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View Poll Results: What would you like to be done with the Relic Block system?
Keep it as it is, without any modifications. 5 6.33%
Remove relic block. 57 72.15%
Modify Relic Block's time frame. 17 21.52%
Voters: 79. You may not vote on this poll

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Old 04-14-2014, 05:58 PM   #11
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I voted for none of the options, because there are some other, better things to do I think.

  • Keep relic block on all servers BUT HAVEN;
  • Change relic block to invasion block (still enabling and encouraging fights while preventing invasions at night time)
  • Remove relic/invasion/whatever block on Haven (I cannot see another possibility working for this server)
  • Dragonic gem wish: Only once per week (preventing bad imbalance)



Apart from that, I'd like to suggest to make the invasion dragon fight for the defending realm instead and killable. Also, maybe the need to keep the gate captured for picking up the jewels should be reconsidered. Also, mounting with relics should be impossible imo. Also, pls pls reduce resist rates and maybe consider decreasing stun times, as well as decreasing discipline and power points. Also, pls reactivate battlezones
and deban my acc pls

Last edited by schachteana; 04-14-2014 at 07:20 PM.
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Old 04-14-2014, 06:30 PM   #12
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This thread was brought to my attention so I'll vote to remove it. In a server such as Haven, it would never work quite as intended. There will always be some time-zone ,some realm who will feel cheated in some way.

Instead of a relic lock, NGD could consider some sort of cooling off period after an invasion. In other words, a realm is invaded. At the conclusion, that realm (alone) then becomes immune from a back to back invasion for a time period after that (gate lock). How long the cool off period should be is debatable.

Relics remain in play. However, even if one team has all the relics of another realm, invasion mechanics don't activate till the immunity timer is off. This would then lead to possibilities of players warring to recover even 3 relics during the immunity period to stave off invasion mechanic from activating. It could be an interesting dynamic.

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Old 04-14-2014, 09:03 PM   #13
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Hi guys,

im happy to see you caring for the game and the wishes of players. But yet you only asked for the opinion of the spanish und english community.

Now there is a german server too and on vallah things are diffrent. The relic block is a blessing for the german server and should not be removed!

So plz dont do anything in a rush an ask the german players about their opinion first.

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Old 04-14-2014, 09:07 PM   #14
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Originally Posted by bois View Post
Instead of a relic lock, NGD could consider some sort of cooling off period after an invasion. In other words, a realm is invaded. At the conclusion, that realm (alone) then becomes immune from a back to back invasion for a time period after that (gate lock). How long the cool off period should be is debatable.


You did it with dragons, you can do it with invasions, NGD.
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Old 04-14-2014, 09:15 PM   #15
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i voted to remove.only because the option to modify the time was not to my liking.

i want to see relic blocks still in place provided they are going to protect a realm that cannot defend itself due to having nobody online.for this to happen i want to see the game lock all fort relics of a particular realm when thier online numbers drop below a certain percentage of the current online players in other realms.

i think that 25% is a fair number to work with.if syrtis have 5 online and alsius has 21 online then there is no possible way syrtis can defend thier gates or gems.the game would lock thier relics and invasions until they got more players online.

the online count for each realm could be easily obtained by looking for lvl 55+ players who have logged in and are playing.
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Old 04-15-2014, 03:35 AM   #16
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Originally Posted by Bois
Instead of a relic lock, NGD could consider some sort of cooling off period after an invasion. In other words, a realm is invaded. At the conclusion, that realm (alone) then becomes immune from a back to back invasion for a time period after that (gate lock). How long the cool off period should be is debatable.

Relics remain in play. However, even if one team has all the relics of another realm, invasion mechanics don't activate till the immunity timer is off. This would then lead to possibilities of players warring to recover even 3 relics during the immunity period to stave off invasion mechanic from activating. It could be an interesting dynamic.

This is interesting. Relic locking is unfair to players of a certain timezone, but continuous invasion rape isn't pleasant either. The above might solve both.

If the goal is to mitigate repeat gem portal openings, the immunity duration would have to be substantial (hours even). For example, after one dominating realm invades another, they'll then pursue the third and final one. The devasted realm's immunity time must be longer than the average time it takes to invade the third, or they'll be vulnerable to another invasion after the third realm is devasted.... allowing for a second invasion. Thus, devasted realms would need to be immune for at least 2-3 hours before becoming susceptible to gate bashing once more.

Hopefully the above makes sense.

Anyway, nice to see a direct, straightforward, and objective poll. Lets see if this continues.
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Last edited by Aarisewan; 04-15-2014 at 10:47 AM.
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Old 04-15-2014, 07:54 AM   #17
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Guys you really need to get all post from bois and/or make him talk for problems CoR have, deeply analyze received info and fix, fix, fix. Then talk him again, fix, fix, fix. Then again... After XX iterations we can have that UPDATE we all wait for.

Best will be to make a team of players who analyze and give such ideas and use them as a correction and test for everything you think to implement into game.
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Old 04-15-2014, 11:44 AM   #18
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I'm a bit skeptical about this even though I have been a strong supporter of removing the block. Having played on both the best and worst times of the server, I hate to admit it but the block has saved us a few outnumbered invasions in the dying moments of the lockdown. I'm sure other realms have also had the same experience.

Even though the norm being people unwilling to war with no objectives(relic caps, invasions etc), until a dynamic solution(Bios' examples) is reached against repeated invasions on a really lesser populated timeframe especially on Haven, I would propose the block stay but with a bit modified time like 4 hours earlier than the current block hours.

As much I like to sure beat down other realms when they are less populated than us, it's just not fair for any realm to be overrun simply because they don't have enough people online in any particular timezone. And then there are cases like realm X being able to cap relic simply because they have a hunter online to camo out the relic and realm Y can't prevent it due to them missing the said class at that moment while already being lesser populated in that timezone.

If relic block has to be completely removed, then such cases should be looked into and also things like mounting with relic and the relics requiring a minimum level to be picked up so not every lower level can pick it up just to mess with the mechanics.

In summary, I would go against the majority here even though I don't agree with myself on certain things, but looking at the bigger picture, I'm more concerned about the extreme down times of the server than the peaks. So yes, modify time to be 4 hours prior to the current block hours until a dynamic solution is reached.

PS: And oh, weekends are an exception, so having no blocks on those two days work fine.

Edit: Added attachment as example of one realm completely overwhelming another realm during block hours with no way to fight back.

Edit 2: Proposed time - 6:00 to 13:00 GMT
Attached Images
File Type: jpg screenshot 2014-04-15 19_58_03.jpg (44.7 KB, 29 views)

Last edited by Irsh; 04-15-2014 at 02:35 PM. Reason: Attachment
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Old 04-15-2014, 01:21 PM   #19
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What are the current block times?
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Old 04-15-2014, 01:26 PM   #20
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Originally Posted by pieceofmeat View Post
What are the current block times?
10:00 to 17:00 GMT.
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