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General discussion Topics related to various aspects of Champions of Regnum

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Old 01-05-2012, 06:54 PM   #21
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Kmdk, somehow I think you write you disagree but bring points that seem to agree with me.

Will you disagree that some requests and expectations are too high? Were these expectations misplaced considering the belief of some players that NGD had to ability to deliver? Did the platform not promise so much? Do this player base feel disappointed when such high expectations they had are not realised? What is the fallout from that and the constant hope?

This is the distance I speak of. You write of it too.

Some changes are at player request but many are NGD decisions too. Some changes that were made for players sometimes did not marry with popular opinions. That is the gap.
Old players don't mind changes. What their expectation is that the game retains the same level of 'fun' element that they experienced before. If their expectation of old way vs new way does not end in same or more 'fun' their hopes and expectations are not realised. Another gap.
Some changes are expected but most come as a surprise, both good and bad. Some come so late that it made the game popularity lose momentum and have to start building again.

As for the rest it is a perceptual thing and as such each player's opinion must be considered. There is no overrating or underrating as it simply is the player's opinion and it's important to them. If what a player feels is important and is somehow overlooked by NGD will a distance not appear between expectation and delivery?

What will be the fallout of all this if more and more expectations do not fall reasonably close to delivery? Less or more random logins and resulting population fluctuations not so ?

NGD cannot please everyone nor fulfil all desires. Somehow they must find the middle ground which is an extremely difficult task. In other words bring delivery as close to expectations as possible for their customers , partners and themselves. A task I don't envy. On this I wish them the very best.

@Torcida, I was under the impression that France was not doing too badly.

If NGD has to merge servers, they have to own and run the resulting server in order to maintain the revenue stream. If it is spun off, then they will enter a revenue sharing contract with the publisher which will shave off much of that revenue stream . In other words, the server would have to be full with a high proportion of those players being payers. Else NGD will not meet its revenue targets. I estimate that a spun off server will have to generate maybe 6-10 times as much revenue for NGD to get its royalty to equal the revenue gained by NGD running Horus. It's a numbers game.
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Old 01-05-2012, 07:01 PM   #22
Join Date: Aug 2011
Posts: 4,089
Frosk will become famous soon enough

This was only a "goodbye" thread.

There's no need to make such a huge discussion out of it.

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