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Old 02-24-2015, 07:00 PM   #1
Join Date: May 2013
Posts: 62
Aely is on a distinguished road
Default Idea for the clans

Idea # 1

To support the clans who are until now not much and to boost a little the game, I was wondering if it would not be helpful to do something with and for clans.

it would work through a system of clans quests.

Lvl 60 who no longer have much to do could contribute for the benefit of all players in the clan. Each quest could bring the xp, the warmaster coins, gold, champions coins, XIMS, gifts (old gifts such as t-shirt of the anniversary, teleporters, original jewelry AND useful and why not 1 or 2 horses) to the clan. The chieftain the redistribution for "gifts" and that is gold, wm coins champions coins, XIMS, automatic equitable sharing. (Gain / number of players of the clan at time T) between all clan members , they participated or not quests.

There could be for example
* Shows: 700 points nephrit (nephrit 1% = 1 point, 2% = 2 points) would give a nephrit 7% to the clan, we could do with all the stones.
* Brings back 100,000 rp = Champions coins
* Kill 5000 ignis / syrtis / Alsius = X xp+ X WMC
* Kill 5000 mobs = X xp
* Shows 3 red dragon scales + green + blue = X xp+ ... + xim ...
* ...
There could be several quests clan together but do not take the place of the 5 authorized quests that are used for wm points.
All members could participate whatever their level and according to their means.
Each player could through unlimited Clan stock (based in altaruk / fisgael / Montsognir) donations to the clan, armor, weapons, mags, but also wm coins, gold, that could be redistributed to all and xp generated by lvl 60 when they kill mobs, enemies or bosses could be redistributed to lvl <60 through the intermediary donation xp clan (gauge that fills per player for the clan, and exists only in lvl 60). Each player could get his hand through a NPC. It would require a change to NPC than every two months, which would retain players for inactive accounts, their earnings would be distributed among all.
Players might classify them: the one who gave the most xp, the one who gave the most wm coins ..

Each quest finished could bring a number of points that would classify clans.

A web interface could be set up to monitor the progress of quests, prizes obtained, members of the clan, its classification, the "wealth" of the clan.

I have not made any posts to see if it had already been proposed but motivate clans is a task that I like.

Have your say.

Last edited by Aely; 02-25-2015 at 12:31 PM.
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