because you say you've changed you have yet to provide evidence of it and that you wont be a selfish shithead.

You havnt changed, you expect the world to be ready and willing to do your bidding... Your still as fucked up as you were the day you entered these forums

Meco: I appologise for boy-cotting your thread.
Dark Venom Fang
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Old 01-24-2009, 01:58 PM   #25
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Originally Posted by Static_Fang
Once again, you prove that you havnt changed. Just because Kailer hasn't done something yet AMAZES you, because you are OH SO special and OH SO fucking important that you think Kailer and NGD should be guarding you from these "attacks". Let me explain something: This is retalliation, you brought it upon yourself and just because you say you've changed you have yet to provide evidence of it and that you wont be a selfish shithead.

You havnt changed, you expect the world to be ready and willing to do your bidding... Your still as fucked up as you were the day you entered these forums

Meco: I appologise for boy-cotting your thread.

People who frequent this forum, indeed people of the world, take note for what you're witnessing is a blatant lack on NGD's part to enforce their own rules.

This individual has posted three posts which contain not only offensive language, but also direct attacks on me.

I would urge anyone, all to look though my post history and show to the world where I have used offensive attacks in such a manner. The record will show, as I most certainly believe, that I have never pursued or baited any individual as this one does with me, and especially with the such a blatant intent to do harm to an individual.

NGD, by allowing this to go on you make people question the sincerity you have for your own community. And it makes it that much harder to defend against the idea that NGD's developers abuse their status in times of war to get people motivated and organized. It even makes it more hard, on those that believe in you and have defended you and your actions, when people claim that NGD is to small of a developmental team to work on such a game as Regum. And it makes it that much harder, for those who's faith is almost gone, to accept the justifications for why patches introduce more bugs then they fix.

For the connections are clear, and I can assure you those with eyes do see it.

I may be one individual, and the forces that work against me maybe be more then this one person, but you cannot drive away, ban, or kill the truth!
.'. In the name of God, impure souls of the living dead shall be banished into eternal damnation. Amen. - Alucard .'.
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Old 01-24-2009, 02:25 PM   #26
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Originally Posted by Hell_bound
People who frequent this forum, indeed people of the world, take note for what you're witnessing is a blatant lack on NGD's part to enforce their own rules.

This individual has posted three posts which contain not only offensive language, but also direct attacks on me.

I would urge anyone, all to look though my post history and show to the world where I have used offensive attacks in such a manner. The record will show, as I most certainly believe, that I have never pursued or baited any individual as this one does with me, and especially with the such a blatant intent to do harm to an individual.

NGD, by allowing this to go on you make people question the sincerity you have for your own community. And it makes it that much harder to defend against the idea that NGD's developers abuse their status in times of war to get people motivated and organized. It even makes it more hard, on those that believe in you and have defended you and your actions, when people claim that NGD is to small of a developmental team to work on such a game as Regum. And it makes it that much harder, for those who's faith is almost gone, to accept the justifications for why patches introduce more bugs then they fix.

For the connections are clear, and I can assure you those with eyes do see it.

I may be one individual, and the forces that work against me maybe be more then this one person, but you cannot drive away, ban, or kill the truth!
Now THERES you improvement!

Not only did you use easy-to-understand english (for the most part) but you did so in a formal manner. BUT you are still being shifty, shadey and devious. You are still demanded around-the-clock enforcement on the forums, which WONT happen. Your still posting this IN PUBLIC! Complaints or issues are to be resolved MUCH faster with a messaging system, IE: Send NGD a message. You are still the SAME person you always have been, the person i have stated. However you are showing a lot more self restraint but i can see more trickery behind your words waiting to errupt into a war. No this is not a war between us, Its a stand-off.

I'm waiting for you to snap, and become reckless. Making a move that will cost you and make this community a better place.

NGD is busy, but will probably find this and ban me, maybe for 2 days, a week or even forever. Do not think this will end there.

You are trying to protect yourself so you can stay in the community, slowly poisoning it until it is corrupted beyond hope. You are also demanding NGD's 24/7 protection on you and expecting in-human occurances from them. They are human, and they doing the best they can to provide us entertainment. Stop thinking your the dominate man of the world and show a little respect.
Dark Venom Fang
Spider Warlock
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Old 01-24-2009, 02:33 PM   #27
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Dont argue, just use rule 1.4 of RO forum regulations
1.4) If any user infringes any of the forum regulations regarding the publication of a topic or reply, this must be ignored (not replied) and reported by the Report Bad Post tool or by sending an email to abuse@ngdstudios.com.ar indicating the link to the thread or post involved. This procedure is imperative to enhance moderation and avoid the deviation of the topics in discussion.
Dont screw up second chance NGD gave you.

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Old 01-24-2009, 04:00 PM   #28
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I have little faith that one day people will stop bitching @ each other on the forums
Follow me on facebook https://www.facebook.com/lomgom/
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Old 01-24-2009, 04:01 PM   #29
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First off thankyou you Sydonay and Malik for your posts, i will indeed look into your suggestions plus yes i agree to not think is to shrivel and die inside, trouble is i possibly think too much sometimes

Right as sydonay said..

Originally Posted by sydonay
Hey Meco to get back on topic and not look like a Jerry Springer episode
Ive got to a point in my life where i could do without drama..as for all intents, purposes and slandering...this is what your turning my thread into..and im talking to both H_B and Static...To static..is you felt so strongly about H_B posting in my thread you should have told Kailer..as that is what hes here for..to "police" the forums..everybody..and i mean everybody deserves a second chance in life..if they mess it up this time..then that the time to kick off and not before. To H_B..i for one are glad your back..my reason..is simple..i feel i could/can and have learnt alot from you, there is another reason why i im glad your back, but i wont disclose that here as you already know anyway. Dont get drawn into a flame war, as in the end its not worth it.
To kailer..arent you meant to delete posts when they might cause upset to the individuals and/or the community ? However please dont close my thread..as was and still is a genuine one. Thankyou.
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Old 01-25-2009, 01:50 AM   #30
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Written from memory, so if there's a word r two wrong, or the grammer isn't right, apologies:

Who's woods these are i think i know?
His house is in the village though
He will not see me stopping here
To watch his woods fill up with snow.

My little horse must think it queer
To stop without a farmhouse near
Between the woods and frozen lake
This darkest evening of the year.

He gives his harness bells a shake
To ask if there is some mistake
The only other sound's the sweep
Of easy wind and downy flake.

The woods are lovely, dark and deep
But I have promises to keep
And miles to go before i sleep
And miles to go before I sleep.

Written by Robert Frost.

My interpretation is as follows: a lowly farmer travelling across country, pausing ponderously. He is strangely attracted to the dark woods, the 'something beyond' the travelled road. The echoing of the last lines suggest that despite his feelings of drearyness and the attraction of the dark woods, he has miles to go before he 'sleeps'. And the echoing suggest that once he sleeps, there is something more.
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