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Old 05-09-2008, 02:31 PM   #11
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I think it's quite right, except the nerd part (maybe Regnum nerd?).

It is true that Alsius is extremely clan centered. It's like la Orden Ignita all over for 95% clans out there, whereas in Ignis most clans are just a secondary chat channel.

This is both a good and a bad thing.. Good for war strategy (when Alsius was more active and wanted to take a fort, it was like 5-6 people from different clans, each calling their clan to war, and we had like 40 people coming -- because clan members are extremely valued). Bad thing because I feel clan members rather than the right player for the situation are privileged, but that's the same with a lot of clans in Ignis.

As for sense of humor I dunno if that's because I now understand spanish, but Alsius is the funniest for me. It's jokes all the times (fights between goats "mi cabra es la mejor", or jokes during a fight like when Valorius started to run the other day, we were all joking on her upcoming death while purchasing her ). There was an English speaking dwarf (I don't remember his name), low level Barb who used to play (unfortunately he stopped), he would comment with roleplay EVERY thing in the game with a tongue in the cheek. That guy was way too funny .

Also I feel that in Alsius English speakers are more respected than in Ignis or Syrtis, there is very few if any segregation (unless the English speakers do it themselves) like I witnessed in Ignis or Syrtis.

However there are bad aspects of Alsius like for any realm, you only have to choose which people to play with . Just like with Ignis.

Mhh and as for Syrtis, I tried to also (even for 2 hours) and I felt really bad quite fast, my blood started boiling and I just closed the client ... logged onto Alsius, and felt peace again .
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Old 05-09-2008, 02:52 PM   #12
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Yes, Alsius do rock. Because we don't have many people everyone knows each other. The clanmates call clanmates to war-thing happened last week and it resulted in a great war a Samal with great coordination.
Dky Sven, level 54 knight (Ra) Valhalla
Dky the Goat, level 35 conjurer(Ra)
Dky Sven, level 51 knight(Horus) Something
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Old 05-09-2008, 03:47 PM   #13
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Originally Posted by magnet
...yrtis, I tried to also (even for 2 hours) and I felt really bad quite fast, my blood started boiling and I just closed the client ... logged onto Alsius, and felt peace again .
I thought you were used to some heat. You'll get used to it after a while. :P
In Syrtis we use our clan channel as our main channel, because the general chat is too Spanish. Sometimes when you try to speak English, Spanish people get upset, but I've also experienced that mostly new players get angry at the Spanish. Although there is some cooperation between some clans(INQ and GG), everyone stays in the clan. You can find in Syrtis a lot of people training at the same place, but not training together. If you want to have a nice chat with people from outside your clan, you should go to central, which is almost the only place I know where (English speaking) Syrtis communicate with people from outside their clan, except for private chat.
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Old 05-09-2008, 04:10 PM   #14
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Originally Posted by Inkster
Hehehe i guess i come under the NERD (currently installing linux to my psp) category, but i think you could be wrong in thinking most of the Alsius players have no sense of humour
Im categorizing in view of my sence of humour, thats why i mentioned it not once. Yes maybe ppl inside of the "communities" are funny etc etc, but not in eyes. Simple as that, I say again, Im not judging.
The Melbourne Shuffler!
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Old 05-09-2008, 04:23 PM   #15
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When Boger said Alsuis has not humour, I think he means they act to serious. Just look at the Youtube videos, they say it all
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Old 05-09-2008, 05:08 PM   #16
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- Syrtis - most little kids, or crybabies that whine about most things all the time, or giving their 5 ccents in every topic (even if the dont have a bloody idea what its about)

- Ignis - the most ppl with ironic and sarcastic sence of humour that can be rude, but in their own specific way, and are most fun to chat, play with - they mostly treat this game just like it should be treated - LIKE A GAME.
I think I'm just like what's on bold above. :P
I don't have a solution, but I admire the problem.
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Old 05-09-2008, 05:26 PM   #17
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Originally Posted by asdfghs
Yes, Alsius do rock. Because we don't have many people everyone knows each other. The clanmates call clanmates to war-thing happened last week and it resulted in a great war a Samal with great coordination.
NOw you just feedbacked my view of little closed communities
Alsius is like a provintional village - full of hillbillies, every1 has some hack on every1, all know who fucks who, all know what are the rest talking about. Not letting outsiders into their own world, enjoy watching NASCAR (synonim of beaing boring most of their lives :P)
The Melbourne Shuffler!
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Old 05-11-2008, 11:03 AM   #18
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Theres a lot of truth in your observations

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