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Old 03-02-2013, 02:46 AM   #1
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Default Help Regnum and NGD!

Vet's post your reviews on steam. this game is awesome and we all know it is!!!! Help NGD

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Old 03-02-2013, 05:35 AM   #2
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Wyatt will become famous soon enoughWyatt will become famous soon enough

Thank you for the initiative! I've seen a couple of you over there giving great feedback about the game.

Keep it up.
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Old 03-02-2013, 07:12 AM   #3
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I've been watching the forums, and I've seen everyone posting there. A lot of them are complaining about stupid meaningless crap or trolling. That's why we need to be there so that people logging into Steam don't see only bad reviews and instantly decide not to try the game. The problem is that it's hard to convince them to stay past noob island once they see the bugs; and they get scared once they hear they need to grind until 50+ to be useful in war and rage quit. A lot of them aren't even giving the game a fair chance to even see it's RvR or PvP aspect. Of course, leveling to 50 isn't so bad if you have help and someone to grind with to pass the time, we grinded someone to 40 the other night on conj during the boost with a scroll. I'm sure some of them are going to stay, I knew the grind I was getting into when I started playing this game, and it was friends and the promise of the warzone that kept me going.
Now I understand why all the recent update have focused on improving the attraction of the game, but in my opinion, the Steam release was badly timed. I think it would have been better to wait until certain gameplay bugs and elements we're fixed and fully functioning. Either way, I love the attention Steam has brought to the game and I hope enough of them give the game a fair chance and decide to stay.
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Old 03-02-2013, 11:04 AM   #4
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Some of those who talk harsh about regnum are trolls for sure but not all. Most new players never made their way into warzone and experienced how the game is at high level, so I understand they say the game is crap - and it is true what comes to being low level in game they never tried before. So much advertised pvp and rvr really is not available for people under level 10, and even if it was, how enjoyable it would be with your very limited skills and hp/mana and when you possibly have no even subclass specialization yet?

Hell, I even see people judging game by saying this game has only 3 class available. Why it is not made clear from start what class you can become at lvl10?

I don't mean to bash the game, it is still my favorite game out of all I have tried. I am just criticizing the start, which is currently (we have thousand of new players trying the game) the most important part as every new player experience it and judge the whole game by it. Steam is known as gamer community so big part of new users have tried similar games that offer much better content at low level so no wonder so many complain.
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Old 03-02-2013, 12:48 PM   #5
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The few that do get into the war zone because they go early will either love it coz they are in the zerging group
or hate it because they are getting zerged

cant we play a bit socially during these early stages? :s

as for that steam forum.. its like they dont want to play regnum just complain and rage about it
Ive met a steamie who is serious about trying it out, getting to warzone lvl and THEN write a review
(and a very detailed one)

but I wonder if it will be in time :s
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Old 03-02-2013, 01:09 PM   #6
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Inb4 WoW kidiees. So many 13 yrs old kids that played only WoW on steam forums.
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