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Old 11-18-2010, 06:52 AM   #11
Join Date: May 2009
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Originally Posted by Portobello View Post
Ok, No offence Grandma but you seem to have missed the point. My point was that I havn't seen many people (I've only seen one so far) that acknowledge game production is not easy.
Then you haven't spent much time on the forums.

Originally Posted by Portobello View Post
I don't really think alot of people have the intention of supporting NGD when buying Ximerin, only to improve their personal characters. Though they may be a few who do think of that, you included.
Do you think NGD is some kind of charity to donate to? This game is their business, they are selling a product. That is why you're supposed to buy ximerin, not because you feel Kailer might not be able to afford groceries this week unless you buy war banners.

Originally Posted by Portobello View Post
...[everything else]...
Name is mushroom.... your argument is invalid.
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Old 11-18-2010, 07:25 AM   #12
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Old 11-18-2010, 07:25 AM   #13
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Welcome to the forums, Portobello.

NGD is a game company, Regnum Online is a product, people pay money to play it. They don't have to, and NGD doesn't have to support anyone who doesn't (that is out of courtesy), but they do have to support people who do, its called purchasing a product.

The reason you see so much hate in the forums is because, well, they often fail to do so.

And it's not so much that people are flaming NGD as simply stating facts. That is, things that exist. Sugar coating things does nothing to improve them, only give NGD more reasons to be proud of their game despite it being in an unending depression.

I'm on their side when they do good, and against them when they do bad. Do you understand what I am trying to say?

Hope you enjoy your stay, kind regards.
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Old 11-18-2010, 08:27 AM   #14
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Portobello is an unknown quantity at this point

Originally Posted by VandaMan View Post
Then you haven't spent much time on the forums.

Do you think NGD is some kind of charity to donate to? This game is their business, they are selling a product. That is why you're supposed to buy ximerin, not because you feel Kailer might not be able to afford groceries this week unless you buy war banners.

Name is mushroom.... your argument is invalid.
Actually, yes I have spent quite a bit of time on the forums, certainly not as much as you, thats why I said "So far". So that is sorted out.

When did I even imply in any of my text that NGD is a charity, the post was a response to a reply by Orimae stating, "People buy ximerin to support the company" Being NGD. I said I don't think many people actually buy Ximerin to support NGD, rather to help themselves in game. Read the text over -.- They are selling a product, naturally, and by buying Ximerin you do give them what they want and do actually support them. But thats not what I said, I didn't say that NGD isn't trying to make money off the game, I said people don't generally have the sole intention of supporting NGD by buying Ximerin.

"Name is mushroom.... your argument is invalid." Real cool of you, for lack of anything better to say about you're stupidity here.

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Old 11-18-2010, 11:45 AM   #15
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Originally Posted by Portobello View Post
....about you're stupidity here.
Make sure of your intelligence, before you're caught doing something foolish.

These other posters are trying to give you the benefit of experience; play this game for a while before you judge player attitudes.
o Q o (WM), Martok (WM), Wyatt Earp (53), T'Pol (52), P'Tak (57), Rotarrin (38)
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Old 11-18-2010, 11:57 AM   #16
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NGD did 9/11.

OT: Actually there is far less complaining about class balance now then there was several months ago. The only thing whiners have to complain about now are their own personal issues. Customer support has also improved dramatically. So I have no idea what forum you are reading.

Nevertheless, there are some things concerning game development that some people fail to understand. Instead, they choose to put their ego's (Ultimately including time and money spent in a game) behind every post. No one is special. If you dislike a game so much, then take a break from it. Why, if we were to compare say... Boger and sweet premium princess Mikan, what do we see? One person controls his life and descisions, and freely moves wherever he wishes and is satisfied with his choices, while the other has become a stale prune filled with hate and keyboard rage, unable to leave behind a rabid addiction.

You see folks, taking a break honestly does you much more good for your mental health, relieves of you stress, and actually gets you somewhere. Wheras bitching and moaning for months only deteriorates your mind. Some people cannot comprehend that task however because it would mean a stall in the growth of their epeen and image. That, or they are mentally ill for foolishly spending so much time and money in a game, and so they seek revenge by squeezing every last drop of value and juice from the lemon that is their game.

Last edited by KKharzov; 11-18-2010 at 12:13 PM.
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Old 11-18-2010, 12:13 PM   #17
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If I had to remove all personal attacks from this thread, there would be almost nothing left, so I close it instead.

Please be more respectful when expressing your opinion.
Dky Sven, level 54 knight (Ra) Valhalla
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