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Old 09-12-2007, 08:42 PM   #31
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Originally Posted by Myxir
As usually i landed in tty1...
I did
lsmod |grep fglrx
and i had no output.
then i loaded the module with sudo modprobe fglrx
i had no output here too.
Finally i did lsmod |grep fglrx again...
no output too.
lol, doesn't that mean that fglrx is not installed?!
I'll reload the installer tomorrow... maybe there is an error or someting...

try more things :P

modprobe -l

this write the full list of modules (invoking | grep fglrx may help :P)

navigate to /usr/shar/ati/ and see if there is an error log in the file fglrx-install.log


u must be sure that u dont have the drm module loaded when install it (rmmod drm, u can reload it with modprobe drm)

i dont know now what more can u do
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Old 09-13-2007, 08:02 PM   #32
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Thanks for your help anyway.
The new driver seems not to work with my card.
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Old 09-14-2007, 07:04 AM   #33
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I wouldn't be in such a rush just yet to grab and ATI card, they just released 900+ pages of documentation, barely touching on the 3d stuff, now I've heard that in the comming weeks they'll see what of the 3d stuff they can release to the public s well, but don't count on much to come of it immediatly, it'll take a few weeks/months before the guys at x.org can really start hammering at it to get as much functionality out of the docmentation as they can for ATI cards with the standard x.org drivers.

The holy grail of linux graphics is if they can allow the x.org team to have full access to the 3d parts of the card, we don't really need the video acceleration for video codecs these days with current CPUs but the 3d stuff is impossible for the CPU to do on it's own at any lv that the GPU can.

But this is what I've been waiting for, so soon I can hope to be able to build an all AMD/ATI box just drop in all the parts and know that they will work without hassle.

Now maybe intel will be allowed to do as they used to do and make actual graphics cards. Intel graphics wern't always embeded POS chips, they used to make actual graphics cards that where competitive with other cards out at the time, but it might be interesting to get us out of the 2 horse race of consumer lv graphics cards since every other company has dropped out of it, tho some are still around doing workstation graphics, but those are unacceptable for gaming, too exspensive and often poor gaming support as they're not meant for it.

You aren't going to buy a $4500 Nvidia quadro FX5600 to play Regnum, it's a card meant for ppl that work at companies like Pixar or Dreamworks, and they put 2 of them in their comps lol.
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