Originally Posted by Signatus
Very nice, now I know what you are doing when you are wasting all our conjurers heals... 
Right? Haha, oh well
Btw, I dont see how this is a "We are the best" thread. I dont see anywhere in his comments that they could be interpreted as elitest or boastful. And even then, so what if it is? Is it not the pride of your realm that drives the game? You fight to bring the gems home to your realm. Its not that we think we are the best, we just pull some cool manuvers useing whats given to us. We tend to impress ourselves. 5 years and we are still comeing up with new ways to play. And we might not have thought of it first, but we sure as hell pulled it off first.
Might have been the first to do so in the game (Im not entirly sure, I dont know whats going on with the other servers, dont keep up on them.)
Horus: AKM lvl 50 Conjurer, Chiller lvl 42 Warlock,
MAK lvl 50 Knight, A K M lvl 45 Hunter
Last edited by A_K_M; 03-23-2011 at 03:07 PM.
Reason: Damn forum, dosnt automatically end my parentheses like my compilers do