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Old 02-10-2011, 11:34 PM   #1
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Default Don't worry I be doctor...

http://regnumonlinegame.com/forum/sh...ad.php?t=72517 <- my post

DkSven said.....

To assume that one screenshot is enough to get people banned, is ridiculous. NGD uses logfiles to back up claims of cheating. Of course one screenshot is not enough to proof someone is cheating.

You say players should not be punished for things that happen natural in-game. If you mean to say that when a player does something unintentional and then does not continue to abuse it, banning is not fair, then of course you are right. But I don't think anyone at NGD would disagree.

This thread is not adding anything to a discussion about bans, except that it looks like you are trying to cover up something you did. There are other ways to complain about the way people get banned that describing why you are innocent in a special case using a thread in the Inn.
My response...

I am not having a battle... just an open debate stated with an idea. There is no need to lock my thread because you can. We can all expand our minds here and see what everyone else feels about the subject

this was said to me before the topic as locked...

1) this is the inn where we can chat about almost any topic.....
2) I am not trying to cover up anything I did, as I did nothing.....
3) I am not complaining about the way people get banned....
4) I am not saying anyone is innocent...

I am saying that if the game allows an action without the use of third party tools, and this action takes place by players - then there should be no blemish against that players soul. It is like punishing a bird for spreading its wings and taking to the air. However, if a player uses tools to add new abilities to the game then they should be punished. (then and only then)
I never said that people get banned based on one screenshot... relax and re read

I have spoken the truth
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Old 02-10-2011, 11:39 PM   #2
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I am saying in short unintentional or not if the game allows an action or function then it should be valid since the game does not hinder such actions.

Nothing that the game allows can be considered cheating. Why? The action is built into the games rules.
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Old 02-10-2011, 11:41 PM   #3
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This is the inn... as long as we are not bashing each other and violating cyber laws or bad mouthing NGD why close our threads?
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Old 02-10-2011, 11:58 PM   #4
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So if there was a bug that me invincible, able to walk through walls, take all the gems and open the portal 1000 times a day, that's ok for me to do, because NGD made one, maybe up until now, insignificant error in the code?

If there was no law against murder, would it still be ok to kill people?

If people INTENTIONALLY use abuse flaws in the game they deserve a to be banned, there's no two ways about it.

However if it's an honest mistake; and one that can be documented as a mistake, then they should be allowed off, of course.

People who use 3rd party programs to cheat should be insta + perma banned without warning and I couldn't care less for them.
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Old 02-11-2011, 12:22 AM   #5
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Originally Posted by Mattdoesrock View Post
So if there was a bug that me invincible, able to walk through walls, take all the gems and open the portal 1000 times a day, that's ok for me to do, because NGD made one, maybe up until now, insignificant error in the code?

If there was no law against murder, would it still be ok to kill people?

If people INTENTIONALLY use abuse flaws in the game they deserve a to be banned, there's no two ways about it.

However if it's an honest mistake; and one that can be documented as a mistake, then they should be allowed off, of course.

People who use 3rd party programs to cheat should be insta + perma banned without warning and I couldn't care less for them.
It is ok to kill people cops do it all the time.

I am saying this....

If there is a bug in the game that goes unfixed and people get in trouble for it who's the one that should be punished? The player? The developers? No one should be punished but if the powers that be do not want the effect that is happening they should patch their systems.

If the game allows it ... it is legal by the games built in standards.

I hate all 3rd party users period always have always will. Do I hate glitchers? Nope we can all do what they do because it is built into the game.
If there was a bug that allowed you to get all gems and run around in god mode other people would also do the same and there would be a balance. Matt didn't you notice alot of these old bugs became "part of the norm". Things that in the past were seen as bugs are incorporated into everyday normal game play. (With minor tweaks on damages/durations)

what i was talking about was a minor issue....

what if you are in a fort... walking and you fall out into the crowd of enemies? will you sit there and die or fight?
If you kill someone after falling out is that considered cheating? will they say you did it on purpose? will you ge tn trouble for it? what if each time you walked on the edge of a fort you fell out? and after falling out you chose to fight instead of lay down and die? should you be banned? should your thread that allows us to opens talk about issues be closed before people get to respond?

i have fallen out of many forts and i always fight... and no i never got banned for it.... it's a question not a complaint.
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Old 02-11-2011, 09:42 AM   #6
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Demon Monger get a life and start acting your age. Go out and meet some women. It will do you good.

Edit; Preferably single, non-married women. Kthxbai.

Last edited by KKharzov; 02-11-2011 at 09:59 AM.
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Old 02-11-2011, 01:42 PM   #7
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Originally Posted by KKharzov View Post
Demon Monger get a life and start acting your age. Go out and meet some women. It will do you good.

Edit; Preferably single, non-married women. Kthxbai.
Well done for staying on topic KKharzov, really well done.

On topic, i've also fell out of forts a few times...and each time i do think well someone could screenshot this and ban me if they wanted in fact i was one of the people to report the bug on the forums. http://www.regnumonline.com.ar/forum...ad.php?t=54061 Why is it still not fixed though?
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Old 02-11-2011, 02:25 PM   #8
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Originally Posted by DemonMonger View Post
It is ok to kill people cops do it all the time.
I'm sorry but after reading this... I just don't know what to say anymore.
RA / Hor... Haven?
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Old 02-11-2011, 02:26 PM   #9
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Why is it still not fixed though?
Probably because they are working on the new forts? idk.

I always just go back into the fort, mostly in one piece. But then again I'm a marks, staying there means death. Everything down there I can do from within the relative safety of the fort.

I find it rather cheap to abuse game mechanics like this one. I have only taken advantage of one thing once, the kamikaze AK47 marksman setup that was possible some time ago. Most marks wouldn't take the risks involved and even come to call it useless so I had fun killing them in packs of three, 4 seconds each. Thank god they fixed it, it was more broken than 4k dmg south crosses.
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Old 02-11-2011, 02:44 PM   #10
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When NGD by accident let a bug slip trough that allows people to steal gems in an unfair way and someone abuses this bug, then he can banned, because he is clearly abusing the game. If you have problems with what NGD defines as bug abusing and abusing game mechanism, the forum is not the place to discuss it, please use the other tools for communication that NGD has provided for you.

Forum regulations state ban policy is not discussed at the forum.

I see nothing in your new posts that I did not cover in my own post, you didn't raise anything new in this thread, but just repeated what you said earlier.

Maybe I shouldn't have closed your thread, although the forum regulations do state as I said that ban policy is not discussed here. However, I doubt it would have gone somewhere anyway. In what you are discussing I see no real issue that needs attention.
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