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General discussion Topics related to various aspects of Champions of Regnum

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Old 11-12-2014, 01:16 AM   #21
Candyx's Avatar
Join Date: May 2013
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I'd be interested to see what percentage of income is from lvl and xp scrolls, I imagine it's below half. We know the grind is the problem, we also know that without it NGD will potentially become profitless. There *might* be a solution though!

All new players start with a level 50 of their choice (maybe throw in a special lucky box that's guaranteed ro give something useful (from a small list of items - not fantastic but targeted to the players sub class eg. Cs gloves for conj, attack speed legs for archer etc.)). Then if they want a second character they have to buy scrolls or boost to avoid the long grind. This would require NGD to ban more than 1 account per machine/IP etc, which would in turn ban multirealming, which is good in my eyes.

Lets be honest lvl 50 - 60 is what? 75% of the total xp? So chances are people will still buy xp scrolls for these levels anyway.

So NGD, new business model for you. Get many more people playing, have higher player retention, make marginally less money per player. Frosk|Adrian any chance you'll respond to this?
I don't need an introduction.
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Old 11-12-2014, 01:33 PM   #22
schachteana's Avatar
Join Date: Mar 2011
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Make it possible to level until 60 by warzone activity in the same time as you would need by killing mobs. (Currently, the latter is way faster)

I think there should be individual boosters: Battle boosters, which are activated when you hit an enemy or gain exp from them, but not if you're killing mobs; and the usual grind boosters, which though should not grant any exp bonus from enemies then.

I know NGD would like to implement small battle zones and islands for low-levlers. This might sound interesting, but on smaller servers it would not solve anything. To start with, there are just not enough newbies to fight.

it's sad that champions of regnum can't be released to steam a second time

Valhalla has been down for about 2 hours now

Last edited by schachteana; 11-12-2014 at 02:35 PM.
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