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Old 12-31-2012, 06:56 PM   #21
kmdk's Avatar
Join Date: Jan 2009
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Originally Posted by Pakos View Post
Fresh debian, fresh ro script (dwonloaded yesterday) but im getting error:
pakos@dell:~/Regnum$ ./ROInstall_64 
error copying "/installkitvfs/lib/bin/xdg-desktop-icon" to "/tmp/ijtmp_95367F88-2AB4-E9C3-FC69-621401EB53B9/bin/xdg-desktop-icon": no space left on device
    while executing
"file copy -force $s [file join $dest [file tail $s]]"
    (procedure "::tcl::CopyDirectory" line 38)
    invoked from within
"::tcl::CopyDirectory copying /installkitvfs/lib/bin /tmp/ijtmp_95367F88-2AB4-E9C3-FC69-621401EB53B9/bin"
    invoked from within
"file copy -force $bin $tmpbin"
    (procedure "::InstallJammer::CommonPostInit" line 13)
    invoked from within
    (procedure "::InstallJammer::InitInstall" line 70)
    invoked from within
    (file "/installkitvfs/main.tcl" line 28673)
oh there's a 2xx gb free :P
I had the same issue today using a puppy LInux on 8 Gb usb flash drive.
Seems instaler need around 7,5 free disk space to install.

But you can redirect temp files to other drive.

if you type ./ROinstall_64 --help you will get print of commands avaible.
I used a SD card to redirect temp files that need it around 3 Gb space.

So using comand line installer with parameters :
 ./ROinstall_32 --temp /mnt/sdf1/Regnum/temp_files
After installer is done you can eject disck used for temp files and erased them

=And a OFFT but rellated to the same low space error=
This is the main issue that you will have using any Linux Live CD.
Live CD will write all your temps and even download of installer in RAM.Ofc if you have lots of RAM at least 12 Gb ,you can do it ,but you will lose any file downloaded at first reboot.

So if anyone wants to play with a live cd need a aditional USB/SD card where most write temporary files of installation ,installer and installed files,and even if you put option "download all resources at same time".

Procedure is sample:
1.)-Download installer (you can download it in RAM ,installer has around 1,2 GB ,so if you have 2gb or 3 of ram it's ok)
Don't reboot if you did the download in ram.

2.)-Insert a usb flash/sd card etc (be sure you have at least 8 Gb free space on him,installer will take this space ,because final instalation will take only 2,7 Gb and after if download resources around 3,5-4 Gb)
Also be sure that drive is mounted as read/write not read only.

3.) Assuming that flash drive is named "sdf1" (depends of distribution or number of drives etc) ,create a folder for temp files to not have a mess on your drive
mkdir  /mnt/sdf1/Regnum_temps
4.)Also create a installation folder
mkdir /mnt/sdf1/Regnum_Insatll
5.)Run installer from terminal with temps arguments to be wrote on usb flash drive and not on ram memory

./ROinstaller_32 --temps /mnt/sdf1/Regnum_temps
6.)Procede to installation and when ask you about folder ,change it to /mnt/sdf1/Regnum_installation

7.)At this step you have a installed RO on USB flash drive

Anyway to not very cool solution to run him from a live cd + usb flash drive ,you can create a live usb flash disk

The best solution(that i found) to run a fast and small linux that have suport for video cards is Puppy Linux .
This linux has around 165 mb ,but and had by far best video performances with ,and dose not waste lots of space on your usb drive.

You will need also at least a 8 gb usb drive ,and this not because of RO ,this because of RO installer,but 12 Gb fusb flash will be perfect.

Anyway to create a live usb it's easy ,you will need a puppy linux iso and a pc or mac,and UNetbootin Download

Run Unetbootin and create your live usb flash.
Run usb flash drive ,if yo had a 8 gb proceed with steps from above to avoid low space ,install the game ,install video drivers ,reboot and save on usb data of installed drivers etc (this will take 512 Mb or 1 Gb dependens how much you want to create.
Don't forget to redirect temps file from ram to usb drive with "./ROinstaller --temps /path to drive"

And done ... enjoy your "Live USB Regnum Game"
Blue Angel lvl 60 lock,Red Devil lvl 52 conjurer, The-End lvl 60 barb,The End lvl 60 marks ,Sir Doran- Knight

Last edited by kmdk; 01-01-2013 at 08:45 AM.
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Old 02-15-2013, 05:15 PM   #22
Kuaczozor's Avatar
Join Date: Feb 2013
Posts: 5
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./ROinstaller_32 --temp /mnt/sdf1/Regnum_temps
Is a really nice option, alright.

Only problem is, that whatever provided as command argument, installator still dump all his stuff into /tmp folder.
Cannot free more space on base filesystem ( " / " ), because it's keep as a low sized partition while having /home partition with lots of space. And that's where i wanted to install Regnum,but setup threw in my face:

Originally Posted by ROinstaller_32
A-a! I will prevent you from installing Regnum, by dumping files till your filesystem will cry for mercy!

Last edited by Kuaczozor; 02-15-2013 at 05:50 PM.
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