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Old 03-03-2011, 05:23 PM   #81
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Originally Posted by Taralyn1 View Post
I agree about the tower camping, how the heck are we supposed to try to defend our realm if all they do is stay up @ the top of the tower & pick off people 1 by 1. U can see a darn thing when u going up the tower because the wall gets in the way, and by the time u get into position you get knocked down & killed in 2 hits, but there are 5 or 6 people attacking 1 person @ the same time so there is NO CHANCE to get the enemy. That is just wrong.
At the risk of sounding overly harsh, that's your own fault. Don't rush the tower one at a time like a bunch of retards, and you won't get picked off one at a time. I know it's a complicated strategy, and you may not be able to understand this concept, but I'll try my best to explain anyway; if you all attack the tower at once it's more difficult to target you one at a time.
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Old 03-03-2011, 05:26 PM   #82
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Originally Posted by VandaMan View Post
At the risk of sounding overly harsh, that's your own fault. Don't rush the tower one at a time like a bunch of retards, and you won't get picked off one at a time. I know it's a complicated strategy, and you may not be able to understand this concept, but I'll try my best to explain anyway; if you all attack the tower at once it's more difficult to target you one at a time.
If only people would listen to reason!
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Old 03-03-2011, 05:31 PM   #83
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Originally Posted by Awrath View Post
If only people would listen to reason!
Im serious. If we really build this giant wooden badger.......

Thats reason enough.
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Old 03-03-2011, 05:53 PM   #84
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Originally Posted by Raoh View Post

Go get a couple of high level hunters, with level 5 stalker. And take a team of 10 up there, and take the team out.

There are a variety of ways to get up there, and root out the team thats in it. Using the sight limitation doesnt invalidate the technique. It might make it more difficult, but then it causes you to create and or engineer just as annoying a way to fix the problem.

I still say its better to roll a giant wooden badger up to the door.
Dont work. even if you have some stalker 5 you still have reveal, and if reveal dont works warriors keep casting areas without seeing no1.
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Old 03-03-2011, 06:02 PM   #85
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Yeah I guess all that would take is a lock and level 1 splinter wall. That would pretty much kill the cloak idea.

Still, Im sure theres a way to do it. Just have to find the right nuances and figure it out.

Or build a giant wooden rabbit.
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Old 03-03-2011, 06:16 PM   #86
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Originally Posted by VandaMan View Post
At the risk of sounding overly harsh, that's your own fault. Don't rush the tower one at a time like a bunch of retards, and you won't get picked off one at a time. I know it's a complicated strategy, and you may not be able to understand this concept, but I'll try my best to explain anyway; if you all attack the tower at once it's more difficult to target you one at a time.

huh?? oh..... sultar?...... comin right up.
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Old 03-03-2011, 06:33 PM   #87
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Originally Posted by Gallus View Post
Dont work. even if you have some stalker 5 you still have reveal, and if reveal dont works warriors keep casting areas without seeing no1.
hahaha you're totally right, the 6 warriors camping the tower are just sitting up there spamming typhoon and reveal.
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Old 03-03-2011, 06:36 PM   #88
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Originally Posted by Gallus View Post
Dont work. even if you have some stalker 5 you still have reveal, and if reveal dont works warriors keep casting areas without seeing no1.
According to your logic, it isn't viable to use stalker or camo anymore because it can be revealed. That's just silly to even think, especially considering we've almost never had a hunter in our little tower fights until they've recently grown way out of proportion in response to this ridiculous thread.

And I also find it funny that there's mention of warriors casting areas...when this simply isn't the case. In fact, in almost every situation we've never once had to use areas because it was easy enough to just pick on single targets considering that's how they come up the tower :P

If anything, the incoming warriors that try to take the tower back cast all the areas...typhoons, thunderstrikes, expansive waves, rage of the earth, you name it....

I really just think you guys have lost sight of what you're even bitching about anymore. Maybe it is best to go back to grinding, or in some cases even just uninstall the game?
It's a game.Play it!
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