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Old 06-06-2009, 07:15 PM   #1
Join Date: Jun 2009
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abcdefghhh is on a distinguished road
Default PvP class

1) I'd like to know which class is the best in PvP. I heard that HUNTER should be the choice, especially in 1v1 or afew v afew combat. But there were some problems with pets as I did read in the forums.

2) What abilities/spells/stats etc should I focus on when building my character for PvP?

3) At what level does it make sense to go to war zone?

(im asking cause i just made an account and i don't want to make simple mistake in the begining when making my character).

Thank you very much for your answers in advance...

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Old 06-06-2009, 07:18 PM   #2
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No class is realy massivly better than another one on one, I prefer warriors, My knight can tank like anything and my Barb can lay down lot of damage fast, but both sometimes have problems getting close enough to the ranged class's to do damage, Hunters are the best class to play solo in general as they can look after themselfs best in Wz (Track, speed, Camo etc)

Kinda depends on your class :P

Partly depends on class but I suggest high 30's in general, but you are still a pretty easy target untill the mid 40's
Faith 50 Barb Faithless 50 Lock
Umaril 45 Conju Kailas 45 Marks Pel 45 Knight
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Old 06-07-2009, 07:23 AM   #3
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For 1v1 I would indeed go for the hunter, the troubles with pets are mostly solved now.
Dky Sven, level 54 knight (Ra) Valhalla
Dky the Goat, level 35 conjurer(Ra)
Dky Sven, level 51 knight(Horus) Something
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Old 06-07-2009, 11:56 AM   #4
Join Date: Dec 2007
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Ulmanyar is on a distinguished road

For the time being, a good warlock is really powerful in 1vs1.. but as soon as it becomes 1vs2 the warlock is usually toast, since a lot of the warlocks strength lies in individual CC-spells. Also, the warlock is a tricky class to play and master, with a lot of spells to keep track of.

But if you really want to go for 1vs1 fights, the hunter is your choice. That is because hunters can pick their fights by using camouflage and speed. In groups hunters main usage is to track enemies and chase them down (again: speed).

If you specify what kind of playing style you prefer, we might be able to help you even more.

There is a command you can type in (any) chat: /reset_powers

That makes all your chosen points reset to zero, and you can go to a trainer and re-pick which spells/skills to put points in. That way you can test different spells, see if they fits your playing style and if you like them. There has been a discussion about the removal of this command, but I doubt that will happen (perhaps they'll make some restrictions, some day, but not now - and if they do I bet the community will go berserk in the forums, so I'd say: no worries).

Also, try to find the thread about your class in the forums. It should be called something like "Playing and abilities: <your-class>".

When to go to warzone has really been a discussion over the years. It's different for different servers, players, classes etc. but basically: on Horus you can go at lvl 30, and perhaps a little later on Ra.

Experienced players that are determined to reach lvl 50 fast might go to warzone much later, or much earlier, depending on server, realm and mob-population. But for new players there is a point to go to the warzone early: to watch and learn. You'll die, a lot. But you will also see what spells people are using, what strategies different classes use etc.

Just don't get too caught up in the fight - I've seen too many players (myself included) that gets stuck at a low level for too long and only go to war and never go to level. That is a bad idea. So, go to the warzone, take your time, do some fighting, but always remember to grind!

Good luck!
Flame of Valhalla
Alsius - a few, but we got goats! BAAAAH!
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