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Old 12-15-2010, 05:36 AM   #1
Kittypretty's Avatar
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Hmm sorry a bit late about this topic,

but I have not been playing for awhile, as School is getting more and more involved, and well still a bit let down that someone can still just harass a player to the point their account is still unusable (1+ month is a bit much Imo..)

I'll likely be back at some time when i can get some free time, and/if my account ever gets returned to me, cause School right now is taking so much of my time that it just seems like I'm amazed I fit some sleeping time in to it

Hope everyone has a nice Xmas though I'm really looking forward to all the celebrations and whatnot, and I didn't get to properly tell my friends I left Regnum for the time being as I haven't been in game, But hope they read this n know I'm doing fine, and have a Happy Holiday Season!
Taking a break from Regnum due to work leaving me little free time! So my laptop must go for now! (ask me for full details, it is an Alienware Mx18 3rd gen Ivy bridge i73920xm & configured with SLI twin Nvidia 675m, paid 3,330$ asking 2,800$ or 2,400$ + netbook.
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Old 12-15-2010, 07:39 AM   #2
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First school...
...then game.

I have done the same i guess, off for 1 year (finish my diploma thesis + do national service).

C u kitty :>
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Old 12-15-2010, 06:23 PM   #3
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Good Luck with school - Hope everything goes well for you
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Old 12-15-2010, 10:55 PM   #4
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Your school have to be OK first ofcourse kitty
I hope you will make it, good luck and see you soon again
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Old 12-16-2010, 03:23 AM   #5
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What they said . All the best in your studies, glad to know all is well. Looking forward to your return!
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Old 01-30-2011, 02:15 PM   #6
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Back for a bit..i had a surgery to remove my gallbladder after i had went to the ER with extreme abdominal pains so im laid up and all plans on hold,(school..dating)
So idk how long ill be back till im healed i guess

one thing bugs me though...

which is why i guess i quit for awhile too, as being harassed got my char banned, despite NGD saying i wouldnt if i deleted all the crap i was given (AND me reporting it in the FIRST place, my intentions were clear obviously i thought..if i wanted to keep it i woulda kept my mouth shut) about what someone was doing to me. I even did everything they told me to do and assured me i wouldnt be banned if i deleted it all.


So i guess moral of the story is, if you hate a player, dupe some items and give em to them, and well ngd will ban them for you, yay.

dead horse has been beat..so now i guess i go grind(with my free time) another barb to replace the one that was unfairly banned.

Hope all is well with everyone sorry for sounding like a bitch...but hard work for something, just so some idiot can ruin it all and without any way of defending my self sucks. NGD needs a proper support, not just casual banning without any in depth investigations.

Either way its my loss and i have to move on as its just a game, and one i have less n less time to devote too, especially if i fear that some thing like this can happen so easily. its why i stopped playing so easily, losing trust in a developer.

on another note..school was going great..i am gonna be a certified chef soon..and back home in Oahu working in one of the popular restaurants hopefully serving up hawaiian style dishes to the haoles lol. I cant wait to have a career that gets my bills paid without me stressing..
Taking a break from Regnum due to work leaving me little free time! So my laptop must go for now! (ask me for full details, it is an Alienware Mx18 3rd gen Ivy bridge i73920xm & configured with SLI twin Nvidia 675m, paid 3,330$ asking 2,800$ or 2,400$ + netbook.

Last edited by Kittypretty; 01-30-2011 at 02:25 PM.
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Old 01-31-2011, 01:14 PM   #7
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Hope you get your account unbanned kitty.

Please NGD unban her account, she is nice person. I do not think she will do (or ever done) anything against rules.
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Old 01-31-2011, 10:05 PM   #8
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its ok..i lost faith in them and doing the right thing (i thought) by reporting it, and following their advice about deleting all the items i got in that trade, would have let me keep my character, as they told me in a mail they wouldnt ban people providing they did such.

I never have abused the glitch myself, so i thought it was very unfair to pay for someone elses abuse. someone even told me that was his intention, that they had screenshots of tiber mentioning he was doing it because he knew it would get me banned. so yeah he got his wish lol.

Sucks cuz i did pay for xim right before that too, but i will never again buy any because of that.

Im not whining..i hope just it was hard work and im afraid that anyone can just get me banned without any way for me to tell my side.

And no i dont cheat lol..i dont even abuse bugs i find, im that much of a coward haha

anyways, this is how i felt about it, but did that make a difference at all? nope.
Taking a break from Regnum due to work leaving me little free time! So my laptop must go for now! (ask me for full details, it is an Alienware Mx18 3rd gen Ivy bridge i73920xm & configured with SLI twin Nvidia 675m, paid 3,330$ asking 2,800$ or 2,400$ + netbook.

Last edited by Kittypretty; 02-01-2011 at 01:00 AM.
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