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Old 12-22-2013, 01:10 AM   #21
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Originally Posted by GrimNightfall View Post
Bumping because I want to hear more about warlocks being underpowered and barbs being the godmode class
Not to repeat old stories countless time told. Just tell me how many times barbs output damage increased by lvl 60 cap, introducing legendary weapons, introducing new magna weapons, introducing dual wield... Now tell me the same thing for locks.

Edit: http://www.championsofregnum.com/for...ad.php?t=86725
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Last edited by Slartibartfast; 12-22-2013 at 01:25 AM.
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Old 12-22-2013, 02:23 AM   #22
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Well warriors needed some kind of boost, they had been screwed for years and NGD was no where near their target of 30% warriors in war.

NGD decided to more or less double their AS. They had already done this to archers, so I guess it made sense in some ways.
But I really only saw the old attack speed as an issue when it came down to control, there was really no need to also double warriors DPS.

With dual wield it just got even more out of hand, only measure they took to balance this was to move feint to knights only.
That's wonderful when barbs pretty much only need a single knock, if they got berserk and tfb buffed, guaranteed if any of them are combined with SC or fulminating.

As for mage nerfs... cast speed gear was nerfed, but that is in my opinion the best thing that ever happened to mages. We can pride ourselves of not being itemswhores.
How many archers and warriors actually compete with a somewhat same level of equipment? That's a whole issue in itself.

So with all this DPS increase form archers and mainly warriors to make matters worse for warlocks they made Soulkeeper into DoT, that makes no sense at all NGD.

Despite all this I kind of like the "new" balance, everyone is OP in different ways, some more than others of course. Archers likely need decent equipment to even start competing, but once they do they are likely the easiest classes in the game.

Also I can hardly remember when I last evaded a few normal hits. :/
Yet resist keep happening like all the time!
And what is the deal with all god damn critical hits NGD?

Last edited by pieceofmeat; 12-22-2013 at 02:59 AM.
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Old 12-22-2013, 02:35 AM   #23
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Originally Posted by Slartibartfast View Post
Not to repeat old stories countless time told. Just tell me how many times barbs output damage increased by lvl 60 cap, introducing legendary weapons, introducing new magna weapons, introducing dual wield... Now tell me the same thing for locks.

Edit: http://www.championsofregnum.com/for...ad.php?t=86725
Though semi unrelated, I want to start this reply by saying mag weps are useless for every class except maybe knarbs and marx.

I know I will get a lot of hate for saying this, but you should be grateful that you don't need the newest legendary gear after each update to be useful in war or even pvp. I do agree however, a lvl 37 mage shouldn't have the same spell damage as a lvl 60 with top of the line gear.

But then again warlock is the crowd control class... In my eyes they are there to give barbs and marx easy access to kills, while dealing some damage themselves.

This game is too easy
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Old 12-22-2013, 05:15 AM   #24
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Originally Posted by GrimNightfall View Post
But then again warlock is the crowd control class... In my eyes they are there to give barbs and marx easy access to kills, while dealing some damage themselves.


Offensive discipline. Grants the player the ability to cast devastating spells on the target.
Warlocks transform their mana in a wide variety of offensive and crowd control spells. Even if they have a vulnerable appearance, they can destroy their enemies by draining both their mana and their health, as well as crushing them with DoT (damage over time) abilities."

Your point of view is irrelevant in the lieu of game's description. And all those highlighted vocabulary does not match well with current warlock's spells. I don't see "Devastating Spells" anymore, you see, warlocks depend upon spells ONLY to create a difference and we saw spells getting only nerfed after armour updates. Major dmg DoTs still remain same as that of before lvl 50 cap, but warriors and archers got their weapons lifted to lvl 60.

And it's just not fair staves got nerfed to uselessness too. Most warriors just buff and normal hit while warlocks have to click various buttons to make even a noticeable change. I find playing warlock a lot stressful than playing barb for example, to successfully play warlock, I have 24 spells to click through all the time while playing barb, I just need 10-12. So that's half the clicking work but 50% more dmg done for barbs. While locks have to do 50% more clicking work and still deal shitty dmg.

I don't expect you to understand hopelessness of locks. You need to experience it by playing lock ONLY for a week. Barbs are helpless too in some situations. But lock helpless cases are far more than barb ones.
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Old 12-22-2013, 05:37 AM   #25
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Originally Posted by Cresto008 View Post


Offensive discipline. Grants the player the ability to cast devastating spells on the target.
Warlocks transform their mana in a wide variety of offensive and crowd control spells. Even if they have a vulnerable appearance, they can destroy their enemies by draining both their mana and their health, as well as crushing them with DoT (damage over time) abilities."

Your point of view is irrelevant in the lieu of game's description. And all those highlighted vocabulary does not match well with current warlock's spells. I don't see "Devastating Spells" anymore, you see, warlocks depend upon spells ONLY to create a difference and we saw spells getting only nerfed after armour updates. Major dmg DoTs still remain same as that of before lvl 50 cap, but warriors and archers got their weapons lifted to lvl 60.

And it's just not fair staves got nerfed to uselessness too. Most warriors just buff and normal hit while warlocks have to click various buttons to make even a noticeable change. I find playing warlock a lot stressful than playing barb for example, to successfully play warlock, I have 24 spells to click through all the time while playing barb, I just need 10-12. So that's half the clicking work but 50% more dmg done for barbs. While locks have to do 50% more clicking work and still deal shitty dmg.

I don't expect you to understand hopelessness of locks. You need to experience it by playing lock ONLY for a week. Barbs are helpless too in some situations. But lock helpless cases are far more than barb ones.
I have been playing for years now and I have actively played every class at one point or another, I don't find the warlock class stressful unless of course you have a bow 5 chain on you.
I wasn't talking about the given description of the class, everyone knows in a game like this there are 5-6 types of classes. These are the berserkers, tanks, healers, long range dps, crowd controllers and a pet/summon or stealth class. And in my opinion crowd control spells are in fact devastating.

This game is too easy
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Old 12-22-2013, 02:30 PM   #26
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This whole argument is largely lost & mostly moot in the ears of many of those who usually or exclusively play barb in the warzone. More often than not, being hardassed alpha-type personalities, they want it all & they want it all right now, each time, every time, ofc. They self-centeredly refuse to see any nuanced truths that relevantly apply. For instance, yes, a lone lock can routinely smoke your narcissistic-unranged-melee-butt (n.u.m.b.) in open-field solo-PvP, but in RvR however, the barbs alone are the superstars (along with op-geared marks having 2 boss-rings & an ammy ... but that's another story/issue).

Almost all of the end-results in CoR mass-combat entirely hinge upon how many barbs a side has, how well they play & how well they get supported from all their faithful 'sidekick-flunkies' (um, I mean all the other classes). Barbs are THE undisputed central-class both in war & in mega-boss groups, etc; all others are merely corollary add-ons, nothing more. Your d.p.s. is totally off-the-chain in comparison with all other classes. Yo! This IS a RvR game, so just don't run around lone-wolf when on barb. Simple, no? You're the most dangerous animal by far in the warzone ... as long as you run with the pack .... end-of-story.

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Old 12-22-2013, 08:18 PM   #27
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Let's see, if I delete the off-topic posts, it will look like censorship. If I ask you to go back in topic, it would be to force you to say thank you to us (of course I won't do that). If I move this to complaints it will not be the best choice. And if I cut the thread in two and create a new one with the first off-topic post, it would be confusing, so: I'll close it.

Please re-read the forum regulations and if you wish, create another thread to continue with what you were discussing.
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