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Old 05-16-2008, 11:32 AM   #1
Join Date: May 2008
Posts: 2
ac_dispatcher is on a distinguished road
Default Differences in "Common" or "Enchanced"

Can anyone guide me to some info on what the real differences are in gear "quality".

Example: My archer can buy 2 different types or arrows:

Both have the same damage listed
Same weight (I think)
except one says "Common" and the other "Enhanced"

This also applies to gear - what makes it different?

Another noob question:
I became a hunter at lvl 11 (now 16). When I click on a mob my pet goes after him - great. How do I call my pet off the mob. Example - runnin around I mistakenly click a "hard" or "impossible" mob. I run away but my pet dies trying to kill the mob.

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Old 05-16-2008, 11:57 AM   #2
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Usually if an item is identical, it has other differences besides attack power. For instance,

-One item might have a higher durability (Durability is the rate of how long an item can last without being broken)

-While another item might have more Armour Points (Armour points affect how much protection your character has, and how much damage he will take, this changes frequently, but in very small steps as you level)

-Range, for archers, mages, and warriors that are users of spears, affects how far away you can hit your target. With a higher range you will have more room between yourself and the target. (Note for Spears all have a 2.4 range)

-Effectiveness, one item might be more defective or effective depending on your opponent. They range from "Very Good, Good, Normal, Bad, and Very Bad." For instance if you have pauldrons that are "Very Bad on lightning damage, you will take more damage against foes that use lighting damage. This goes the other way around too.

-If an item has an enhancement, (Defective, Common, Enchanced, Superior, and Master) it just means there is usually a bonus added to the weapons damage and hit chance. So a defective Bow might have damage like this: 13-20 (-4) The -4 damage would be the effect of defectiveness. If that same bow was master its damamge could be something like this: 13-20 (+8) The +8 attack bonus would be the master enchancment,

Hope you get it,
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Old 05-16-2008, 01:08 PM   #3
Join Date: Aug 2007
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padreigh is on a distinguished road

You could just doubleclick your pet to get it back from the target. That was before the changes now pets bugged, it goes after first mob you click in attackmode (happend to me some times) and wont back up until that is killed. It easier when you got revive wich is - STILL !!!! - on 15(?) or of pets so you dont get it until you have lvl 29 at least. Only thing to do is kill hard mob or tame new one.
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Old 05-16-2008, 01:59 PM   #4
Join Date: May 2008
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ac_dispatcher is on a distinguished road

Thank you very much for the quick responses.
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