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View Poll Results: Do you notice decreased activity in Horus warzone...? Is Horus Dying?
Yes I noticed decrease in player activity Horus is dying! 48 72.73%
No I didn't notice decrease in player activity Horus isn't dying! 18 27.27%
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Old 06-05-2011, 06:17 PM   #31
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Small problem:Raven and Nemon is other companyies servers :P
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Old 06-05-2011, 07:00 PM   #32
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Originally Posted by NSer View Post
Small problem:Raven and Nemon is other companyies servers :P
Thats not a problem at all I am from Tyr server tyr was a game runned by unitedgames and still we merged.. Horus is in similar problems so lets pray for a merge
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Old 06-05-2011, 07:47 PM   #33
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Originally Posted by Torcida View Post
Thats not a problem at all I am from Tyr server tyr was a game runned by unitedgames and still we merged.. Horus is in similar problems so lets pray for a merge
Unitedgames was Bankrupt, which is a total different story if we're talking about Gamigo.
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Old 06-05-2011, 08:36 PM   #34
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Originally Posted by HuntShot View Post
Unitedgames was Bankrupt, which is a total different story if we're talking about Gamigo.
I think if there will be a merge it will be with Raven quite obvious because they are negotiating with gamessamba :P

But anyway

It indeed are 2 different companies but its the same problem just like then Tyr was underpopulated thats why it got merged with Horus

Now we have the same problem Underpopulation on both servers as we all know Horus simply is underpopulated and Raven has a problem of new players leaving because of the lack of vets Like Chilko said it would be possitive for both servers Raven attracts alot of new players but fails to keep them because of the lack of veterans arround that can help them Horus could bring those vets and at the same time enjoy all the new players ty too Raven advertisement

1 hit 2 kills

If NGD merges Horus with Raven I think they deserve a GREAT round of aplause because it clearly is the BEST thing too do!

Toi Toi Toi NGD!
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Old 06-06-2011, 12:45 PM   #35
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In the forums these things are easy to talk.

In the business world where things are much more complex what you suggest is much harder to negotiate. Remember both companies are in it for profit and at the same time must make a delicate balance that allows them to benefit while mitigating risk.

I have been involved in a few situations like this in my business life and believe me, this is no easy task by a long shot. The fact that this is a cross border (international) deal with different jurisdictions and regulations make it all the more complex.

Oh and I don't think Horus is dying, it is just suffering with a bout of anorexia. It could go either way but as each update proves in the initial stage, if NGD could deliver a kicker update, it can recover most of its lost player base in the drop of a hat. The key is keeping them here though.

Eye candy will not do it. Serious introspection and bringing back old game play with new systems will hold people. Add on what worked and gradually phase out what does not work. The game managed to survive without invasions, yes? NGD needs to remember why.
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Old 06-06-2011, 04:30 PM   #36
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When I asked if Horus will merge soon or we can transfer to Ra they said:
We inform you, for the moment, this is not available. The server change feature will be launched later in the year.
Firellord // Maeve Wiley // Tyler Seguin
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Old 06-06-2011, 06:15 PM   #37
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I do not think a possible merge will solve anything. It will actually do more harm than good.

You will get more americans in usa zone and europeans in eu zone. Both zones will be still split. This is relatively fine. Bad news is you will get old players in both zones who will pummel new players and grow will stop.

I still think NGD should allow european spanish countries to join Horus. Most of them know english and this is no problems. They got nearly same culture and stuff.

If you think merge is good because we will get more GM's this is bad too. Americans are quite different from us. Some EU nations use swears alot - I MEAN ALOT! Most of eastern europeans are like this. People just use them and noyone gets angry or something. If you put US gm's here you will practically loose half server, coz it will be banned for swearing.

I usually salute one serbian player with an pretty not nice word meaning male genitalia and we both grin and joke. This is usual stuff in some EU countries.

EU and USA are two different words. They have specifics strange in the eyes of different ppl.
RA | Ignis | Lilla My | Conjurer | EVIL IGNIS ROCK
Horus | Syrtis | ieti | Conjurer | INQUISITION | LONG GONE
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Old 06-06-2011, 06:26 PM   #38
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Originally Posted by ieti View Post
I do not think a possible merge will solve anything. It will actually do more harm than good.

You will get more americans in usa zone and europeans in eu zone. Both zones will be still split. This is relatively fine. Bad news is you will get old players in both zones who will pummel new players and grow will stop.

I still think NGD should allow european spanish countries to join Horus. Most of them know english and this is no problems. They got nearly same culture and stuff.

If you think merge is good because we will get more GM's this is bad too. Americans are quite different from us. Some EU nations use swears alot - I MEAN ALOT! Most of eastern europeans are like this. People just use them and noyone gets angry or something. If you put US gm's here you will practically loose half server, coz it will be banned for swearing.

I usually salute one serbian player with an pretty not nice word meaning male genitalia and we both grin and joke. This is usual stuff in some EU countries.

EU and USA are two different words. They have specifics strange in the eyes of different ppl.

Hahahahaha I am Slavic my self and I know exactly what you mean :P I don't know about the american GM stuff but I do know that NGD cannot leave horus like this because then it will die 100% sure They will either have too merge with raven or give us character transfers to raven/ra
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Old 06-06-2011, 06:36 PM   #39
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Originally Posted by Firellord View Post
When I asked if Horus will merge soon or we can transfer to Ra they said:
Who did you ask? And when?
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Old 06-06-2011, 06:41 PM   #40
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Bois is right. Horus got alot players who left for different reasons. Bugs, annoyments, imbalance etc etc etc. They come on every event, every update hoping this will be "THAT UPDATE" and they leave after seing nothing is changed in terms of reasons they left for. Lately things even got worse and more ppl left or temporarily stopped.

I can freely say old pre 1.0 regnum was alot more fun. It was ugly, buggy BUT provided tons of fun. It was more free compared to what RO is now. Players got more freedom in terms of what they can do, in terms how they can act and defeat enemy. There was powerful spells, but they got powerful counters.

As example i will give Sultars Terror. It was powerfull spell - 30+ range, long knock, stacking, good damage. But back then we got Protection Dome - it was 70% knock resist or something. Many conjus do not liked it, because of the speed mallus, but it was used and it was funny to see whole groups approaching forts hiding in dome's funny globe running in snail speed. Enemy trowed terrors but who cared. When dome was changed - terror became a problem. Common was the situation with many spells.

RO must be fun for old and new players. New players need to level fast, get used to things fast less bugs. Old players know most bugs and if those bugs are not so big deal they even do not bother. Old players need freedom, tactics, possibilities and more fun. They need a freedom and variations in single spell usage which RO lost lately. Old RO gived freedom...
RA | Ignis | Lilla My | Conjurer | EVIL IGNIS ROCK
Horus | Syrtis | ieti | Conjurer | INQUISITION | LONG GONE
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