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View Poll Results: Do you notice decreased activity in Horus warzone...? Is Horus Dying?
Yes I noticed decrease in player activity Horus is dying! 48 72.73%
No I didn't notice decrease in player activity Horus isn't dying! 18 27.27%
Voters: 66. You may not vote on this poll

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Old 06-06-2011, 07:42 PM   #41
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Originally Posted by ieti View Post
Bois is right. Horus got alot players who left for different reasons. Bugs, annoyments, imbalance etc etc etc. They come on every event, every update hoping this will be "THAT UPDATE" and they leave after seing nothing is changed in terms of reasons they left for. Lately things even got worse and more ppl left or temporarily stopped.

I can freely say old pre 1.0 regnum was alot more fun. It was ugly, buggy BUT provided tons of fun. It was more free compared to what RO is now. Players got more freedom in terms of what they can do, in terms how they can act and defeat enemy. There was powerful spells, but they got powerful counters.

As example i will give Sultars Terror. It was powerfull spell - 30+ range, long knock, stacking, good damage. But back then we got Protection Dome - it was 70% knock resist or something. Many conjus do not liked it, because of the speed mallus, but it was used and it was funny to see whole groups approaching forts hiding in dome's funny globe running in snail speed. Enemy trowed terrors but who cared. When dome was changed - terror became a problem. Common was the situation with many spells.

RO must be fun for old and new players. New players need to level fast, get used to things fast less bugs. Old players know most bugs and if those bugs are not so big deal they even do not bother. Old players need freedom, tactics, possibilities and more fun. They need a freedom and variations in single spell usage which RO lost lately. Old RO gived freedom...
Even if all the people who left the game would come back Horus would still be 10% of RA and believe me they won't come back and since we dont get any newplayers in Horus the server I mean imagine it you as a new playerlogging in to the game you say Hi in your realm chat and No-one says anything and you don't see any other people playing around you? For 80% of the players this means Log off delete game Thats why Horus should merge with raven We as the ''old experienced'' players could provide Raven with their much needed Vets and they can provide us with our Much needed players if the merge isn't possible just give us a char transfer to RA...
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Old 06-06-2011, 07:46 PM   #42
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I do not want RA or Raven. I want fun in Horus. If i wanted that servers i will be there long ago. Even without transfers.
RA | Ignis | Lilla My | Conjurer | EVIL IGNIS ROCK
Horus | Syrtis | ieti | Conjurer | INQUISITION | LONG GONE
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Old 06-06-2011, 08:17 PM   #43
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Originally Posted by ieti View Post
I do not want RA or Raven. I want fun in Horus. If i wanted that servers i will be there long ago. Even without transfers.
Well I dont see that happening. Horus is lost we have been shrinking for so long now Horus has come to an end.. There is no more fun on this empty server and 75% of the people agree with me and I think NGD should listen to us for once!
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Old 06-06-2011, 09:24 PM   #44
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Originally Posted by Torcida
Thats why Horus should merge with raven We as the ''old experienced'' players could provide Raven with their much needed Vets and they can provide us with our Much needed players if the merge isn't possible just give us a char transfer to RA...
There are already plenty of vets on Raven to give new players guidance, and the GMs are pretty knowledgeable despite only playing the game for a short while. Didn't you go to Raven, too?
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Old 06-06-2011, 11:07 PM   #45
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I don't understand where all this doom talk is coming from. Yeah, some people left. Some people have also come back. There might even be some new players around. I don't see any significant decrease in numbers besides maybe Ignis's infamous night crew. I'm sure everyone in the other realms is all broken up over that. >.>

People come and people go. RO changes more than a game in beta (minus the bug fixes) and the problems of the day get fixed or at least changed into new problems.
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Old 06-06-2011, 11:37 PM   #46
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If all the people who left came back we would have a whale of a time.

Throw down all your portals for a day, pick up your horses and see what happens. You never know , it might be fun.
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Old 06-07-2011, 06:15 AM   #47
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Originally Posted by bois View Post

In the old days , the game was slower. You had a chance of getting to group bridges if you were late, grouping for war was at stages which allowed groups to grow as they go. The chance of skirmishes on the way increased fun. People waited for you. If you died you can mini group to go back. People were connected because the game was slower.

Speed does not always = fun.
i'm agree! +1
Sooner or later, you know, that the world around you can't change. But when all illusions are destroyed, you can start to build one, the one great illusion.
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Old 06-07-2011, 07:10 AM   #48
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Originally Posted by Torcida View Post
Well I dont see that happening. Horus is lost we have been shrinking for so long now Horus has come to an end.. There is no more fun on this empty server and 75% of the people agree with me and I think NGD should listen to us for once!
don't take it the wrong way, but your being a bit melodramatic, perhaps your making an excuse to join Raven, but no need ur a free man(or woman) u can do whatever u want no need to say things like "oh noes horus is dead!!!", because horus isnt dead, its right there on your game launcher^^
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Old 06-07-2011, 08:48 AM   #49
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Originally Posted by Torcida View Post
Who did you ask? And when?
at their support site I asked them, the day after I sent a ticket I got response

Horus doesn't need to merge... but something needs to be changed so ppl don't log off immediately and we can have much more fun again.
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Old 06-07-2011, 09:11 AM   #50
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Originally Posted by nohan View Post
don't take it the wrong way, but your being a bit melodramatic, perhaps your making an excuse to join Raven, but no need ur a free man(or woman) u can do whatever u want no need to say things like "oh noes horus is dead!!!", because horus isnt dead, its right there on your game launcher^^
So you are saying 75% of the 53 voters thats around 40 people who voted Horus is dying are melodramatic?

And for the people who don't want horus to merge with Raven I have a question;

Why not?
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