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View Poll Results: What EXP boost do you want on Haven?
24/7 100% EXP boost only. 23 29.11%
24/7 150% EXP boost only. 15 18.99%
Return to the EXP boost from ''Raven'' 6 7.59%
No EXP boost. 35 44.30%
Voters: 79. You may not vote on this poll

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Old 08-15-2012, 05:09 AM   #71
Valkasar's Avatar
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i think that boosters are good as they are now: enough to make a large profit with people buying scrolls for the boost but not way many to destroy war and make a bunch of high lvled noobs.
Poptart, caza 53. Omlette, conju 50. Strawberry, barbaro en ascenso, Haven, Alsius.
Van SacKK.
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Old 08-15-2012, 02:05 PM   #72
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I voted no. I currently have 5 characters that I grind from time to time.

I play 4 out of my 6 in war. I still enjoy the game even on my level 51 and 52 toons. Yes they get ganked, so what. Its just a game. You just have to play team to get the benefits. I am thankful when NGD gives a boost for I know its a gimmick and a favour, not an entitlement.

Besides, its not the grind that is the turn off but the lack of the quality of the grind or levelling process is the problem. it is monotonous, drops are generally garbage (no motivation) the quests give poor reward especially for armour and weapons and they dry up after level 42. Now we have random ones but they are no better for killing 500+ whatever is taxing. Kill 75-200 for equitable XP is better.

Improve the quality of the journey and the game will be better for it.

I am no mathematician but I am a business man. There is an equilibrium point for things such as this. you may sell more boosters but, due to the calculations and multiplications of XP, you end up potentially selling less boosters at 200% (even 100%) free boost level than you could have. Why? Because the multiplication factor ate into that potential revenue. If you sold 15 XP boosters without giving the bonus , you might only be able to sell 8 before the player got max level with bonus. You lose the potential revenue of 7 boosters.
If NGD sees this as a problem and decides to keep the free bonus , then something else has to give. They might decide to make the scroll be used up faster. As such, less mobs, more resists/evades etc.
In any case what NGD would be doing if they did that is a loss-leader system where they take early losses by trying to boost (potential) paying populations and then trying to recover profit from other products such as platinum boxes at the end game stage. It is always a high risk manoeuvre.

Potentially, it could work as players are not encouraged to buy platinum boxes at a lower level as it is a waste of money. Speeding the curve makes this even less desirable. In the end, does NGD make more money from boosters or other products ? That will determine the validity of this gimmick.

Also keep in this in mind. Raven was closed. Obviously there was a problem, maybe 2. We had a server trying to cannibalise another and possibly both suffering for profits. I am willing to bet that GS never made its profit targets on Raven . For all the evidence in game, there may have been a hidden sting in the tail, the bottom line of the books.
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Old 09-09-2012, 06:00 PM   #73
Casting_beast's Avatar
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I didnt read through all the posts, so might have been said before ˇˇ

Xp boosts can be nice from time to time to non-lvl60s, but its a pain for lvl60s who want a fort fight or any action....( dont count here ganking grinders, cuz i hate to do that).

I didnt vote for any of these options, cuz id like another one, namely xp boost from time to time ---> instead of the current 4hrs long-no-action-at all, id like to see 4x 1hr boosts. War will be killed the same way but at least not so long than they are now with this 4hrs boost .
Its damn boring for lvl60, i wont even log in while boost is on even though my lock isnt 60 yet, still, even if i wanted to grind with him during boosts, itd be impossible cuz of the lack of mobs and the constant hunting grps.
Please, stop giving 4hrs long boosts, theyre really fun killers .
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