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Old 09-25-2009, 06:04 PM   #11
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Originally Posted by Brother-brian View Post
I am frustrated by being a warrior who hits for less dmg than archers. I understand Barbs, who hit harder, but suffer in hps. But, where barbs can hit for 1500+ buffed, I am only hitting between 3-400, 500 crit. When I go into battle, even with ao1, i get ignored until enough allys are dead that ALL the enemy can concentrate on me, meanwhile I am struggling to get in a single hit, and when I do, its for 346 or 371, someting pretty useless like that. IMHO, knights should be able to deal more damage. Not as much as a barb, but more than we do right now.

And now we are forced into a 30sec interval where we cant cast trollskin?
I have not seen a hit of 1500+ from a barb since the update. Closest I have seen to that was a level 5 south cross that did around 1,400. I have no problem with barb damage, it should not be lowered any more then it has been or it will make barbs: knights with no armor and 150-200 more damage. The problem is that the fluid motion is gone from warriors, especially barbs. Also, given their normal hits do higher damage, having a "false swing" with a very slow weapon is incredibly annoying for barbs because they dont see a hit/evade/block/ or resist in the logs.
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Old 09-25-2009, 06:26 PM   #12
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I have seen a lot nerfs on knights, tbh i havent seen any advantage on knights yet. This update isnt exception :/ As chilko said here http://www.regnumonline.com.ar/forum...85&postcount=1
"One clarification: warriors will throw an attack animation even if they are not really in range in some cases (its like a failed try...) this is intended."

So i'm asking why this patch got real ? This is one of most annoying thing in this update. Players in posts above said already about the problems with spells. So i wonder how didnt you see that on amun and fix it in time, before the patch get applied. You shouldnt patch broken patches!
Well i'm still playing my sucky knight tried many setups but i still cant find any protection in skill trees :/ Isnt knight supposed to be the class with best protection? Nah seems not.
I'm trying to grind barb. When i heard that berserk will lose armor penalty, i thought - great i could grind faster solo. Now - "wtf im weaker than before even with berserk :/

I just want to say that to make this game proper, you have to listen real players, who are playing this shitty game everyday. Not you who never played it! Oh sorry but i'm pissing off
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Old 09-25-2009, 06:54 PM   #13
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You nerfed most defence spells and auras so that war would be faster and more dynamic, now you nerf all attack so that its slower, why? why not make defence better again? Oh ofc all balance must be negative, you cant simply decide the defence nerf was a bad idea and change it back, or increase armour?

No, you go for the one option that not only makes the game slower, but makes the grind even f***ing harder than it already is, its amazing anyone gets a char to 50...
Faith 50 Barb Faithless 50 Lock
Umaril 45 Conju Kailas 45 Marks Pel 45 Knight
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Old 09-25-2009, 07:29 PM   #14
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Originally Posted by Brother-brian View Post
I am frustrated by being a warrior who hits for less dmg than archers. I understand Barbs, who hit harder, but suffer in hps. But, where barbs can hit for 1500+ buffed, I am only hitting between 3-400, 500 crit. When I go into battle, even with ao1, i get ignored until enough allys are dead that ALL the enemy can concentrate on me, meanwhile I am struggling to get in a single hit, and when I do, its for 346 or 371, someting pretty useless like that. IMHO, knights should be able to deal more damage. Not as much as a barb, but more than we do right now.

And now we are forced into a 30sec interval where we cant cast trollskin?
I feel your frustration Brother-brian ,but for me if I had a toss up of more damage over more effective blocking , I would take the blocks.
In my adventures as Knight in the war zone, I always felt that it was my duty to protect the mages, offer attack in a support role, trick players into wasting long CD spells on me, soak up damage and tank guards.

We can do this with defence and as such, I feel defences should be the focus of discussions regarding knights.

Yes our damage is low but, with a few set-up tweaks here and there plus the right armour/weapon you can improve your damage. Going with a slightly knarbish setup (example slash : charge (3), Acc swing (4), SC (3) ) I am able to deliver ~690 on a SC. Also 360-460 normals .This is so because I also have several + strength weapons and armour in my inventory. So it is possible to raise attack without sacrificing too much defence points.

In a RvR sense , if you can get either a bless weapon/ bear strength/ barb OWTH you can do some more damage. If I am so blessed and buff myself ,doing 490+ normal damage is not difficult . Problem is that support conjus configured that way are becoming an endangered species and the ones that have it would rather buff the barb than "wasting" it on the knight which probably makes sense. Plus with healing becoming so tricky who knows what configs conjus may have to come up with to be effective.

In summary, if we can block and resist better then the low hits will not matter as much. My fear is that if our damage increases NGD may see it fit to reduce our defences further. Just my feeling on the matter.

Please keep in mind this is in a PvP or RvR sense. The low damage is still a big problem for grinding and the knight may after all still be the slowest and most tedious to level .

Last edited by bois; 09-25-2009 at 07:45 PM.
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Old 09-25-2009, 08:31 PM   #15
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Blocks seem better in fights vs knights Ive had so far they have all blocked at least a few hits, before they would often block nothing.
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Old 09-25-2009, 09:01 PM   #16
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1.0.7: Positioning annoyances and having a hard-time catching archers aside, warrior combat was rapid, exciting, fluid and very fast-paced.

1.0.8: Positioning annoyances are still there. Catching archers isn't so hard if they try to stand and fight. Warrior combat is slow, sloppy, cumbersome, frustrating, and arrhythmic.

That's my assessment with warriors playability between the previous and current versions (and I should have just posted this in the first post but I had a lot to cover and felt it pertinent at the time).
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Old 09-25-2009, 09:02 PM   #17
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Originally Posted by Umaril View Post
Blocks seem better in fights vs knights Ive had so far they have all blocked at least a few hits, before they would often block nothing.
I've tested it more than once, both on amun and after 1.08. With maxed out block chance, it's still the same crap as far as I've noticed.
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Old 09-25-2009, 09:31 PM   #18
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Originally Posted by Kyrottimus View Post
1.0.8: Positioning annoyances are still there. Catching archers isn't so hard if they try to stand and fight. Warrior combat is slow, sloppy, cumbersome, frustrating, and arrhythmic
I agree with this. I am mainclass barb and 1.0.8 make me feel like SHIT. Even if (some) hunters and (some) sm mages used to (sometimes) have an upper hand on me in 1.0.7, I didnt feel like this. Now it is just crap.

NGD you better make warriors as they were. Animations, damage, cooldowns. We dont like this. (apart from some knarbs who werent using berserk and were doing 300 normals, anyway).

Also, barrier + pylon with lowered dmg.... bah. You either have no idea about what you are doing, or .... no comments.
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Old 09-25-2009, 11:17 PM   #19
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Originally Posted by Kyrottimus View Post
I'll simplify my original post:

The movement of your char, pretty much canceling everything, destroys the flow of combat with all classes.
I have to agree with this. Warriors are really slow in combat.

NGD said that with the damage reduction attack speed would be increased, but so far I didn't noted (at least not in my barb).

And for the record, I have a hunter and a lock too, and the global cooldown of the barb is the slowest, making this class a real slug (not to mention that faster weapons really suffer the damage reduction).

I also noted that the attack animations are out of synchrony with the "impact" animation, which makes harder to tell when you actually hit your opponent.
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Old 09-26-2009, 02:28 AM   #20
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hello guys,

Some of the first posts of this thread where very interesting as they where a profound analysis on how you feel about the system and what you think are the reasons behind that.

As we said, new problems may arise with this new system and we would only find out about that playing in real conditions.

Overall, after playing for two days and witnessing a lot of encounters in game we feel that we are on the right track but still need to make adjustments and maybe revise some things with the warriors.

if there was something fun about playing a warrior before (as you say) is not something that want/ed to take away

lets try to keep this thread to the level of the first few posts and not make it a +1 i hate the update too thread so we can use this to help us find those things that may improve the game.
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