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View Poll Results: Do you notice decreased activity in Horus warzone...? Is Horus Dying?
Yes I noticed decrease in player activity Horus is dying! 48 72.73%
No I didn't notice decrease in player activity Horus isn't dying! 18 27.27%
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Old 06-07-2011, 10:19 AM   #51
Join Date: May 2010
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No intention of joinig another server but Torcida isn't being melodramatic, realm imbalance is spiraling out of control.

Ignis, in case you havn't noticed Alsius cant be bothered to fight larger numbers with unballanced skills, we are just loging out when you make your daily invasions.
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Old 06-07-2011, 12:09 PM   #52
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Originally Posted by standistortion View Post
No intention of joinig another server but Torcida isn't being melodramatic, realm imbalance is spiraling out of control.

Ignis, in case you havn't noticed Alsius cant be bothered to fight larger numbers with unballanced skills, we are just loging out when you make your daily invasions.
Agree on imbalance,but only on timezone one.
Next,only part of u log off,others camp noble. Even when gates is safe.....
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Old 06-07-2011, 01:18 PM   #53
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Does merging Raven with Horus solve anything?

Ask yourself this. It does not benefit NGD. It does not fix the positive/ negative feedback issues that are the root problem of any low population server.

It simply drives the problems under the carpet to erupt later down the road. For NGD, Horus is the perfect opportunity to see the problems first hand and start to design policy to reduce these issues.
Up to this time NGD builds and has policy that is directed to RA. There is no problem with this but, RA populations mask obvious scaling and conceptual problems that are laid bare on servers like Nemon and Horus.

They can address the issues at the root here and it will serve them very well on any server , any population. Horus must be the acid test server, not RA.
If it is not working here , it is not a solid implementation.

Lastly, NGD needs to stop fire fighting and treating symptoms. Dig deep and produce changes that attack the disease. SO what if we complain. If we didn't care about the server and the company we would not even bother to post much less keep playing through troubling updates. We would just quietly move on. Take complaints in a positive way.

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Old 06-07-2011, 01:30 PM   #54
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Originally Posted by bois View Post
Does merging Raven with Horus solve anything?

Ask yourself this. It does not benefit NGD. It does not fix the positive/ negative feedback issues that are the root problem of any low population server.

It simply drives the problems under the carpet to erupt later down the road. For NGD, Horus is the perfect opportunity to see the problems first hand and start to design policy to reduce these issues.
Up to this time NGD builds and has policy that is directed to RA. There is no problem with this but, RA populations mask obvious scaling and conceptual problems that are laid bare on servers like Nemon and Horus.

They can address the issues at the root here and it will serve them very well on any server , any population. Horus must be the acid test server, not RA.
If it is not working here , it is not a solid implementation.

Lastly, NGD needs to stop fire fighting and treating symptoms. Dig deep and produce changes that attack the disease. SO what if we complain. If we didn't care about the server and the company we would not even bother to post much less keep playing through troubling updates. We would just quietly move on. Take complaints in a positive way.


What problems? I have been playing this game and this server for quite a while the only major problem in this game (server) Is the low population ofcourse there are some bugs and some other minor problems, But do you really think this annoys old players so much people who grinded their chars to 50 and now maybe even 60? You really think those people quitted because of some stupid bugs? They didn't, they quitted this game because there isn't any action and thats what scares new players too Logging in and see no-one talking in the realm chat and not seeing anyone playing this game? Because of those things people quit not because of some stupid bugs and believe me if you have 30 people around you and you are attacking a fort with 30 defenders the chance of quitting because of bugs and minor gameplay problems is MUCH less then when you are running around in a empty server.

So if you ask me and probabbly 75% of the Horus community ; Merge first, bugs later.
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Old 06-07-2011, 01:47 PM   #55
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Ehm.. farily i can understand NGD's position. Ra have more population->more profitable. So imo the only NGD's fault was making other servers.
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Old 06-07-2011, 02:03 PM   #56
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Did the tyr/ Horus merge solve anything? You see we have been down this road before and the effect was temporary at best.
Why do events not work? Based on your assessment it should. A massive injection in populations should be self sustaining should it not?

Or is it that the players who came back simply left again because these "minor" bugs were never addressed. The same ones that caused them to leave in the first place.

The same problems remained and actually caused many to continue leaving despite increased activity.

I have been here a while. Long enough to notice trends and get feedback from my side at least. People left for all kinds of reasons and some left even when there was action.

Unlike you, I prefer to not take advice from such a small sample. I would not dare to speak for anyone other than myself.

Sure, weak population is an issue, but NGD decisions do not help it either. Why did the warmaster expansion did not give your desired effect? I saw a big surge in players in Ignis. A lot that I have not seen in ages came back to play. They did not stay. Why? Because they did not find anyone? There was no war? Illogical.

You do understand that merging is a complex thing that could result in NGD losing revenue and taking on a large share of risk and cost don't you?

These would result in NGD being unable to finance new projects because of the burden of the merge and that Horus + Raven does not mean the populations (revenue) combine . Actually in this case 1+1 might actually equal 1.2

Your idea may seem sound on the surface but there are many more variable at play than a glance may suggest.
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Old 06-07-2011, 02:12 PM   #57
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Originally Posted by NSer View Post
Ehm.. farily i can understand NGD's position. Ra have more population->more profitable. So imo the only NGD's fault was making other servers.
They had no choice. A server with a cap of 2500? could never be self sustaining and grow the game and profits. It would taper off and contract in time.
They needed to expand. Horus had to come into being. To raise revenue they had to make deals with big game publishers or else the game would die back.

NGD has a sympathetic core base of players but this is not self sustaining considering the pressure from new foreign titles with bigger budgets/ staff/marketing/ reach. For NGD to survive they HAVE to try and expand the base. If they do not ,it is curtains.
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Old 06-07-2011, 02:16 PM   #58
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Originally Posted by bois View Post
They had no choice. A server with a cap of 2500? could never be self sustaining and grow the game and profits. It would taper off and contract in time.
They needed to expand. Horus had to come into being. To raise revenue they had to make deals with big game publishers or else the game would die back.
Agree with this.
Anyway too many players on one server =lots of lag,freezes etc.
Others companys have tons of server with cap number of players up to 50 or 100.
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Old 06-07-2011, 02:36 PM   #59
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Originally Posted by bois View Post
Did the tyr/ Horus merge solve anything? You see we have been down this road before and the effect was temporary at best.
Why do events not work? Based on your assessment it should. A massive injection in populations should be self sustaining should it not?

Or is it that the players who came back simply left again because these "minor" bugs were never addressed. The same ones that caused them to leave in the first place.

The same problems remained and actually caused many to continue leaving despite increased activity.

I have been here a while. Long enough to notice trends and get feedback from my side at least. People left for all kinds of reasons and some left even when there was action.

Unlike you, I prefer to not take advice from such a small sample. I would not dare to speak for anyone other than myself.

Sure, weak population is an issue, but NGD decisions do not help it either. Why did the warmaster expansion did not give your desired effect? I saw a big surge in players in Ignis. A lot that I have not seen in ages came back to play. They did not stay. Why? Because they did not find anyone? There was no war? Illogical.

You do understand that merging is a complex thing that could result in NGD losing revenue and taking on a large share of risk and cost don't you?

These would result in NGD being unable to finance new projects because of the burden of the merge and that Horus + Raven does not mean the populations (revenue) combine . Actually in this case 1+1 might actually equal 1.2

Your idea may seem sound on the surface but there are many more variable at play than a glance may suggest.
Tyr cannot be compared with Raven Tyr was a server with 25 players or so also Tyr was being published by a very very very small company ; UnitedGames people playing on horus probabbly even didn't notice the new dutch players because back then Horus really wasn't in a bad state we ATM are in a much worse state.

We must accept that the players who left will not come back We MUST focus on getting new players too start playing this game without new Players Horus will never become a healthy server and in the current state it is now its impossible for Horus to get new players they simply aren't attracted to the game for several reasons; They think they are the only person playing the game since No-one is talking in realm chat and no-one around them is playing the game I mean imagine it we all know the first 30 lvls of the game are boring and confusing and then playing with the feeling you are the only person playing the game....For 95% of the new players this means Exit/Delete game.. if Horus merges with Raven it can and it WILL only have possitive effects
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Old 06-07-2011, 02:38 PM   #60
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Originally Posted by bois View Post
They had no choice. A server with a cap of 2500? could never be self sustaining and grow the game and profits. It would taper off and contract in time.
They needed to expand. Horus had to come into being. To raise revenue they had to make deals with big game publishers or else the game would die back.

NGD has a sympathetic core base of players but this is not self sustaining considering the pressure from new foreign titles with bigger budgets/ staff/marketing/ reach. For NGD to survive they HAVE to try and expand the base. If they do not ,it is curtains.
Yes but running Horus by themselves was a mistake, Most of the time developers of the game run 1 server ; The server of their own country NGD did this too.. When RA became too crowded they created an english server which was a mistake NGD is too small too run 2 servers they should have sold Horus publishing rights to a bigger company
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