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Old 08-03-2016, 07:40 AM   #21
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Maybe another possible solution would be something like:

If the door is damaged logging off inside the fort or in the surroundings makes your char stay in game for some extra time.

Dying from fall damage at the fort will give the last person who hit you credit, no matter how long ago it was.

Also reduce the time of the login sanctuary at forts. This one gets abused a lot too.

But to actually encourage people to play the game properly for once...increase the rewards inside doorless forts. Maybe something like +20% xp, +20% wmc.

Honestly I couldn't care less if I get some silly rps or not. But it is really annoying for those who level with war or stlil need their wmc. If you get farmed for a long time and get all your rewards denied. Or if you don't actually want to run from a lost fort because you could still get a few kills, but all your allies ran away anyway.
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Old 08-03-2016, 01:07 PM   #22
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maybe within fort vicinity prevent logout in the same way you cant logout if you're getting hit... so even if you alt f4 your character remains stuck there until you die.

also if possible, give suicide jumps a death in terms of the person's k:d and kill credit to the last people that hit him.

also prevent camo/stalker inside forts. hunters have to play the same game as everyone else.
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Old 08-03-2016, 02:15 PM   #23
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Originally Posted by Telwe View Post
also prevent camo/stalker inside forts. hunters have to play the same game as everyone else.
Camo/stalker should be allowed. It's valid strategical move.
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Old 08-03-2016, 02:32 PM   #24
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Originally Posted by Telwe View Post
maybe within fort vicinity prevent logout in the same way you cant logout if you're getting hit... so even if you alt f4 your character remains stuck there until you die.
That won't change much, people will just leave the fight sooner.

Give 10% necro for a suicide at forts and delete alt+f4 and changing to window mode (alt+ENTER) in-game.
Players will think twice then. Or not, but that will be their fault . All or nothing, you need to make drastic changes if you want a solution!
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Old 08-05-2016, 04:19 AM   #25
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-disable jumping at/around forts (partly already implemented, relic carrier cannot jump)
-remove the in-game commands ALT+F4 and ALT+ENTER
-raise the disconnection time at/around forts to 90 or even 120 sec.

Getting away from getting killed will be almost impossible after this change for sure, unless someone decides to leave the fight 120 sec earlier. Oh, don't know if it's possible, but disabeling closing the game for those who play the game in window mode would also help a lot .
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Old 08-05-2016, 10:33 AM   #26
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Originally Posted by Kimahri_Ronso View Post
-remove the in-game commands ALT+F4 and ALT+ENTER
They won't remove ALT+F4 and ALT+ENTER... these commands are common in any game... if someone leaves game like this then his character should be stuck in-game world for the whole disconnection time.

- Modified: Falling damage in fortifications is deadly in every case when jumping outside them.
This bug happens in all Great Walls:

I've seen many people dying in the same way, since the last update... by walking upstairs or falling from just a few meters.
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Last edited by Sentan; 08-05-2016 at 11:02 AM.
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Old 08-05-2016, 04:27 PM   #27
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Originally Posted by Sentan View Post
They won't remove ALT+F4 and ALT+ENTER... these commands are common in any game... if someone leaves game like this then his character should be stuck in-game world for the whole disconnection time.
Again, if those commands provide a way for "escaping" from getting killed then they should be removed, don't you think? Common or not.

As I said, people will STILL be able to leave a fight and thus avoid of getting killed even if the disconnection time would be raised to "5 min", but imho they would do it less. They can't foresee the result that far, they can't see it when the enemy will be able to retake the fort, so 90/120 sec would be enough imo.

Also, since there are places where you can fall off of the wall, even unintentionally tho ( but more likely intentionally ), raising the necro from 5 to 10% would be needed too.


-disable jumping at/around forts,
-remove the in-game commands ALT+F4 and ALT+ENTER,
-raise the disconnection time at/around forts to 90 or even 120 sec
-and raise the necro at forts from 5% to 10%.

This would cover 99,9% of the issue of escaping from a fight at fort / getting killed at forts.

Another thing regarding the latest patch.

Originally Posted by Kimahri_Ronso View Post
What I don't like in the latest patch is that you can't use the trap door only to get in when the enemy broke the door but didn't take the fort. If you entering the fort from behind (trap door), you might not even be aware of the door already missing and have absolutely no idea how many enemies are already inside, so actually you getting in only to die.
How about displaying in the log after entering the game (like you do it with password, friends etc.) that which fort doors are missing (own forts only) and during playing displaying in the chat (realm/general) that which forts door got broken? If someone is / going AFK, then it would be a lot of help and would solve the "problem" I described above ^^
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Old 08-06-2016, 02:05 AM   #28
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Originally Posted by Lebeau View Post
...Also, & more importantly, with this specific change, the tactical use of trapdoors to flank those opponents hitting the main door is no longer an allowed option. Surely there's another & better way. Now, if 'trapdoor-denial-of-use' is the only option considered, then a situationally-superior mechanic would have been to make the trapdoor (at fortifications & gates) become unusable when the main door breaks, not at 1st damage. Yet, as I advised years ago in an old thread, & far better overall imho, would be to make the trapdoors usable by ALL players once the main doors have been broken (less linear, more dynamic). Opinions?

To me, as I had already said above, this is the far more important gameplay aspect of the changes this patch made, & making additional changes to address this problem is needful & necessary imho. I presented 2 options, & also clearly said which fix I'd prefer, but the community really needs to state it's own preference (do this, or do that, do Lebeau's idea, or leave it as is, etc) & then mostly get behind just one option (the best one I hope), so NGD will clearly know the community's choice in this matter.

Last edited by Lebeau; 08-06-2016 at 02:19 AM.
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