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Old 01-10-2012, 01:42 PM   #21
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I have not heard any rumours but that is just as well. If it comes it comes but, it does open up a nice intellectual debate if they were to go that way.

The revenue model they have almost requires level cap increases from time to time. Otherwise, their revenue stream will fall off. It also requires diversification of sub classes to sell more speciality premium things. I am surprised something like that did not appear at say level 50.

A raised level cap sells boosters and lucky boxes. It might have sold a little too well last time causing the management to look at it again . They did introduce dual wielding/ shields with bonus, infinite arrows and bracelets. This will also extend the revenue stream by encouraging more lucky box sales. But not that long. A lowish population causes these kinds of updates to die quickly because the market gets glutted with excellent gear and sales decline because there is no way for these items to exit the system. So a level raise to 60 kills lucky box sales at 50 and below. Another raise to 65 will inevitably hurt sales premium box sales in the 50-58 levels too. Of course sales will taper off as less and less will be willing to level to new cap.

More subclasses will do the same. Now you have a whole new subclass to equip and level and branch. Cha-ching. If a level cap were to arise with say the new subclass branch happening at level 50 or to make it even more funny, level 60, consider the balancing act. The XP curve is already long to 60. You could choose to stay at your current sub class or go on past 60 and branch off to a elite class. In which case there is a locked branch meaning you got to level another level 60 of the same class just to get the other super class. That would be damn funny.
Funny because NGD would be laughing all the way to the bank. Level one 60, scroll the others, equip them, buy the 6 character slot and fill them with 3 classes. Sell another extension to 9 char slots and on and on.

The only thing is that the free player will most likely be only ever able to level 1 character and struggle to do so. Free players will have to depend on the benevolence of the GM and bonuses to get anywhere. Players with the dough will be able to have what would it be ? 12 elite classes ?

Something good could come of it though. Fix Warmaster Update as it should have been. Which is to isolate and insulate it from the conventional levelling system with its discipline and power points. Develop a new levelling system past 60 much like I suggested a while back and go from there. If they did that , then the game can be extended without actually needing to raise the cap any further. The benefit to them is that they will not have to balance a conventional tree system with too deep a pipeline/ shared spells.
In fact, make a levelling system that develops a player based on achievements at a new elite level. Do away with discipline points and power points altogether at a theoretical level 61-65.

A refresher of that now ancient idea. Instead of WM coins it could be tuned to marry with an enhanced achievement system.

Of course I had other ridiculous and crazy ideas like selling players like selling players a franchise for Ximerin example, like putting the horse for gold rental system in the hands of some players (franchise which they pay for and renew, they got to buy the horses to rent and actually have a use for a stable. ) and abolishing repair hammers and offering gear fixing franchise for some players (players rent a franchise from NGD and charge gold for repairs in the field etc. etc.) In other words a hidden subscription system within item mall system.
Now the system is 18yrs + (TOS) you can introduce a rudimentary gambling system to NPC for either gold or Xim. Develop new interest in the other gambles. Instead of gem box as is (which is a gamble anyway), you are presented with gems on a list which show no attribute and you pick the one. Same for equipment. They are listed and the attributes are hidden. You pick the one you like and the stats are revealed when you choose. Same format as lucky box but the player has a sense that they choose what they get and are not doled out something. A more interesting approach.
But yes, I am nuts. Running around in the Ignean desert for years with no shade sometimes does that to you. Igneo madness and Rabies does not help either.

NGD can keep the money flowing without necessarily needing to raise caps often, you just have to think outside the box.
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Old 01-10-2012, 01:44 PM   #22
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Originally Posted by _Enio_ View Post
I just remember 1 week before WM update NGD had a sticky which stated theres no lvl cap raise in the near future
If I remember correctly, they said they wouldn't be raising the level cap to 55 So they were technically telling the truth x)

I can't be bothered to grind to 60, let alone higher, give us more interesting ways to level than killing tens of thousands of near identical mobs for weeks on end... Then you might get some more interest.
Faith 50 Barb Faithless 50 Lock
Umaril 45 Conju Kailas 45 Marks Pel 45 Knight
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Old 01-10-2012, 01:54 PM   #23
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Originally Posted by bois View Post
NGD can keep the money flowing without necessarily needing to raise caps often, you just have to think outside the box.
I agree, be it alone the wellfare item section. They could add numerous of fun items you could wear or equip with no impact in stats (I'd buy a large trout ), but with value for the fun and socializing aspects.

Aswell they could add items with internal cooldown with some effect. I.E. Fireworks show. Personally i never bought any of those, however if they were reusable once evry few days id for sure get one.

However these dont allow a burst income as you get it when rendering all top gears obsolete. On the other hand, you can only push so much the milking cow before it runs off.
Fix the Marksman subclass: Suggestion
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Old 01-10-2012, 02:17 PM   #24
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Originally Posted by _Enio_ View Post
However these don't allow a burst income as you get it when rendering all top gears obsolete. On the other hand, you can only push so much the milking cow before it runs off.
Precisely, that is why any level cap raise has to have some sort of improvement effect for the entire game ,not just a quickie revenue booster which is the impression that the WM update gave.

Slapping on a level raise also doesn't solve the problems left behind for previous updates. So, I hope the rumours are not true at least for 1H 2012. We badly need some stabilization updates well before any level cap relaxation or even new subclasses. In any case they still have some room to add cosmetic premium items to prop sales before any drastic steps are taken.
Any level cap raise/ subclass should have input of some sort of representation from the community lest we have another WM update type event. It may not go over very well this time.

In any case, with this revenue model as with others, you have to try to grow your stable revenue base slowly and only effect a revenue booster patch to have your new stable revenue base settle on its slow growth path albeit a higher revenue level. It solves nothing if you boost revenue only to have it plummet back to stable pre update levels soon after. Or, in a worse case scenario, have it settle at an even lower level because of loss of goodwill by the customer base.
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Old 01-10-2012, 02:28 PM   #25
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Originally Posted by andres81 View Post
The AK-47 for marks is called Tenax amulet with epic arrows and bow
That's is called item who.... ^^
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Old 01-10-2012, 02:40 PM   #26
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Originally Posted by Umaril View Post
If I remember correctly, they said they wouldn't be raising the level cap to 55 So they were technically telling the truth x)
Nah, that thread from Zombrex was in December of last year, months before Warmasters update.

The other one (w/ opinions and panicing) seems to be deleted.
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Old 01-10-2012, 02:58 PM   #27
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I am a bit worried about these rumors.I mean someone would have launched them. For me,it seems like they are trying to make the game apparence like other MMOs,and I wouldn't like it.I mean RO is really the best RvR MMO.It doesn't need changes like those they want.All it needs ia some balance and bug fixes.
The best thing in this game is the RvR.And players need to reach the max. level that war can offer,and for that we must hit lvl 60 atm.
It's kinda strange if NGD is thinking for a raise for the max lvl cap while there are a lot of issues in the now version of the game.
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Old 01-10-2012, 03:04 PM   #28
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It's kinda strange the way that people actually believes "some rumour" from "some guy" without any official source at all.

Please don't believe anything that DOES NOT come from an official announcement by a member of NGD Studios (Surak, Ponter, Chilko, me, etc) to avoid a massive confusion in the whole community.

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