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Old 08-16-2009, 04:25 AM   #21
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Default Well...

Best way to teach someone something is by showing how it works. You may have been there that friday when we managed to take one gem from syrtis. It was planned for about a week, with almost every detail covered (some things failed, that's for sure, be it the late capture of algaros, the faliure to mantain eferias on the first run or loosing the other two gems near the end). You could see tightly packed groups of about 50+ people running, stopping at designed meeting points, waiting, sticking together, moving at command, coordinated, knowing what to do, listening, supporting...

The level of organization was the real victory that day. It sure showed a few people how things get done effectively, and they won't forget the lesson cause it was taught with most impact.

Now I'll digg a little deeper, I like discussing details. What would be the ideal attack now? a bunch of hunters in camo can rep shot everyone near the gem too, they'd just have to watch out for mod, unlike the hipothetical mirror defending group of camo/rep shot hunters wich would most definitely be stopped by mod. Probably the best thing to do would be to organize an army into packs of x amount of locks/conjus/barbs/etc (they would be big groups but when thinking of invasions you are talking hundreds of players so you could make a few groups of these nature) so that thay can have as much mod/onslaught/philon/greater heal/deflective barrier as necesary, or even constant (I'm scared of what may result from that O.o). Such group should be as mobile as possible and capable of dealing with any threat, provided it doesen't get overwhelmed. More than one of these groups or all the existing could move towards an objective, be it a relam gate, a gem, an enemy save, a meeting point, etc and should be able run in and out, defend a spot or crush a defence. It'd be nice to think how such a thing could start becomming plausible.

Allow me to start with an example:

Group alpha, consistent of 6 groups, one for each class.
(need to know the real duration/cooldown of mod, I think it's 60/180 sec but I need to be sure)

Number 1 group, will then consist of 3 warlocks, wich will be given a number. Number 1 will be first to cast mod, number 2 will wait for it to be over to cast it. Number 3 will not cast it until #1 or #2 dies, in wich case he'll take #1 or #2's place. Same thing will be for terror, same order.

Groups number 2, 3 and 4, consisting of barbs, knights and hunters will be organized in a similar way. Hunters will need to use mumble/teamspeak and organize every attack much like the following group will.

Group 5, consisting of 4 marks (enough to deal an average of 4k when piggybacking a shot aganist the same target, 2400 ethereal damage and ideally 4 busrts of wind lvl 3-5 to kill conjurers). Setups may vary but the main concept will remain the same: use mumble/teamspeak, give numbers to each marks, have a leader call out targets for burst of wind and kill them one by one, starting by conjurers (burst of wind --> damage all at once, you are done. Cannot be prevented unless way out of range).

And the most complicated group by far, #6, consisting of conjurers. Setups vary too much to be under control but Di has to be a given. Not all will have philon/greater heal/mana cominion/mass dispell/buffs since there's obviously not enough points for everything nor it's easy to try and control every variable, but there should be enough philons and enough greater helas to be casted continously, same concept as before. Importance of each and every conjurer spell, quantity and timing are things that I'll leave open for everyone to discus (if you fell like, of course), since I got all tired from writing all this stuff and my head just won't respond any more.

PHEW really need to think this through. It's basically about giving averyone a very defined role in a big war machine without making some kind of "duty" out of it. It's about planning, as I said, about thinking what will each of the 150 or so people you could gather for an invasion would do without the need of leaders yelling orders (the marks group is an exception, since they must all attack the same targets somehow).

Just brainstorming.
Naso · Tirador / Tremendo Naso · Cazador / N a s o · Conju
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Old 08-16-2009, 08:25 AM   #22
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So far the ant hill at Ra. Nice plans, Naso.
Dky Sven, level 54 knight (Ra) Valhalla
Dky the Goat, level 35 conjurer(Ra)
Dky Sven, level 51 knight(Horus) Something
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Old 08-17-2009, 04:56 PM   #23
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Originally Posted by frania View Post
I want to ask You for stop being Captain Obvious. It is annoying like hell.
Nooo Captain Obvious Strikes again!!!
Saint Saryad
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Old 08-17-2009, 08:29 PM   #24
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Good thread DM. Not obvious.

Of course only a few of the people who need to read this will.
Ulixes Wolfhair
Hunter of Syrtis...Horus and Ra- The White Company
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