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Old 09-22-2013, 02:51 AM   #1
Join Date: Sep 2013
Location: Santiago, Chile
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TheInuyi is on a distinguished road
Default New to the Community and game!

Hello everyone, I just registered at the Community and I'm currently downloading the game. Right now my internet is being slow and working horribly but tomorrow or during monday it should be working just fine e_e.

Do you have any useful tip for a starter?

I'm reading some guides and the "About" section of the website.
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Old 09-22-2013, 09:58 AM   #2
Join Date: Aug 2007
Posts: 303
Cuchulainn is on a distinguished road

hey welcome!

you probably want to choose either Ra or Haven as server. Ra is more populated and its primary language is Spanish, Haven is the more international server with English as primary language. Ra is mostly a bit more intense with action, but the RvR on Haven is fun too.

In the game there are three classes (warrior, archer, mage) with each having 2 subclasses. You cannot change the subclass, so if your not sure if you picked the right class I can recommend that you start another one to see if you like it more. You can have up to 3 characters (or 6 if you pay some money).

The first thirty levels or so you can level up the most part via quest. Realm letter delivery quest at lvl 15+ give good experience. If you have a mount, you can level up fast with letter deliveries.

The RvR is much more fun than the PvE of the game, but for RvR you should first reach at least lvl 40 or so. Knights and conjus can be useful in RvR a bit earlier, but for all other classes you should be really lvl 40+.

Which server are you planning to join?
The world is a dangerous place to live; not because of the people who are evil, but because of the people who don't do anything about it. (Albert Einstein)
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Old 09-23-2013, 05:27 PM   #3
Zina Pallas
Join Date: Jan 2013
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Read this: http://regnum.wikia.com/wiki/Regnum_Online_Wiki

Much more informative than the "about" page of the official website.
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Old 09-23-2013, 10:19 PM   #4
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My advice for starters: while ingame, press 'm', then check all boxes at top of map; press 'o', then 'controls', UNcheck all boxes there; press 'h' & read; press 'esc', then 'keyboard', learn the various controls, remap them if u like; & yes, visit www.regnum.wikia.com, tho dated it's a veritable wellspring of useful info. Without u describing what exact things u seek for yourself in RvR play, it's impossible to recommend a specific subclass. Read the wiki's, consider your motivations & what really makes u tick, then pick your subclass accordingly. The game's entire point & most all the fun is the RvR at the very end, alas, so be patient & presevere. Enjoy your time in CoR....

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Old 09-30-2013, 02:29 PM   #5
Join Date: Mar 2013
Posts: 270
Krungle is on a distinguished road

Make a toon on Haven. Make one for the Blue team (Alsius) as I hear we are the friendliest (I play that realm so that helps with friendliest).

Archer class is divided into the Hunter and the Marksman.
Hunter gets to tame a pet although many high levels give up the pet training later on for more tricks; Hunters are very tricksy and get stealth for themselves and up to five or six others. They are not so good in dealing damage but very useful for being a nuisance to the enemy.
Marksman is ranged damage. They can fire on any other class at a range that they cannot be hit back at. In running battles they are great at stopping and slowing down fleeing enemies so the main group can catch up on them and kill them. In fort wars they often are the most active players as the sides will engage in (mostly futile) ranged battles while the rest wait until one side or the other to decide to charge.

Mages are divided into the Warlock and the Conjurer.
Although the Conjurer is the healer in this game they can spec to a Warju and are very deadly when they do. I recommend Warju to level up on. Some recommend the Supju to level up on and this one you will want to train buffs, weapon buffs, cat and bear and a few heals. I believe Warju is faster to level and can be done solo where as Supju you need a partner (Barbarians love Supjus). The final configuration is the Healju. Once you get to the endgame people will expect you to heal and Supjus typically do but they will leave a piont or two off of some heals of not train in them all in favor of buffs. The Healju is pure heals and Mana Transfers. A full Healju can change the tide of battle from half dead and out of mana to full health and mana in a minute or so. A good Healju tends to get first target and are often Crowd Controlled (dizzy, freeze, darkness) and really cannot operate as the solo healer for they die fast and need a second healer to heal them, dispel them and resurrect them at fort wars. A Healju cannot kill even grey mobs easily, but a Warju can kill yellow con mobs all day non-stop. A Supju allows most other classes to kill yellow mobs and even Leader Mobs non-stop.
The Warlock is the Wizard. They debuff, Crowd Control and do massive damage, both Area of Effect and single target. The tend to be squishier than the Warju but less squishy than the Healju. They are meaner than the Warju but are played quite differently and are harder to grind non-stop as their spells have a high mana cost. A Warju vs. Warlock battle is all skill wins, and timing. I saw a L45 Warlock take out a L60 Warmaster Barbarian with just one cast of his spell bar (4 or 5 spells I think). A Warlock takes talent to play well but when well played they are the most fearsome class in the game.

The Warrior class is divided between the Barbarian and the Knight.
The Barbarian is the killer, but they need to get close to an enemy to attack them. Barbs die a lot, especially when they rush outside of the short range of the healer (or the healer gets CC'd), but they can kill faster than any other class. If you played WoW then Barbs are like the Rogue without the tricks and the Hunter is the Rogue without the damage. Many people choose the Barb. It is more of a button masher class than a finesse one. (don't flame me for I am saying it in comparison to other classes and I play them all)
Knights can be a Supknight or a Knarb. You will either want a partner to level up with or skill to the Knarb. The Knarb is like a a heavily armored barb that trades off damage for better armor. Knights are the hardest to kill in the game, even forcing Barbs to pound for awhile before they die. The Supknight is support and with boss fights are the most likely to get loot. The Supknight castes Auras or area-effect buffs but do very little damage themselves. Many Knarbs will point up one or two Auras for Fort Wars when they get old enough to vampire off extra RPs (Realm Points/kill points).

The game allows you to retrain anytime you want at the trainer within your chosen subclass. This helps a ton and this is the only game I have made use of retraining on a regular basis for the skills are worth experimenting with.

Although this is the least Pay to Win game I have yet to play (and I have played many F2P games) an investment of a giant (50) shared stash (bank space), 30 individual stash, and a mount is more than helpful. Steam has a great beginner package for only ten bucks. If you use Steam they take Zeevex (which is everywhere) and you can purchase Steam Game Cards at several locations including Game Stop and Best Buy. Although there are people who Pay to Win, their investment is typically negated as those people tend to get mass targeted and are often the first to die, even if they kill quite a few before they do (Luke Skywalker, for instance) so pay to win becomes pay to get zerged daily.

This game is all about getting to the fort wars and then getting L60 and War Master. It tends to be grindy especially after L40 where the main quest lines peter out. But, the fort wars and Realm Vs. Realm at the endgame is the best in the industry.
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